10/17/2006, 05:13 PM | #1 |
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55 gallon cleanup crew questions
I have a order from reeftopia coming tomrrow. I got a 100 turbo snails 100 small blueleg hermit crabs and 100 nassarius snails. 2 fighting conch 3 emrald crabs. My LFS will buy what ever I dont use. I was going to use 20 turbos 20 blueleg crabs and 20 nassariuu. Plus I was going to keep the fighting conch and the emarald crabs. Should I use more than the 20. I have a sump. Can I keep some in there in case a few die. Also the BL crabs will they be alright with the snails. I heard they out grow there shell and will go after the snails for a new one. I have some crabs in my thanks now. Also a few scarlet red crabs 3 pepermint shrimp. Let me know what you guys think
10/17/2006, 05:21 PM | #2 |
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 122
I heard you should have 1 cleanup crew member for every gallon. It sounds like you will have way too many for cleanup crew. Hopefully others can give us better advise.