sps eater ID
For the last three mornings on one of my corals ( I do not know the name but is is brownish/purpleish with small neon green , very small tentacled and encrusting with christmas worms and not a pocillapora. I found it in one of those $15 frag tanks. ) has had a tube of fibrous like material with little peices of aragonite in it on my coral. It is flexible when it is pushed on and it also is really stuck on there pretty good and hard to remove with at toothpick. It is not slimy in any way. When I peel it off something has eaten all the polyps in the area and only the bare skeleton is left. I tear it off each day, and each morning it has returned and claimed another area of the coral. Anybody know what this is, and more importantly does anyone know how to remove or kill it. I know pictures would be helpful, but i already have torn the tube of this morning.