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Unread 08/19/2020, 09:24 AM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 8
I need opinions please

I have had many fish tanks which included a 200+gal softies tank but that was near 10 years ago, I've found that technology has come a long way since then.
My problem is my brother who's never owned a tank but has lucked in to some guys pipe dream in a fantastic home.
The tank is new 11'-9" long x 24 x 28 tall approx. I think its near 325 gal.
It has 4 glass overflows (glass cages built) with 3 sumps underneath. Also comes plumbed with a very nice RODI system. 3/4" glass all around. Access to the back from the garage and viewable from the living room. No plumbing or electronics yet but does have an LED lighting system over top.
Here's my problem. It's not like he doesn't have money but he doesn't have the love, if you know what I mean. He has no idea what's involved.
He is considering doing the tank in fresh water but I feel this will never make him happy. I think he should definitely go salt.
My number one advice to was to remove the tank and sell it while new. He's not buying it.
So, I'm going to try and sway him to buy a 70 gal reef ready and to put it in his garage to be used later for quarantine or a frag tank.
Maybe this way he'll either develop the love or be able to reduce his losses.
What's your all's opinion?
1. Sell now
2. Go fresh water
3. Go salt (softies probably) with the 70 gal first tank.

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Unread 08/19/2020, 11:08 PM   #2
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'used' tanks don't go for all that much. A turnkey fancy system might.
Fresh these days is no easier than salt. We know a lot more about, eg, ph, kh, gh, and whatnot in fresh (just finished setting a high ph tank up for discus (low ph, kh, gh), which was a deal of work, and requires maintenance. Likewise discus require several feedings a day. Just as an example.) My marine tank is automated to the hilt, but fresh systems don't seem to have as much, or not as much readily available. My advice is try to buy it from him, and help him de-install it so he can use the space. He might deal.


Salinity 1.024-6; alkalinity 8.3-9.3 on KH scale; calcium 420; magnesium 1300, temp 78-80, nitrate .2. Ammonia 0. No filters: lps tank. Alk and cal won't rise if mg is low.

Current Tank Info: 105g AquaVim wedge, yellow tang, sailfin blenny,royal gramma, ocellaris clown pair, yellow watchman, 100 microceriths, 25 tiny hermits, a 4" conch, 1" nassarius, recovering from 2 year hiatus with daily water change of 10%.
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