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Unread 02/06/2012, 11:09 PM   #1
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Feb and/or march meet??

Since this is the start of Feb I was wondering if we were going to have a met? If not this month next month. I would like to attend one or the other. As far is having one I am pretty limited since I have 3 of 4 4 kids having their b-days coming up here in the next 2 months. We all know how that run a hole in our pockets.

If I plan on in the future I do Saturdays, that way I can drink!! I dont drink on work nights...makes a bad next day!!

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Unread 02/13/2012, 01:12 PM   #2
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Sorry your not getting much response on this. I guess I'm as guilty as anyone and probably a lot more than most about not attending meetings in the past. I'm sure that's why there is a lot of apathy among the member. There were a few who seemed to be putting a lot into it last year but not getting much response from the membership. I guess we brought it on ourselves.


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Unread 02/13/2012, 08:25 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by TimGentry View Post
Sorry your not getting much response on this. I guess I'm as guilty as anyone and probably a lot more than most about not attending meetings in the past. I'm sure that's why there is a lot of apathy among the member. There were a few who seemed to be putting a lot into it last year but not getting much response from the membership. I guess we brought it on ourselves.
understandable, I thought I ask the question...has it never hurts.

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Unread 02/13/2012, 10:29 PM   #4
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Well its up to the members, it doesnt have to be anyone in any position. Anyone who wants to step up and do anything is open to. If you build it they will come sort of thing. Also our president or members with titles should step it up and do it but it is not always the case. Also i think being active here should and goes along way. But it seems those same people are the least to post or respond to threads. even if they say they do check up on the postings it doesnt mean much if there is no interaction on their part.

anyways im a fan of all people i have met in this club and even just the other day was saved by one when i locked my keys in car. lol. the help goes a long way whatever it may be.

basically we need someone to step up and take charge, more leadership from the top or A top would go a long way. This person would need to ACTIVELY be part of this forum and any other ideas.

with Erik leaving town its a big blow because he stepped it up the last couple of years at least from what i have seen. And i just bluntly move along for with it. Now its 2012 and the new chapter should begin now.

looking at the president strayvoltage, vice president psuedopimp, secretary nmnative, treasurer mistaflicksta, and directors at large thecoralreef915 puffin04 and jmait769. I see 1 and half posters on here. lol. so yes im calling everyone out, i dont blame them one bit and are great people. but shouldnt something change ???

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Unread 02/15/2012, 12:08 AM   #5
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You are so very correct pedro. It is very hard when time after time of trying and there are no interested members in posting here, hosting meetings or attending meetings it gets harder and harder to keep trying to get the ppl to take part. I would love to see the club grow as it once was and have the attendance at meetings that we once had as well as the interest shown here by members in the way of posts. It just seems like most of the ppl that get into this hobby are either short loved or not interested enough to attend the meetings or post here. I know for a fact that Justin has posted so many times and invited anyone that wants to go to his house on Sunday for meeting or just plain old get together it isn't funny but there are never any takers. When enough ppl show interest here and want to have meetings they will happen for sure but until that time it want happen. It wont matter how many times meetings are set up or not unless the ppl show the interest here and take part in the meetings when they are set up it will not matter.

This has to be a group effort or it will never work, no matter how hard a few ppl try to get the rest to do things it will not work unless the members are willing and want to make it happen. It is all for the members and it will only happen if they want it to. No matter how hard a few ppl try to run things it can only happen if the rest of the ppl want it to.

Being totally open and honest here, it has always been the case that for the most part none of the ppl ever wanted to get together unless the meeting was going to be a big blow out party, a huge frag swap or a meeting with a bunch of free things to give away. It has rarely been the case where everyone wanted to get together to just sahre ideas, experiences or practices of the hobby.

I am not saying in any way that it is not fun and cool to have a party for the meeting or a frag swap but i am saying that there are a lot more ways and reasons to have a meeting and those ways and reasons are what it will take to keep an active club. It will never work to only expect or have meetings that are either a big party, frag swap or merchandise give away but again these seem to be the only ways to hold the interest of the ppl.

Every member has a life other than their aquaruim and it seems like for the most part in the last year or so that the life other than the aquarium has taken precedent over the club or aquarium, that is very understandable.

