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Unread 01/15/2012, 09:59 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 2
Sump Help

I am new to this forum and looking for help. I just purchased a 90 gallon tank. This was set up for a salt water tank. I bought the tank, sump, stand, heater, light, EVERYTHING for $200.00... Anyways... I want to make sure I have the sump set up right. I know this is an older model because of the new ones I have seen are mostly stacked. I will say the way I have the sump is backwards in the sense I did not turn it around before I hooked it up, but that didn't matter to me b/c I had long enough tubes. So what you see on the far left is the refuguim... In the middle chamber is a protien skimmer. Now I know those are not needed for FW tanks, but it came with what I bought. To the left is where the water comes from the tank, goes through the PVC you see and out the filters.. Right now I have panty hose on those PVP drain filters.. Then you can see I have filter pads in the tray...Under that you can see I have bio balls and a carbon pack.. From what I can tell, when that chanber over flows it goes to the middle chamber (The one with the skimmer) then it pumps that to the final "chamber" behind the bio balls and filter pad tray to the return pump. (You can't see this b/c it is blocked by the filter pad tray and bio balls).. I just can't figure out how it flows.. There really is no movement except for the skimmer pumping it back to the return pump.. I have a video on youtube to help you understand my hook up.

Here is the link:

Can someone tell me if I have this right, what am I missing.. Why isn't it "flowing" or is it doing what it is suppose to. I have clear water, that is not the problem, I just want to make sure I am getting it as clean as I can.

Thanks in advance.

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freshwater, refuguim, sump, trigger system

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