06/09/2014, 08:20 PM | #1 |
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Reefbreeder vs Kessil vs T5HO
I'm in the planning stages of putting together a 75 gallon mixed reef, LPS dominated but some SPS. Lighting is where I'm having trouble. I bought a bunch of equipment from a guy getting out of the hobby, and got everything I need to start the tank, including an Aquatilife 6-bulb T5HO fixture with build in timers. But I really love the idea of LEDs... lower heat, lower energy usage, great shimmer, and sleeker look.
So I'm considering selling my fixture and I have a standing offer of $250 for it. Here is what I'm looking at. Kessil A350w x2 $600 total I love the look of the lights, super sleek, tiny, and gives great access to top-viewing of the tank. They came highly recommended from my coral-specialized LFS that uses them on most of their frag tanks. They do lack built in timers, and I heard dimming is kind of a pain. Reefbreeders Photon 48 $500 I LOVE the way this fixture is all-in-one as far as timers, dimmers, etc. Its way bigger than the Kessils, and would need to be hung from the ceiling. Also $100 cheaper. OR... Just stick with what I got. I'll have to shell out $140 for bulbs, every 8 months, but its proven success and I already have it. Has anyone had long-term success with either of those LEDs... My heart tells me LED but my brain is kinda telling me stick with what I have and what works. |
06/09/2014, 09:17 PM | #2 |
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I've got an 8-Bulb AquaticLife T5HO over my SPS tank now. This is my first run with T5's and wow, I've got to say, everything is amazing. Corals love it and they're growing nicely along with awesome color. That goes for my LPS,SPS, and Zoanthids! Downfall, and I almost ripped these lights off my tank tonight... You've got a small clearance with the legs. I'm talking, my hand turned on its side is how big it is. It sucks. I want to hang, but it's just too damn big lol.
Here's a pic (Blue+,Purple+,Blue+,Blue+) are on right now and I just reaquascaped so everything is blehh. NOW! I've had the Reefbreeders. They're AMAZING. I had it over an all SPS 40B with various LPS and everything was also very nice. Had its own timer built in as well, and was a set it and forget it type ordeal like the Aquaticlife though it will be HUNG and out of the way when doing things inside the tank. Also unlike T5, LED has that POP which is just beautiful. First picture is my 40B with the light, the second is my buddy'stank with TONS of SPS/LPS/Zoas growing all over. It's quite beautiful. Here's his tank. Now for the Kessil A350W... I've got one running over my Nuvo 16. Its great. Its sleek. But unless you buy a timer for it, you're stuck plugging it in and unplugging it everyday. If you want the dawn/dusk feel, you do it yourself lol. It's a great light, don't get me wrong. But if you want to set it and forget it while you can still kind of enjoy your tank at night, I'd stay away from this. Other than that, its not too bad! My personal choices: AquaticLife T5 and Reefbreeder Photon 48. While I do have my AquaticLife, it is really cool and I do love it... But I might just break down and buy a RB Photon realistically. For the time being, you have it, try the T5 out. If you're on edge after a few months of use, go for the RB!
A Reef in the Desert: 120 Gallon (4x2x2) - MP40 x2 - Gyre 130 - ATI Sunpower - Simplicity Pump/Skimmer - Controlled by Apex |
06/09/2014, 11:08 PM | #3 |
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Thanks for the great response. I appreciate the pictures! I really think I'm leaning towards the RB fixtures, but its also hard to put out the money when I have the T5 sitting next to my tank (not set up yet).
06/10/2014, 12:03 AM | #4 |
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I have AI Hydra's, ReefBreeders, and have seen Radions on multiple tanks. IMO no led will produce the natural look and shimmer of a Kessil.
06/10/2014, 12:55 AM | #5 |
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Agreed above. The shimmer and natural look you'll get with the Kessil is amazing. Though, I do like the ReefBreeders for the pop they give. Yes it's got a purple tint. Yes it looks artificial. But the colors are bright and vibrant.
Comes down to it being YOUR personal preference. When I was searching for lights, I wanted everyone else's experience. You need your own though. I like LED's and will probably go back. T5, or LED, aquaticlife, or Reefbreeder. You pick. They both are proven to do the job!
A Reef in the Desert: 120 Gallon (4x2x2) - MP40 x2 - Gyre 130 - ATI Sunpower - Simplicity Pump/Skimmer - Controlled by Apex |
06/10/2014, 06:42 AM | #6 |
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I have he aquatic life t5 and love it, I wish they shimmered tho
06/10/2014, 09:28 AM | #7 |
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Are there any smaller/ less expensive LEDs that I could pair with the T5 that do a good job adding some shimmer/pop?
06/10/2014, 09:56 AM | #8 |
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I have a RB 48 and love it. I also added two stunner strips on each side of it that adds more colors. One is blue / white and the other is blue/ magenta. It really adds more black light effect to my corals. I only added them to the RB since a already had them when I ran a Marineland reef ready fixture. You could try adding the stunner strips to you T5. They are only ~ $85 each. I have an Apex so that is ruining the stunners and the RB controller does it's own thing.
06/14/2014, 11:48 AM | #9 |
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I did diy led and love it. I cannot comment on rb fixtures but they do have great reviews. I can say that my lfs has kessils on a coral tank and im far from impressed. No way id buy them or recommend them. Thier tanks with mh are gorgeous, the kessil tank is not. Corals brown out and never regain color and very limited growth. More like survival.....
06/15/2014, 10:08 AM | #10 | |
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