Sceadu |
02/27/2006 10:35 AM |
White Fuzz on coraline?
Well let me start by giving tank params 75g aga bare bottom with cutting board, 30g breeger sump. 2500g flow per hr, ph-8.1 cal-388 alk-1.9. Mixed sps and softies. Ok so in the past week or so I have seen this white fuzzy stuff growing from the coraline on the bottom of the tank and a little on the over flow. Most of the back glass is covered with coraline and has none of this stuff on it. Now I can rub this stuff off but in less then a day its back. Sorta looks like mold fuzz you see on food. I do not over feed and do a 10 gal water change weekly. This tank has been up and running for a little over a year now.
Anyone have any idea what this fuzzy stuff is?:confused: