Originally Posted by jtma508
Your question is flawed. It seems to me that there is no 'one' MH look. The specific MH bulb(s) used will determine the look of the tank. And that can be anything from 20K to 6500. As far as LEDs go, most of the major manufacturers use a combination of cool white, blue and royal blue. I have 4 AI Sol Super Blues over my 90gal bow and am currently running them 60W, 50B, 50RB at peak and that gives a very nice '14K' look.
I am running two 400w 14k Hamilton. Right now the tint is a bright white with a tint of yellow, It's like diving around Maui. The
Coal shop has the AI Sol Blue on his 250 display tank and it is too bright white. He adjusted the light to show me the different variation of tints and output. The lights are fantastic but it still didn't come close to what I have have at home. I want to switch over to LED because I have heard and see good growth results from using LED. Should I just pull the trigger on the LED lights and go from there?