Pedro if you can figure out a way to make these things happen month after month from the members, please share that with everyone. You said it in the first several words of your post "Well its up to the members" that is very true and if the members don't host meetings or attend them when hosted by other members then it won't work. I can recall many meetings where several members went all out and had low to no attendance even after a lot of ppl said they would be there.

One that comes to mind right off the top of my head is when Ryan hosted at his house on the far east side of El Paso, he went all out and done it on the response of the members that they would attend but guess what, only three members showed up for that meeting, Jay, Tim and myself.

I would really love to know the secret to having the members that want to take part and do so on a regular basis. I have tried to get that to happen and seem to have run into a block wall. I live the farthest from all of you and make the most effort to attend meetings when they are set up even if it means I have to drive two hrs or more one way to attend. I can do that but others cant be bothered to drive across town, something is wrong with that picture.

Pedro if you are truly concerned about this and wish to see it work then by all means I would expect that you could come up with and share your ideas on how to better it and not just want to as you say call others out, so by all means please do that and lets all work together here to make it happen.

I am more than open to ideas and or suggestions to help make this work better for all.

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Unread 02/15/2012, 09:21 AM   #6
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I am guilty as well of not attending all meetings. I have made a few and as a matter of fact, at the last meeting at Justin's house only Erik and I showed up.

But what I think Pedro means is that yes it's up to the members but it's also expected for the people that hold leadership positions to actively be on here. Lately the convos and posts have gone back from Pedro, Lorenzo (lsaucedo), Tim, Saldebo and myself. None of us hold leadership positions. Now how are people supposed to hold interest in the club when leaders hardly post or respond to threads? (at least that's how it's been lately). I would expect the leaders to post frequently at least while they are still in their position. Sometimes there's not much to respond, but a simple "looks good" or "thanks for sharing" goes a long way.

Leaders are there for a reason, to organize and keep everything flowing. I know better, but if I was a newbie, I'd be pretty discouraged seeing that most of the leaders don't show up much to the forum. IMO it's easier to get people on here than to an actual meeting. Once we can get more participation on here then we can start having the good meetings.

This is just my opinion. I don't mean to insult anyone.

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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Unread 02/15/2012, 09:49 AM   #7
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i agree, that would be step one, if the leaders cant post on here then that should change. you rarely see them let alone updates and pics of their own tanks. then why are they in the position they are in ? again i know how difficult it is thats why i dont want the job lol.

step 2 would be this year have meetings every 2 months. i never cared about freebies and swaps but im sure new members and newbies would. but every 2 months would at least encourage a better turn out. since if you miss one you say oh well ill just go next month and so forth.

at those meetings pics of the members should be taken and we should have sort of a sticky thread that shows their face, real name, and tank info. kinda like a profile. i think its a bit disconnected when you have no idea who this person is sometimes. that would make it easier for new people to go to meetings and feeling more connected, i think someone started that idea in a form of facespace or something like that.

its weird the club is shambles yet because of it i have several people i talk to as friends now.That in itself is the main reason i think this is so important. they are always there to help and if this were to shut down somehow they would still be there and we would still talk and hang out.. i dont know about you but i dont really have that many fish people i can talk to about this stuff outside of people i have met here. literally none. and my girlfriend listens and likes it but its not the same as you know.

there are a couple things i will try and do but if the leadership wants to be the leadership then post on here your tank your lives whatever. and new members if you want to have a meeting or anything post on here, you have just as much responsibility. but more threads will help out tremendously. so get that crappy camera load it on photobucket. take some video off your phone put it on youtube WHATEVER.

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Unread 02/15/2012, 12:43 PM   #8
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Just a thought!! I know coming from someone that you guys havent even met right but I do follow some threads as you can see. Anyway my idea is why not have meetings on here on ReefCentral. I figure its alott easier for someone to log in from home and get on a specific thread and time and have topics and share pictures. Im thinking choose someones specific tank and have them host the thread and answer questions about there set up. One thing for sure is it will be a lott cheaper on the hostess (no left over food and no clean up)!lol But I think more importantly it will get people like myself that really dont have alott of time on there hands to spare (have two daughters and a needy wife) to be more active and post on here. I know for me I wouldnt attend a meeting even if I wanted to if I knew I didnt know anyone. I think this would be another way of meeting new people. One thing I know for sure is Im not the only one that follows some threads but never posts. Just my 2 cents if any body cares hehe!


