02/04/2008, 11:48 AM | #1 |
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Sick Fish???
I've had my tank up for about 3 months now. About 6 weeks ago i had some problems - lost two True Perc's and a Six Line within a week. I let my tank just run with my remaining 3 Green Chromis since and have not seen any problems. This weekend i bought a Coral Beauty. Started eating (flake food) the first day. Everything seemed fine. I woke up this morning and noticed small white specs on it (I'm thinking Ick). I'm hoping that it is just pieces of my substrate on him from swimming under my rock but after having lost the last 3 fish i put in it i doubt it will be that easy. What harm will Hyposalinity do to my rock? I know it will kill my snails and hermits but they are easy to get out.
I might be worried over nothing but i want a few ideas before i get home from work. The specs on him dont show up on any pictures i can get of him. Any help anyone can offer would be great. Thanks. |
02/04/2008, 11:52 AM | #2 |
RC Mod
Probably is ich. You need a quarantine/hospital tank, and now you need to catch everybody.
Hypo will also kill or damage your rock and sand and you might as well start over if you do that to your main tank, imho---I could be wrong, but if hypo explodes a simple creature like ich, I'm betting it can also mess up the osmotic balance in a simpler creature like a bacterium---which is how your tank stays alive. Get a plain tank, a bucket, anything, put everybody in it except your inverts, and treat with hypo in there. After 6 weeks you can put everybody back into your tank and all should be well. Next time you get a fish, use the qt tank first.
Sk8r Salinity 1.024-6; alkalinity 8.3-9.3 on KH scale; calcium 420; magnesium 1300, temp 78-80, nitrate .2. Ammonia 0. No filters: lps tank. Alk and cal won't rise if mg is low. Current Tank Info: 105g AquaVim wedge, yellow tang, sailfin blenny,royal gramma, ocellaris clown pair, yellow watchman, 100 microceriths, 25 tiny hermits, a 4" conch, 1" nassarius, recovering from 2 year hiatus with daily water change of 10%. |
02/04/2008, 12:01 PM | #3 |
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What is the best method to keep the amonia levels down in a QT? 4 fish in a 10 or 20 gal tank seems a bit crowded. I have 3 extra Sponges floating in my DT (no sump yet) will that be enuff? bio filter to keep it stable allong with water changes say weekly?
02/04/2008, 12:07 PM | #4 | |
Registered Member
but would like to add that the bacteria does recycle back once back in the main tank. So it is reusable I would be really concerned if the live rock was used in a qt with a copper medication---IMHO--it is toast then
I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock |
02/04/2008, 12:09 PM | #5 |
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I just went through a hypo treatment with a pair of clowns a Chromis and a couple damsels.All were in a 20 long tank.I was able to keep ammonia levels low during the cycle and pull the fish through with no ill effects.Hypo for 7 weeks and they're back in the display now(fingers crossed).BTW....you could take your LR/inverts out and put it in a container with a heater and PH and treat in your display.
Bob Current Tank Info: 90 gallon,mixed Reef,2-250 watt Optix 3 pendants(Phoenix 14K)2-54 watt T5 Super actnics ,ASM G-2 Gate/recirc mods,70 gal. basement sump,20L ref |
02/04/2008, 12:15 PM | #6 |
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I was thinking of treating in my display. I want to switch to live sand instead of the crushed coral. this may be a good oppurtunity to do that.
Any other thoughts on transfering my live rock to a "QT" for the 6 to 8 weeks, turning my DT to a "QT", getting rid of my crushed coral slowly and and making mt DT a temporary hospital tank? It seems kinda odd to do it this way but with the tank so new this might work just as good as removing the fish. |
02/04/2008, 12:59 PM | #7 |
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Go for it.
Put your rock,crabs and such in a tote/tank with a heater and PH. Just put some of that crushed coral in some nylon stockings. Bury it half way into your new sand substate.Drop your salinity down to 1.009 SG over 3-4 days.Then run hypo for 6-8 weeks.The tank will mini-cycle during that time.Return the LR and inverts and presto.......Ich free tank! Sounds easy but it will take constant testing and vigalence to keep the water parameters correct.PH drops quit fast in a hypo tank.Ammonia and nitrates can suddenly spike before the tank will stabalize.
Bob Current Tank Info: 90 gallon,mixed Reef,2-250 watt Optix 3 pendants(Phoenix 14K)2-54 watt T5 Super actnics ,ASM G-2 Gate/recirc mods,70 gal. basement sump,20L ref |
02/04/2008, 01:36 PM | #8 |
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Will i benefit at all by taking all of the crushed coral out when i take out the rock and leaving my tank bare bottom durring the hypo? Whats the best way to keep the ph at 8.3 durring hypo - adding more buffer?
02/04/2008, 02:46 PM | #9 |
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You could leave the CC or take it out before hypo.It's really up to you.Personally,if my fish had Ich I would want to stress them as little as possible.So I would most likely wait til after hypo to change out the substrate.I used baking soda,part 2 of Randy's 2 part.It also help to airate once in a while.I had a veturi hooked to a MJ powerhead that I turned on once in a while.Also picked up a Marineland ammonia badge.BTW...there's a guy going through something similar to this in the "Fish Disease"forum.He has a much larger tank and fish though.
Oh.....and you wont be able to maintain a high PH like that(8.4). Most likely it will be around(7.8) with SG at 1.009.
Bob Current Tank Info: 90 gallon,mixed Reef,2-250 watt Optix 3 pendants(Phoenix 14K)2-54 watt T5 Super actnics ,ASM G-2 Gate/recirc mods,70 gal. basement sump,20L ref |