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Unread 02/14/2006, 10:13 PM   #151
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I saw the skimmer pyrrhus mentioned and to be honest its pretty nice for the price. He hooked up an airmeter, the same model I have, and it actually outperformed the Aquabee pumps from what I saw. It was less than an Eheim, but it appeared to beat the 2001 Aquabee. This is TOTALLY unconfirmed since they were two different Dwyer meters, but the same model. Maybe I'll take mine in, which has measured SEVERAL Eheims, and an Aquabee. The bubbles were very fine as well.

There were things about the skimmer that might have been improved, but this is definitely a decent skimmer for the money.

Maybe pyrrhus can confirm which model he showed me. I believe it was the smaller one. But it registered pretty well on the Dwyer meter.

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Current Tank Info: Current: 210G Elos System, 2x400W + 6x54W Photon w/Aquaconnects, H&S skimmer, Deltec FR509/ROWAphos+Elos Carbon, 6101's and 6201's, Ocean GEOtronic 900 Chiller/Heater, Biotopus II Controller w/SMS. Elos System 70.
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Unread 02/14/2006, 10:29 PM   #152
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Originally posted by Fliger
I saw the skimmer pyrrhus mentioned and to be honest its pretty nice for the price. He hooked up an airmeter, the same model I have, and it actually outperformed the Aquabee pumps from what I saw. It was less than an Eheim, but it appeared to beat the 2001 Aquabee. This is TOTALLY unconfirmed since they were two different Dwyer meters, but the same model. Maybe I'll take mine in, which has measured SEVERAL Eheims, and an Aquabee. The bubbles were very fine as well.

There were things about the skimmer that might have been improved, but this is definitely a decent skimmer for the money.

Maybe pyrrhus can confirm which model he showed me. I believe it was the smaller one. But it registered pretty well on the Dwyer meter.
Are you talking about one of the octopus skimmers? I guess its the pacific coast skimmer which is the same as the octopus. He was running this skimmer right?

Here is a bigger better version.

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Unread 02/14/2006, 10:46 PM   #153
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Nikonosis my decision came down to a H&S and the Deltec. I picked the Deltec for 2 reasons. First because it had to fit in my sump and the footprint was slightly smaller. Second the forum here is a great customer service tool. The ideas everyone generates certainly helped me pick Deltec. Honestly its a resource H&S could use too. I have seen H&S in person and yes they also have the WOW factor. H&S are well built units. If I had the room it would have been a much tougher decision.

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Unread 02/14/2006, 11:01 PM   #154
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LOL, looks like Phil saw the same skimmer. ;-) And I have seen his Deltec and it is awesome. I really like the APF600.

You know, I might have made an error. The meter was different. I have two dwyers and think I'm remembering the wrong one. The bigger one I actually sent to a guy who has a 701 who wants to check out a couple things. BUT - those skimmers are VERY VERY VERY VERY nice for the money. The one I saw was the smaller one. I would say this is an EXCELLENT buy for $300. I mean, probably one of the best deals in skimmers at that price point, period.

I can NOT comment on the durability of the pump, but I do know people who like oceanrunners. As far as heat transfer and longevity, well - Eheim has the best track record in the book. The OR was a little loud for my taste, but for that much less money might be good for some people. I hate the neck union, I had an ER with that and its a real PITA since you really should clean these things twice a week for best performance. But again for $299, thats a great deal. Better than the ER's at that price for sure (IMO).

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Current Tank Info: Current: 210G Elos System, 2x400W + 6x54W Photon w/Aquaconnects, H&S skimmer, Deltec FR509/ROWAphos+Elos Carbon, 6101's and 6201's, Ocean GEOtronic 900 Chiller/Heater, Biotopus II Controller w/SMS. Elos System 70.
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Unread 02/14/2006, 11:09 PM   #155
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i don't know if i will ever be able to figure out what skimmer to get. hs and deltec are probably the best but also the most expensive and on the other hand there is the new octopus and pacific coast skimmers which from what everyone is saying are as good or better than euroreef and asm which are great skimmers also. Its really hard to decide if its worth it to spend more than twice the amount of money on a deltec or hs instead of putting the money into something else on the tank and just going with a cheaper skimmer that still performs really well.

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Unread 02/14/2006, 11:21 PM   #156
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Where is everyone saying the octopus is better than asm or euro reef? Point me in the dirrection .

BTW this hobby isn't cheap and if you got into it thinking it would be that was a mistake. I enjoy spending the money on my tanks and their inhabitants. I don't even bat an eyelash when I drop a few hundred on something that will make my tank perform better.

