02/16/2006, 06:25 PM | #1 |
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Indiana
Posts: 62
wet/dry or refugium?
i have a 55 gallon with 3 powerheards 65 lbs of LR, 120 lbs of LS and a protein skimmer and let the rocks do the rest but im thinkin of gettin a wet/dry or a refugium but im not sure the pros and cons of each one its a coral tank and its startin to fill up with corals and i have 1 yellow tang 2 P. clowns and 2 firefish what would be the best for the tank???
02/16/2006, 08:13 PM | #2 |
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: New Orleans
Posts: 59
Hutch 1814 I think you need to go with a fuge. I have read that wet/drys help breed nitrites, if you plan on using bioballs in it. I have a 55 also and started with a wet/dry but switched to a 20gallon sump and a 10 gl fuge. My tank has taken off. Stocking list include 2p. clowns, 2 yellow tangs, diamond back goby, coral beauty,2 fire shrimp and 1 cleaner shrimp. aslo I Had a lot of problems with hair algea when I first started my tank and now that I have switched the problem is gone. Let me know I have a design for my sump somewhere and could help you out with it.