05/15/2007, 11:40 AM | #1 |
Registered Member
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: butler,pa
Posts: 238
finally added a sump
i've been keeping sw for many years and my waters always been just barely acceptable.i ran in a 55 gallon,a aqua clear110 hang on back filter and a prism hob.well 2 weeks ago i set up a 29 gallon sump.i have it half full,in the first half i have 2 hand fulls of cheato with an old standard flouresent which will be upgraded soon as i can.then a sponge and them pump 600gph,i had it higher but tank did'nt like it.so anyway,its been 2 wks and i did a water test last night.ph was between 8.2 and 8.4,the nitrates were undetectable,nitrites undetectable,ammonia undetectable.calcium was 425,its always high,i think its the instant ocean salt i use.i was going to figure out the toxic ammonia but at this point i figure i would be wasting my time.i don't have to deel with carbon anymore,which seems to be going up in price and i've never had better water.