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Unread 08/15/2007, 01:28 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 95
Need a Bit of Advice

Alright, around 4 months into my tank and everything is running smooth thus far. Had a death(RIP Starifsh... ), but its definitely better than it could have been. My tank is a 29G and I have a pretty basic clean up crew(8 Hermits, 12 or so Snails), 2 Tomato Clowns, and 1 Lawnmower Blenny. It is sumpless.

1. I'm using half Crushed Coral and Half Aragamax Sand now at about 40 lbs altogether now. I want to get rid of most of the CC though. Whats the easiest way without having to dismantle my rocks(Maybe take some out and add in sand?).

2. I still need to paint the back of my tank. Whats good to use on something thats already up and running?

3. I have an emperor Filter now that I use mainly for flow and running Carbon. I'm thinking of getting rid of it though and buying a Koralia to replace it. How else could I go about running Carbon.

4. Are those HOB Refuges or in tank ones worth it?

5. Lastly, I'm cotepmlating buying a new stand for my tank. As it is now, its pretty low to the ground and my little nephew has been trying to climb it and throw things in while I'm not looking. Any suggestions on a decent one with cabinets? How would I go about moving it without risk to my tank?

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Unread 08/15/2007, 05:28 AM   #2
Nano Chris
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I would do this:

1. You are going to move it onto the new stand anyway right? Transfer everything into buckets, than replace the sand.

2. If you go ahead with moving the tank for the stand, go ahead and paint it before you set it back up. I would suggest Krylon Fusion works well.

3. You can use the emperor filter for carbon or buy a hob filter or canister filter to run carbon in (see below post), most people like the Koralia's because they are just as good as the Tunze's only cheaper.

4. If you buy a hob filter you can have a fuge in it rather than spending more money for a hob fuge.

5. You could build a stand if you cant find one high enough, not sure where to get one (depending on style, color...)

34 Gallon Red Sea Max 130! Setup
(Just got back into the hobby)

Current Tank Info: 34 Gallon RedSeaMax!
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