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Unread 02/15/2012, 06:17 PM   #9
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Okay im not sure i got all that, but an online meeting of sorts is a good idea actually. and it would be a better idea if everyones tanks were on here to start though. so one month an online meeting the next an actual one. but i wouldnt do it untill every member has posted info and pics of their tanks.

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Unread 02/15/2012, 08:54 PM   #10
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I know I threw this out once I 1st joined this site, but I have a suggestion.
I know this club is free which is GREAT!
However, the reef club that I was apart of in VA had both free members and paid members. I know in this economy its hard to fork out a few dollars when we have others things to take care of like our families.

What if did a monthly dues thing roughly $20 a month or some type of discounted rate if you pay for the yr. With these monies...we hold monthly meetings and we raffle of a prize however, the prize at hand can only be won my a paid member. Now if you show up to one of these meetings and you want to win the prize you must pay $20 for the raffle ticket...this does not pay your dues for the month.

Also, if we contact our LFS to see if they are willing to give our paying members a 10% discount....which will have to be verified through a club membership card.

I found that this has increased membership...cause who doesnt want a free item now and then if you win or that 10% discount. If we were to do it right we could contact online vendors to find who would be willing to give our paid members this same discount.

just an idea.
I found this increased membership and participation

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Unread 02/16/2012, 11:11 PM   #11
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All great ideas but they all still take the participation of members. If no members take part then who is there to do the things all of you guys suggest.

Pedro, if I don't have anything new to report about my tank or any new pics to show on here of it, that shouldn't stop any person that has things to share about their tank with all of us. A few officers can't be expected to start all the new threads. If none of the members have anything to say I nor any other officer can force them to post here or attend meetings. Holding a position as an officer does not mean you always have something new to tell about your system or new pics to share. If the members want their pic posted here and a profile of them along with it they can very well add it on their own. I seem to remember a thread started either by you or maybe Erik for just that purpose, hmmm lets see that didn't go over very well if i recall. Lots of ppl come up with ideas and they all seem good and well but again bottom line is it takes member participation to make it work.

lsaucedo, we cant get ppl to take part in something free and the dues idea has been discussed at a meeting in the past and that didn't fly very well either.

It was discussed several times at different meetings that a couple of ppl were going to contact vendors to get merchandise donated that could be used as door prises to help get ppl to attend meetings. That never made it off the ground floor or materialized.

None of it should be about free stuff or big parties with all the food and the sort. It needs to be basic get together and talk about fish corals and how we keep them. More basic meetings and meetings where we all share knowledge. None of us know nearly everything there is to know and we can all learn from sharing.

I am all for anything that can help make ppl get together and or post on here but I know it comes and goes no matter how hard we try to keep it going. The only time we ever have great attendance is when its a big party or lots of free stuff to give away. That just shouldnt be the reason to attend meetings.

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Unread 02/16/2012, 11:50 PM   #12
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Well john I'm with ya on the ideas . But at least I did do some stuff and try. And I also remember asking and asking and asking to see some photos of your tank 2 years ago. And you finally did. So as far as I know you have posted pics of your gorgeous big tank once in 3 years. It ain't always for me or for what you think consists of updates but what about the new members who get to this forum and would like to see it. ? I know it matters less to me if its a pic from years ago and maybe not even running anymore. No one is required to do anything. Even officers, but shouldn't the officers put more effort regardless on posting here ?

And the thread I started for people to pics up of themselves actually did help even me a lot so when I went to meetings I knew who a couple extra people were. I'll dig it up or start a new one.

I don't know, ideas start like this . I'll lay it out all on the line. And again I understand how difficult it is to get a group of people to do stuff. I'm on your side there. But if the emphasise from the top is to be on this forum then that person should have more time and effort to post , whether that person thinks its newsworthy to him or her or not.

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Unread 02/17/2012, 12:23 AM   #13
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Pedro, the pics of my tank just like the pics of everyone else's tanks are still in that thread and had you just looked in the thread that was already on here of show your tank you could have and would have seen pics of my tank and they were all just about the same. My tank is even worse now than it was then and not something I care to share with anyone. When I have something to add I do, so i guess if I don't say anything that means no other members have anything to say or add on their own.

