07/07/2018, 10:58 PM | #1 |
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Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 224
Your Coral Picks for 150g "High Flow" Tank
So I've got 5 tanks, they're all "reef" including my 150g. However, I had a low grade cancer diagnosis nearly a year ago now, and got rid of five tanks (5 tanks now, down from 10).
Anyways I'll link a video of how my tank was prior to the diagnosis. During that time I had a combination of accidentally introducing a nasty hair and cyano strain with some chaeto and bubbles I had transferred from another tank of mine, and also didn't quite have the physical ability to have the tank husbandry at the level I had prior. As a result I had to run my 18,000 L/hr DC return pump on setting 1-2 out of 10 instead of 7-10 out of 10 because of the amount of water I have to transfer from my 200g Ro/Di system in my garage. All this, combined with the fact that my nitrates have always been 10-30ppm and even as high as 50ppm, created the perfect storm and within months the tank got overrun with alage. Fast forward to now, and I have the tank running with full 10/10 flow again, with the flow strategically pointed. The alage is 100% gone in the course of 2 weeks with this. No water changes required. I only do a 5-10% water change on this system ever 2-4 months. Anyways my colt coral, kenya tree and various zoas and pallys are doing alright with the high flow. So is my hammer. My beautiful 12x12" GSP colony is basically done for from the algae. I'm better, so far in this tank with fish. Tank is nearly 3 years old and I have sucesses with my Clown Tang that I purchased as a 3" juvenile that is now pushing 8" long. Great fish. Also have a 7" marine betta that is healthy, fat, and a regular (daily if I want to cater to her pump and flow wise) eater. Also have a short nose hawk fish, 2 bangaii's, a blue damsel, and the fish with the most personality besides the Clown Tang, a 7" red soldierfish that loves to splash water 2-15' across the living room at guests during feedings. I've thought about getting a large butterfly and just going most full on FOWLR, but I know the clown tang would tear it up. I've also though about getting a large adult angel, since my tank is 73.5" long and only has 7 other fish, but again, as "nice" as my Clown Tang "Charlie" is, I don't know how he'd treat a new fish regardless of size. Which leads me to easy to grow, easy to spread, species of corals that would be suitible with my high flow. I'm running my return pump on full blast, and I'm running my Jebao RW-8 and Rw-15 on full burst blast mode on both ends. My lighting is two cheap 165w mars aqua. The left hand side of the tank (left hand 1.5-2' is "cryptic" since I don't run a third light, and the soldierfish loves this area during the day). Here's a video of it before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9Kwu6I3arM&t=65s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSBu05UomtY And here's a video of my coral tank (soft corals): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgCYAlf_PTI Anyways just looking for advice for the direction I should go coral and/or fish wise with this tank.
DT: 150g w/ Trigger Systems Ruby 36 sump; DC12000 Return, G3 SKIMMER, RW8, WC15, MarsAqua 165w x2, 42 watt UV, Reactor, 4-way Doser, ATO 45g Softie reef all H.O.B - x1 MarsAqua 55g Softie Reef - Cu Current Tank Info: 45g softie reef (85 lbs rock), Penguin 350, Coralife 65g skimmer, 9 watt U.V., can filter, 120w LED light (chinese). 5.5 gallon spec v w/ modified overflow/return, 12lbs LR; BioCube29 w/ 36w Orbit LED w/ R.C. & 60lbs rock; 10g anenome tank |