03/25/2012, 11:31 AM | #1 |
Registered Member
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1
20G Nano
Hello guys/girls,
Can you take a look at the list of species i like and give your opinion on what is possible to keep in my new 20G nano http://www.aqua-medic.de/index.php?r...&cid=33&id=262 - Pterapogon kauderni (2) - Amphiprion ocellaris (2) - Cryptocentyrus cinctus - Salarias fasciatus - Stonogobiops yasha - Thor amboinensis (4) - Calcinus elegans - Lysmata amboinensis (2) - Alpheus randalli - Alpheus soror - Archaster angulatus - Entacmaea quadricolor - Diadema setosum - Seriatopora hystrix - Ricordea yuma - Discosoma sp. - Capnella imbricata - Zoanthus sp. - Xenia sp. Thanks a lot |
03/25/2012, 08:46 PM | #2 |
Life and Reef Saver
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Tavares, Florida
Posts: 6,202
To Reef Central All the species are appropriate for a 20g just not all at once. IME, I would avoid the Sand Sifting Star as they also eat the beneficial critters in the sand. I would limit your fish and critter list (with the exeption of your CUC) to one goby of your choice and one peppermint shrimp and either the clowns or the cardinals The Bubbletip anemone would be fine if lighting is sufficient, but unless your dedicated the tank to him and a couple clownfish they could potentially wander the tank killing any other corals you may want. The Sea Urchin will bulldozer your rockscaping and won't leave alot of hand room when cleaning or arranging the tank. All the other corals should be ok as well. FYI, with the exeption of coral names and species, most people don't know and aren't willing to do a google search for each fish and invert scientific names, so adding the common names will probably get you more responses.
><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>¸. ·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º> How much deeper would the ocean be if it didn't have sponges? P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sid Current Tank Info: 40 Breeder, 20L Sump, 10G Fuge, JBJ A.T.O, 4" Reef Octopus, DIY Stand & Canopy, RapidLED Dimmable 36 Kit on 3 6" MakersLED Heatsink, MP10es |