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Automatic Water Changer: Part 6

Posted 01/01/2012 at 11:18 PM by Aaarrrggg

Finally there's the Water eXchange Module (Pump C.) Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of this one before I installed it, but it looks exactly like the previous pump, but with a water lvl sensor (like the top-off control module had.)

This pump sends water from the RO storage tank to the sump. The water lvl sensor tube is in the variable lvl of the sump so when the water reaches the max lvl, the pump shuts down and cannot deliver any more RO until more evaporation occurs.


Here's how it looks altogether!


(I have the Top-Off Control Module stuck to the back of the stand so it's well away from any splashing.)

[I]Side Note: I discovered these things are awesome for sticking components onto the inside of the stand! MUCH stronger than velcro! Highly recommended![/I]

The next step was calibrating the 3 pumps. This involves putting the LiterMeter into calibration mode for each pump and letting it time how long it takes to move 500ml. Button wise it's very easy; push button to start... wait for 500ml to pour into measuring jug, push button to stop... easy!


...but it gets a little bit more complicated when one of the lines goes outside! I ended up going outside with the measuring jug and phoning my husband to tell him when to push the buttons!


Once all the calibration is done, all that's left is to tell the LiterMeter how much water you want it to move. My nitrates are still pretty high, so I decided a 20% weekly WC would be prudent for the time being (eventually I'd like to get it down to 10%.) I set up pump A and B to move the same amount of water per day; 5g (18.9 liters) and pump C to deliver around 4g (15 liters) per day (a little more than I've been manually topping up, but the water lvl sensor tube will prevent it from adding more than is actually needed.)

So that's that! I'm going to be monitoring the SG, water lvl, nitrates and general CUC "aliveness" very carefully over the next few days/weeks to make sure everything is working correctly. It is rather nerve-wracking having something drawing water automatically to and from my tank, but luckily there is some wiggle room with such a large tank. Even if it messes up it can't do THAT much damage... and I still only have CUC in there so nothing too serious can happen (sorry CUC!)
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  1. New Comment
    Looks great! A wonderful write-up and very helpful photos.

    If I might make one suggestion, you may want to consider extending your waste water tube a little further away from the house.

    Dumping five gallons a day of saltwater right up against your foundation may lead to leaks/concrete damage if you don't have excellent drainage there.
    Posted 01/03/2012 at 01:45 PM by AquaticFins AquaticFins is offline
  2. New Comment
    Great job. I am using this for my blue print.
    Posted 01/04/2012 at 03:43 PM by LJG LJG is offline
  3. New Comment
    Aaarrrggg's Avatar
    Thanks guys!

    I fixed the wet foundation problem! Here's Bandit inspecting my work...

    I'll move the tube about every time I go out there to collect the dogs toys, -Krypto (the Boston Terrier) has a habit of taking all the toys outside and leaving them there to get rained on...
    Posted 01/05/2012 at 05:26 PM by Aaarrrggg Aaarrrggg is offline

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