Lighting for Refugium Help!
I recently added a second large aquafuge hang on tank refugium to my aquarium (about 2ft long 4inches wide). Im looking to use it for a frag grow out area and also to stick one or two of the mangroves that are in my large sump area refugium that are getting to tall. I dont really know what type of light would work best to grow the mangrove and frags. Someone recently showed me a kessil led cannon type L.E.D that is suppost to be compareable to a 150w metal halide according to the manufacture. Thought it might be a cool light to use if it would grow my mangrove and any type of coral frag (mostly have sps) and if one would cover the 2ft long refugium.And if it would work they offer it in i think 3 different spectrums.(a deep ocean actinic,15000k,10000k) Anyone hear about these/using these right now. Or have a different suggestion for lighting? HELP!