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Unread 02/14/2006, 11:27 PM   #157
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I know, it sucks. Personally I think a skimmer is so important, I just didn't want to deal with a gamble. Plus I got an early ER 12-2RC, and had a bad experience so I went with a German import. I travel a lot. I need something overpowered, so if a fish dies and I'm gone, the skimmer can take care of it. Deltec ... H&S ... have been doing this for a very long time. I believe they still share the patent on the needlewheel.

I like what Calfo said once - something like the extra 10-20% performance isn't worth the 50% increase in price (or more) if your kids are going hungry. I just weighed the options and decided I wanted something better than what I could find domestically. A couple years ago there was really only Deltec and H&S. Now the landscape has changed and ER has improved their pumps (even when they basically laughed at me a couple years ago when I wanted bigger pumps on the 12-2) and the PC skimmers are real bargains. But quite frankly, my kids weren't going hungry so I decided I could splurge on the skimmer. It made such a huge difference I never went back. I also love engineering, it goes with the territory of being 50% Asian, 50% German. ;-)

But I hear ya one "putting the money into something else". Recently I was shopping macro lenses, and I got a cheaper one cuz I needed the money for other things. Most everyone else I know has the 100mm and I just couldn't justify it. But isn't every purchase like that?

Maybe just go with that big PC. $500 is a real bargain and if you don't like it you can sell it and not lose too much. Its a recirculating design so I'd imagine it would perform well.

Good luck and just buy one already. ;-)

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Current Tank Info: Current: 210G Elos System, 2x400W + 6x54W Photon w/Aquaconnects, H&S skimmer, Deltec FR509/ROWAphos+Elos Carbon, 6101's and 6201's, Ocean GEOtronic 900 Chiller/Heater, Biotopus II Controller w/SMS. Elos System 70.
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Unread 02/14/2006, 11:32 PM   #158
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Originally posted by clkwrk
Where is everyone saying the octopus is better than asm or euro reef? Point me in the dirrection .

BTW this hobby isn't cheap and if you got into it thinking it would be that was a mistake. I enjoy spending the money on my tanks and their inhabitants. I don't even bat an eyelash when I drop a few hundred on something that will make my tank perform better.
Where you get the idea i think this hobby is cheap? Do you think I don't have the money to pay for it, cause I sure enough do... If I didn't I wouldn't be considering getting and H&S. Its funny that I ask questions about skimmers in my local club and most of them tell me to just get an asm g3 and some of them have some super nice tanks. Then I ask in the main section on RC and everyone is like, get a $2000 deltec. I never said everyone was saying octopus is better than asm or euro, did i? I thought I said this "which from what everyone is saying are as good or better than euroreef and asm." And when I say everyone, im actually talking about stores and people that have used asm/euro and octopus. I have a LFS that sells all 3 and actually recommened the octopus over a similar sized asm. I don't know if its true or not, I have no idea. Ive just read alot of threads about all of them and I see people coming onto this thread saying they have prizm skimmers than can produce skimmate that looks like those deltec pictures... Who should I believe? How do I know who to trust?

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Unread 02/14/2006, 11:35 PM   #159
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Originally posted by nikonosis
on the other hand there is the new octopus and pacific coast skimmers which from what everyone is saying are as good or better than euroreef and asm which are great skimmers also.
IMO a g-3 is rock soild proven performer.

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Unread 02/14/2006, 11:44 PM   #160
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to be honest, I would buy an asm right now but I really want an external skimmer and everyone says they leak. I honestly thought about getting one and trying to make it leak proof but I really didn't know if it was possible. It seems, from reading here on RC, the only place they leak is at the collar and i saw someone say they just wrapped teflon tape around it and it stopped the leaking. So that leaves me to find an external needlewheel that i know isn't going to leak and I know is going to work good. I honestly don't care if its the best skimmer on earth as long as it keeps my tank as clean as I want it. I am in the planning stages right now of getting ready to setup my 180g and I don't want to regret what I buy and at the same time I don't want to regret spending the money I spent on something if I don't think its worth it. I will not buy a euroreef because they are insanely expensive and there are better skimmers for the same price which doesn't make much sense to me...

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Unread 02/14/2006, 11:49 PM   #161
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Originally posted by clkwrk
IMO a g-3 is rock soild proven performer.
How do I know if a g3 is enough for my 180g when regular RC people say its not enough and my local club says it is? Who should I believe?

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Unread 02/15/2006, 12:15 AM   #162
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What are your goals for nutrient export? You could always get the g-3 recirc and that would .

My g3 and 82 will be going over to my 180 soon.

I know a buddy down the way that has a g3 on his 300g and his tank is doing awsome . Although he isn't running BB and a nutrient poor enviroment . He has a mixed tank with the only sps being monit caps which are fully colored . He also has 4 large tangs and 2 wanna be angles which are large not to mention other fish .

