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Unread 12/03/2012, 03:21 PM   #1
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How to get anemones hosting clownfish

I'n new to reef central but I've been in the hobby a couple of years and I've read lots of forums to research the hobby. Generally I've found these forums really helpful and I've learnt almost everything from other marine fish keepers.
I've often seen questions about how to get the clownfish to "move-in" to the host anemone. I've seen lots forums on the internet with suggestions such as sticking up pictures of clowns and their anemone, sticking up pictures of aggressive predators, and I've even seen suggestions of catching the clownfish and putting them in a small container with the anemone.
I have to say, the first two didn't work for me, and as for the the latter, I would never even try, as I think it seems quite cruel and stressing the fish out like that doesn't seem right to me.
I bought my beautiful captive bred snowflake clowns about 3 months ago along with a sebae anemone. The clowns weren't impressed and didn't even go close.
I tried the pictures of clowns but it didn't make any difference, so I gave up and just accepted that they would be hosted by the anemone when they were ready, or maybe not at all. But it didn't matter to me that much.
THEN, yesterday evening, just after the lights had gone out and the aquarium was in darkness, I took a small LED torch to have a look in the aquarium. When I shone the light on the anemone, I noticed the female clown started to get all excited and go very close to the anemone - closer than she had ever been before. I left the torch shining on the anemone for about 3 hours, so that only the anemone was illuminated, the rest of the tank was in darkness. The clowns couldn't get enough of it. It was like they had discovered something incredible and addictive. They hovered over it and occasionally brushed against it but then darted away as if they were being stung. I turned off the torch at 2am. Today they were ignoring the anemone again, but tonight after the lights went off I did the same again, and the male went straight into the nem. He's snuggling up with it right now, but the female still seems to be getting stung. She wants to go in but hasn't quite got the courage.
I don't know if it was just luck, or if I've discovered a new way to get clowns to be hosted by anemones. I'd be interested if anyone tries it to see if it works for them too.

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Unread 12/03/2012, 10:18 PM   #2
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The other methods you had said before didnot work for me.. i added my sabea after i purchased my gold band bc my pygmy angel almost killed him. He was not fighting back at all. The moment i but the sebea in the clown went striaght to it and now that i have a sebea and a bubble he is in heaven going from one another swimming around the tank

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Unread 12/05/2012, 02:04 PM   #3
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Cool I need advice!

So, now my 2 snowflake clowns have taken to the sebae anemone, the larger of the two has become really aggressive towards the smaller. She is really attacking him whenever he goes anywhere near. He seems ok and is still eating well but he is now missing several scales and looks a bit battered.

Is this normal behaviour? Will the dominant clownfish calm down and stop beating up the male? Should I get another anemone or maybe find another home for the anemone? Or should I just wait and see what happens?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Unread 12/05/2012, 06:55 PM   #4
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i have 2 snowflakes as well. i work at a lfs and had placed no fewer than 3 anemones (one at a time) in with the pair of clowns on different occasions. they never hosted any of them. i finally bought them and after i had them ~1 month i bought a green bubble tip. the first week or so i had it, they didnt pay it much attention, but now they both go and lay in it and i even caught one of them sleeping in it the other night.

i didn't do anything to encourage them. they just kinda did it on their own. they still swim around a lot and aren't in the nem as much as they swim. but they both go and rub on it and lay in it. could be because the nem is only about as wide across as the clowns are long, so they dont have much room in it

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Unread 12/05/2012, 09:02 PM   #5
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The torch idea has been mentioned before and works for some people pretty well. It did not however work for me.

One thing with Ocellaris and Perculas is that most people try to get them to associate with BTA's which is not a natural host for them. The clowns may ignore the anemone forever, or they may go into it within a day or two, only time will tell. However if you pair any clownfish with an anemone that is naturally a host to it in the wild the bond usually happens within hours if not sooner (My clownfish who had ignored multiple BTA's for years, went into a Magnifica in 30 minutes).

As for them fighting with the anemone, that is common. When I got the new anemone it took 2 or so days before the female would allow the male to enter the anemone with her. Just give your clowns some time.


Current Tank Info: Tanks: 203g custom, Mixed Reef, SRO-3000, Vortech-Powered (x2 MP40) 75g sump with 15g Fuge section
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Unread 12/06/2012, 06:00 AM   #6
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Thanks Tmoriarty, the anemone is plenty big enough for both of them. I'll take your advice and give them some more time.

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