Pedro, I really think you are trying to make holding a position mean that the person has to post here no matter what, even if they have nothing new or anything to report on their system. That is not and should not be expected to be the case. One or two ppl can not do all the posting it takes the members too and if that isn't happening I cant force ppl to do it. The forum is here for the free use of anyone that chooses to use it and take part. It always seems like all threads get replied to on here by someone. If I don't post on all threads that does not mean I didn't read them it usually means I don't have any advice to offer for the particular subject. I am still learning just like all the rest of you out there and no I don't always have an answer for every thread that is on here.

I have no new fish no new coral and hardly any corals left at all. My tank looks like he!!. it is very disgusting to me especially if I think about the $$$$$$ sitting there looking so bad when I had a beautiful 125 that I tore down to set this one up.

Never ever use live rock in your system from a system that had a GHA problem even if the rock has been dried for several months in the sun. If you do you will be sorry.

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Unread 02/17/2012, 12:37 AM   #14
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Well yes a member with position should have extra duty to post imo . Not saying just you. And I had no idea what's up with your tank as you just described. Well how would I ?

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Unread 02/17/2012, 12:48 AM   #15
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I agree with Pedro. Officers should have extra duty to post. If I'm not mistaken the bylaws say that to be a member, one should be active on the forum. IMO members should be more active on here since its a lot easier to get on here than to an actual meeting.

Also, why not post the bad phases of the tank, John? Like you said, we are all learning. Only posting when something is going good wouldn't be accurate. I think we could all learn more when people post good and bad about their tank.

Just my 2 cents.

Based on the responses on this thread I guess we're down to 6 members.

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

Current Tank Info: 75 Gallon Mixed Reef
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Unread 02/17/2012, 01:03 AM   #16
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I have stated in the past my tank is not doing well and not only once but several times.
Okay so just what would you like to see me post here if you think I have some unwritten extra duty to post more than any other member. If I have nothing going on then I have nothing going on. That said I guess no members have anything going on because they never post. Really, please tell me just what you expect or want to see me post here, to make sure i do my as you guys seem to want to call it my "extra duty to post" and I will try really hard to please you.

Come on now guys you opened your mouth and stuck both feet in so please help me out here and tell me what I need to post. If you can tell me what to post then you should just go ahead and post it up yourself and just think of all the new threads you would be starting. Seriously lets hear all the things I need to post that you guys want to see new threads started about so I can hurry up and start them. I watch this place all the time and no one seems to want to take part and like i keep saying i can't force them to.

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Unread 02/17/2012, 01:22 AM   #17
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I don't think new threads should have to be started, but at least commenting on posts can be done. Also, I don't think you yourself is only at fault, John. I think that we all are guilty including myself of not taking a lot of part.

What I am trying to say is that it would be nice to at least the see the officers post and comment more than the members since technically they are the ones "running" the club.

I will use one example, and I use MYSELF AND MY THREAD as the example because that is the one thread I mostly follow. When was the last time you posted on my thread or even made a comment? My thread has been running since Oct 2010. Maybe you have nothing to add or no advice or maybe my tank is not your taste, but shouldn't an officer at least post on it to encourage the fellow reefers or to share their opinion as to why they would do something different?

I don't expect anyone to post on my thread because honestly it is for my personal satisfaction and my way of documenting how my tank is progressing. I just thought I would use my thread as an example without bringing other members into this. Nothing more.

If officers don't seem to want to post or comment, then why should members feel motivated to post or comment. Why even have a club?

Its late, I'm physically tired, and a bit cranky ha ha ha!..... As I've said before, I don't mean to offend anyone. Just my opinion.

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

Current Tank Info: 75 Gallon Mixed Reef
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Unread 02/17/2012, 02:00 AM   #18
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jtinoco, you are absolutely correct, I have never posted on your thread. Huge oversight on my part, I apologize not something I done on purpose. I have read every post on your thread and followed it just like all the rest of the threads on here. I think you have a very nice set up. Don't ask me why I never posted on it because I couldn't honestly tell you. Again I apologize and I am sorry for that happening. I am not perfect nor do I or have I ever claimed to be.

I can agree that we all need to post as much as we can and we should all post on all threads for the most part but i will not agree that I nor any other member officer or not should be expected to post more than the next guy. None of this extra duty to post stuff. I do try to post on most all threads unless they are for sale or trade threads for something I have no interest in buying or trading for. I will say it again I am not perfect and make mistakes just like everyone else.

