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Lively Rocks and Cardi Check-in

Posted 01/23/2012 at 09:03 PM by Aaarrrggg

There's not a huge amount to report with the actual tank.


One great thing about Radion lights, which I haven't seen anyone else mention, is the different light colors highlight different things on the rocks (CSI style!) There's a point in my lighting schedule where the blues come down and white & red ramps up to mimic the sunrise/sunset. Although it doesn't look as pretty as the usual blue/white LEDs, it's one of my favorite times of day to take a closer look at the tank because its much easier to differentiate between the colors on the rock. At the moment they're mainly green, but there's definitely some spots of purple coralline coming in:


Incidentally all those white sponge tubes I had growing in the shadows have all vanished. Pity, I liked them once I knew they weren't hydroids!

The sand in the middle towards the back (lowest flow) is getting a light fuzz of cyano, but it's barely noticeable. Here's hoping it's just a phase and not an omen of things to come.

The bangaii cardinals are on week 3 of QT and I'm totally smitten with them. I had no idea cardinals could have so much character! Even when I'm too far away to tell the difference between them physically, I know which is which just by the way they act. The female is really pushy, either leading the way or shadow-boxing the glass... whereas the male is much more chilled out.

(Male left, Female right)

Both of their posterior dorsal fins has been growing longer. I'm not sure how they got them chopped off in the first place (the move? Vortech?) but they seem to be looking better everyday.

Male (with easily identifiable flap on his front dorsal fin)

Female (pinker and usually in front when they swim together)

Still no eggs, but the female has continued to do her little dance in front of the male. It's usually just before feeding time though, and right up against the glass where I sit in the lounge; so I'm beginning to wonder if it's for my benefit.

I'm a little worried by the weird white bump on the female's lower lip. If I didn't know better I'd say she's got some mysis stuck on it. I only noticed it today; I'm really hoping she's just bashed herself on the glass with all her boxing.


Lumps permitting... I'm looking forward to their release into the big tank next week (31st!) I still haven't figured out who I'm getting next. I know I want a mandarin and possibly a (less nippy!) flame angel, but I need to wait for them (mandy needs a mature tank and flame angel should be the last thing added.)

I'm tempted by some orange firefish, but from what I've read they prefer to be single or in a confirmed pair... which is tricky because they aren't sexually dimorphic. At this rate my tank is going to be the Noah's Arc of reef tanks!

I'm also considering a blenny of some sort... but as blennies usually don't tolerate firefish, I really need to decide who I want more. Any suggestions welcome!
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