Up and running.
Posted 06/21/2010 at 02:01 PM by sacremon
I put about a liter of a zeolite in the sump to soak up the nitrite and nitrate, and within six days nitrite was gone and nitrate was down to about 12 ppm. Good enough to add the lionfish back in. He pretty much lapped the tank for a couple days before calming down. He hadn't eaten for roughly three weeks - he wouldn't even snap at offered food. After a couple days of acclimation, he starting eating normally.
A batch of the old rock which I had air dried/bleached then recured was ready to go into the tank last Thursday, and I had been holding off adding the rabbitfish and tang until I had enough rock to provide them some hiding places. I got the rock situated into a couple caves, then got the two fish into the tank. They acclimated very quickly, showing full colors and essentially no stress within a day.
I have a second batch of rock curing that will provide much of the rockwork for the zebra moray I have in QT at the LFS. I've got eggcrate covering the tank and have weights on it already to make sure that the eel stays in the tank once it arrives.
A batch of the old rock which I had air dried/bleached then recured was ready to go into the tank last Thursday, and I had been holding off adding the rabbitfish and tang until I had enough rock to provide them some hiding places. I got the rock situated into a couple caves, then got the two fish into the tank. They acclimated very quickly, showing full colors and essentially no stress within a day.
I have a second batch of rock curing that will provide much of the rockwork for the zebra moray I have in QT at the LFS. I've got eggcrate covering the tank and have weights on it already to make sure that the eel stays in the tank once it arrives.
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