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Unread 02/17/2012, 08:14 AM   #19
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You don't need to apologize. I am in no way offended. Like I said I don't expect anyone to post on my thread. I just mentioned it because it was the only example I could use without bringing anyone other member into this.

And yes you're right everyone should post and comment. My reason for saying officers should post more is because I myself feel it would make the club more welcoming knowing the officers are constantly involved. But it's just my opinion. I know we're all busy with our daily lives but it's just a thought.

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

Current Tank Info: 75 Gallon Mixed Reef
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Unread 02/17/2012, 09:01 AM   #20
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Yeah please john you are getting defensive, but the facts are facts. Once and for all i dont see how you dont think the president of a club would have extra obligation to post. I think you do. Your fighting us the same way you fought me to post pics of your tank.

you dont know what to post ? fine. you say the profile picture thread didnt work out ? well did you post on it to help ? the last time you mentioned your tank situation the last post was from me asking what your parameters were, and that was the end of it . And have you started any threads that werent meetings related ? Just things like that for starters.

2 active members are on the same page about this. So what do we do? when does the next meeting take place? when are officers elected for this year ?

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Unread 02/17/2012, 01:00 PM   #21
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man o man o man.....

the only time we get participation is when there is conflict.

i would love to have to post something everyday, but i don't believe it is the officers job to prod people into posting. the entire club forum had been pretty inactive for the last couple of months. why should i check back everyday?

i agree lets have a meeting to elect new officers. im sure out of the 3 people who typically show up we will have a great time.

Any one can hold the helm when the sea is calm.
Publilius Syrus
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Unread 02/17/2012, 01:10 PM   #22
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lol. there is more to the club than meets the eye. there are a few of us that are on facebook and or can just call each other up. and thats great, thats one of the things that this club has brought me and im grateful for it and see why this club is important enough.

A conflict !!! this is just talking like adults. And if we want a post everyday we should appoint Discus Dave as president, mindytoy as vice and (old store) Dennis as treasurer . hahaha

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Unread 02/17/2012, 04:24 PM   #23
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i have tried numerous times to get people over. and the invitation is always open at my house if i am there to hold the meeting. a get together just to hang out. i swear some people hear the word meeting and freak out. man we just drink some beers and burn some ribletts.

we have gone too long without meeting and people loose touch. we dont see each other everyday so it is easy to loose touch. i kinda view this like a long distance relationship. the longer you go without seeing each other in person, the harder it is to talk on the phone everyday. so i think it is essential to get the group together as often as possible.

and yeah those guys can start a conversation!!!! whew!

Any one can hold the helm when the sea is calm.
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Unread 02/17/2012, 08:05 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by jtinoco View Post
You don't need to apologize. I am in no way offended. Like I said I don't expect anyone to post on my thread. I just mentioned it because it was the only example I could use without bringing anyone other member into this.

And yes you're right everyone should post and comment. My reason for saying officers should post more is because I myself feel it would make the club more welcoming knowing the officers are constantly involved. But it's just my opinion. I know we're all busy with our daily lives but it's just a thought.
I got to see jtinoco, tank about 2 wks ago now...his tank gave me inspiration on my current rock formation.

I did about 50lbs of DIY live rock that i had in my main tank...once seeing his with limited rock and how nice it could be it made me take out all of about 30lbs more or less to make what i have now.

When I first made this posting, I did not tend for this to be a it's ur fault or who to blame session. I have met less than a hand full of people from this forum and have viewed their tanks.

To me that gets me off per view others tanks and just to talk about them. Since I have yet to attend any meetings I thought I would bring it up.

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Unread 02/17/2012, 08:07 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by psuedopimp View Post
man o man o man.....

the only time we get participation is when there is conflict.

i would love to have to post something everyday, but i don't believe it is the officers job to prod people into posting. the entire club forum had been pretty inactive for the last couple of months. why should i check back everyday?

i agree lets have a meeting to elect new officers. im sure out of the 3 people who typically show up we will have a great time.
I come on here everyday multiple times a day to view what people have posted. Though I am one of those that dont post on every thread, I do view this site everyday. It only takes me a few mins of my time as I am view other items online.

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