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Unread 01/04/2007, 05:18 PM   #126
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Originally posted by AfAqua
I suppose it's all relative. I don't think 1500's are huge, big maybe but not huge. But then one persons big might equate to anothers huge....
relative? yeh, as in relative to any other powerhead in the industry.. like for example, the maxi stream modded maxi's. that thing is at least 3 times as big.. easily. comparing it that way, it is HUGEMONGOUS. i mean seriously.. have you seen the shadow those things cast? i have.. in my tank. its gnarly. i have to keep my mushrooms and zoas under that shadow.

and the disdain for tunze, well.. they are overpriced.. plain and simple. considering it probably costs pennies on the dollar to make, not hundreds.

then they have the nerve to put out the nanos, (cost effective? haha) with their 600 gph pump, its still outrageous, especially when their are better alternatives. just kind of a slap in the face. the technology has progressed, and as such, prices are supposed to go down, however with tunze, they dont.

JMO anyways

Reefers Law: It can take about 48 hours to brown, and 48 weeks to color back up!

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Unread 01/04/2007, 09:49 PM   #127
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Man... you really take the pricing thing very seriously... we get it, Tunze is just not for you at that price point, but slap in the face???

I thought 60 bucks was very reasonable for a well designed, compact pump that you can pretty much maneuver in any which way you can think of.

I don't need to mod it, comes with a magnet mount, extremely manueverable, aesthetically pleasing (IMO... the ball shape just looks better and less obtrusive), quiet, large shroud allows you to put it close to the surface if you like, and puts out really good flow for its size....

and your better alternative at this point include the seios (large and inefficient compared to the propeller pumps) and the maxi mods (requires you mod them yourself, which I don't consider a finished product), the vortechs (expensive, but great product but not designed with the smaller aquarium in mind) and.... (please don't count the korallias because they aren't out yet and no one knows how they really perform)

The tunze's are great products and people are willing to pay extra for that.


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Unread 01/04/2007, 10:28 PM   #128
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Originally posted by rufio173
Man... you really take the pricing thing very seriously... we get it, Tunze is just not for you at that price point, but slap in the face???

I thought 60 bucks was very reasonable for a well designed, compact pump that you can pretty much maneuver in any which way you can think of.

I don't need to mod it, comes with a magnet mount, extremely manueverable, aesthetically pleasing (IMO... the ball shape just looks better and less obtrusive), quiet, large shroud allows you to put it close to the surface if you like, and puts out really good flow for its size....

and your better alternative at this point include the seios (large and inefficient compared to the propeller pumps) and the maxi mods (requires you mod them yourself, which I don't consider a finished product), the vortechs (expensive, but great product but not designed with the smaller aquarium in mind) and.... (please don't count the korallias because they aren't out yet and no one knows how they really perform)

The tunze's are great products and people are willing to pay extra for that.

huh? this is the first time ive ever said anything about tunze.

slap in the face as in, they should of made a pump that can push more gph then that for 60 bucks. especially when those are still un-controllable. If they would of made them controllable, then maybe it would be more worth it. and of course you should count the maxi mods. they are real cheap, and even easier to put together. only reason its not a finished product, is because marineland dont feel like marketing it. have you seen some of the finished product mods, a lot of RC members are putting together?
the idea of a propellar PH is simple, and quite cheap to make, then why are they so expensive? because people keep buying them at that price, cuz up until recently, there was no competition. companies are finally coming to their senses, and more options will start popping up. and prices will go down. as they should.

and in an industry where things are already expensive, things like that just hit a nerve.

honda internals (supsension, engine etc) in a viper body, is still just a honda.

Reefers Law: It can take about 48 hours to brown, and 48 weeks to color back up!

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Unread 01/04/2007, 10:50 PM   #129
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haha, you win. I agree, things are expensive in this hobby of ours, but I've found that if you are willing to spend the money on good things up front, then life is much easier in the end.