All comes down to the system you are running IMO.

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Unread 02/15/2006, 12:17 AM   #163
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People here on RC including myself like to over skim or have more than needed .

However less works perfect also . Its just knowing with a bigger skimmer that you have more leeway in feeding mishaps and deaths .

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Unread 02/15/2006, 12:44 AM   #164
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also if you are looking for an external skimmer that won't leak then the options are slim. My g3 however doesnt leak at the cup seal , However my er does leak around the union as it has because it has become a pain to tighten and loosen.

Does't the octopus use the same old type unions that er use to use but no longer uses? Why ?Cause they are a pain and are prone to leak.

That was one of my design issues with the octopus . I wouldn't buy another old er because of the union design and it would hold me back from the octopus.

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Unread 02/15/2006, 12:45 AM   #165
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I just recently sold an recirc ASM G3 with gate valve & drain valve mods. Yes, they do leak. All the connections to the cylinder are NOT waterproof fittings, just tight enough to hold in place. Also, the O-Rings are on the thin side, so the connections on the cylinder leak as well and need silicone grease to keep them from leaking. Definitely cannot use as an external skimmer. Your best bet is H&S A150-F2001 or Deltec APF600 for you 180g. Just ask anyone who has these model and what can of skimmate they get out of them... pretty awesome photos out there of these power horse skimmers.

As for skimmers with the Union aroung the collection cup, lots of member complain about how much hassle it is to remove twice a week to empty the collection cup to clean.

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Unread 02/15/2006, 12:56 AM   #166
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so the consensus is spend $800.00+ for a decent external needlewheel~pinwheel skimmer for 180 + gals
boy, those beckett driven skimmers sure looks good just about now.

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Unread 02/15/2006, 01:44 AM   #167
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The union on my Euroreef CS-180 is a breeze to operate and only requires 1/4" of height above it to remove. The neck comes off with the collection cup so it's very simple to deal with in one quick step. $625 at Marine Depot, and yes it pulls very nicely. If I were using a skimmer externally (I'm not, personally), I'd choose Euroreef over ASM.

I have heard that the old Euroreef unions stunk, and just wanted to throw out there that the new version is very slick.

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Unread 02/15/2006, 06:28 AM   #168
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maybe i can find a used euro180... but then again can someone tell me why anyone would get this
when they could get this?

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Unread 02/15/2006, 09:37 AM   #169
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You MIGHT have a second thought about picking up an ER skimmer after you read this thread

And this is not the first thread I have seen about how horrible ER is to work with especially when trying to get a new part.


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Unread 02/15/2006, 10:15 AM   #170
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I've had an Deltec AP600 on my 58g for about 3 + months and and really happy with their product. Do i think i paid too much for it.... not really. I look at it this way, I can run the slimmer outside the sump if i want too, the pump on the skimmer uses like 18 watts or something like that, and i haven't had to do a darn thing since i set it up besides clean the cup and run some fresh water through the air intact of the pump. The skimmer is really set it and forget it. It pulls the nastest black crud out of the water with only 2 little fish in about 80 gallons of water.

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Unread 02/15/2006, 10:31 AM   #171
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Skimmer efficacy

This thread caught my attention, but to be honest, did not read the whole post. I find it interesting that we will pay good money for a skimmer, without knowing the efficacy spec/scientific facts. How do we measure this perceived efficacy/performance of one skimmer versus another. At least when one buys a Porche you know the 0-60 specs. I wonder if consumer reports would be interested in testing skimmers.

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Unread 02/15/2006, 10:33 AM   #172
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Heck.. I'll test the skimmers for ya if you provide the skimmers

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Unread 02/15/2006, 10:38 AM   #173
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Skimmer efficacy

What are the parameters that you would test and which ones are associated with better performance. I know that Richard Harker did some tests a while back, and as I recall he measured bubble size and organic content of the skimmate. Also, as I remember the color of the skimmate can be deceiving as to the organic content.

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Unread 02/15/2006, 10:41 AM   #174
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I am just going to get an asm g4+ and run recirc and gate valve mod on it. I might try to make it leak proof by trying out some diff o-rings but if i can't I am just going to run it in my sump. Is there anyone that has used an asm and didnt like it?

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Unread 02/15/2006, 10:56 AM   #175
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You should be ok with an ASM. I will caution to handle those skimmers with care they use thinner acrylic and can break easier. I dropped my skimmer cup and broke it. As far as the higher priced skimmers, they do use higher quality acrylic and parts, but will this improve efficacy? Have not seen the data. I will say that I built an ugly huge DIY needle wheel skimmer (12" tube with 3 sedra 5000) on my 525 and have had no algae problems and pulls out what appears to be good skimmate.

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