And no, I don't consider maxi mods a complete product, because you can't just buy the powerhead off the shelf completely modded at a reasonable price. You need to read about the whole process, then you need to acquire the materials (a little easier since they've actually got a site which sells all the materials), unless you are willing to pay 60 bucks for a premium kit from oceanflo and then that doesn't include a magnetic mount, which is completely manueverable. So in the end, is it really worth the time when some people make a good enough living, that the little amount they save on DIYing it would actually not save, but lose them a substantial amount of money and time. Not everybody wants to spend the time constructing a maxi mod and wondering whether it will work or how long it will work. It's simply not worth the trouble for some people.

Honestly, we could argue about this all day... you won't buy a Tunze and I will. Haha

The 660 gph model is for people who don't have a big tank and it's probably making a lot of people with nano tanks really happy. If you need more power, then go for the 6045 and if you want controllable, then go for the 6055.

There may be very good things coming down the pipeline, but right now, the selection is limited and the Tunze nanostreams are definitely filling a niche where many people have been looking for something compact, versatile and dependable.


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Unread 01/04/2007, 11:20 PM   #130
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i second the maximod not being a complete kit, also since oceanflo isnt making anything right now doesnt help either.

now the hydor pumps vs a tunze nano stream, the stream wins hands down everyday of the week. it is smaller, like WAY smaller, looks better, less obtrusive, probably better built too. the hydor pumps dont put out the much flow at all. almost like it is soo dispursed that there is very little flow coming from the pump

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Unread 01/04/2007, 11:52 PM   #131
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no.. i never said wouldnt buy a tunze. i was just pointing out a question a poster had asked about earlier in the thread. i was just pointing out my opinion on why some were bashing tunze.

and i would have no problem paying the price they are asking, if it was worth it. and, at this time, its not anymore. sure in the past, they were worth every dime. an most my talk isnt really including the nano streams, cuz up until a month or so ago, they werent out yet. and still are fairly new, and ive heard a few problems with them already. but thats to be expected on first production runs on just about anything.

now.. the vortechs are another story. they are in a league of their own. they have new technology (to most of us anyways) that completely take the PH to a different level. i mean.. having the motor on teh outside of the tank is ingenious. great stuff!

but 300 plus dollars for a regular tunze, and 200 bucks for a controllable nano, with only upto 1453 gph, that money could be spent on coral etc etc.

anyways, the point of my earlier post wasnt to start an argument about tunze. sooooo, back to waiting until feb 7th for the korallia's

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Unread 01/04/2007, 11:53 PM   #132
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Originally posted by purereefer
i second the maximod not being a complete kit, also since oceanflo isnt making anything right now doesnt help either.

now the hydor pumps vs a tunze nano stream, the stream wins hands down everyday of the week. it is smaller, like WAY smaller, looks better, less obtrusive, probably better built too. the hydor pumps dont put out the much flow at all. almost like it is soo dispursed that there is very little flow coming from the pump
i think you mis took the other controllable pump in this thread. that other one wasnt a hydor i dont think.

Reefers Law: It can take about 48 hours to brown, and 48 weeks to color back up!

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Unread 01/05/2007, 12:01 AM   #133
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I agree on the Vortechs... I may have to purchase one if they ever come out with the controller for them. They've been promising that thing for years now...

I hope its not vaporware and I hope it works just as well as they claim if it ever comes out.

John H.

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Unread 01/05/2007, 12:10 AM   #134
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Originally posted by rufio173
I agree on the Vortechs... I may have to purchase one if they ever come out with the controller for them. They've been promising that thing for years now...

I hope its not vaporware and I hope it works just as well as they claim if it ever comes out.

John H.
i couldnt agree more. For what they do, and how they do it, the money is worth every single penny.

And from the video i saw of the remote controller on those, all i can say is... wow. the waves that thing was making was insane.

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Unread 01/05/2007, 09:16 AM   #135
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no i wasnt thinking that the controllable pump pictured was the hydor, i have seen the hydors so i know the difference and also know the size of them and the flow the emit.

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Unread 01/05/2007, 03:26 PM   #136
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Originally posted by purereefer
no i wasnt thinking that the controllable pump pictured was the hydor, i have seen the hydors so i know the difference and also know the size of them and the flow the emit.
where did you see one? theyre not available in the states yet. where are you from?

Reefers Law: It can take about 48 hours to brown, and 48 weeks to color back up!

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Unread 01/06/2007, 04:13 AM   #137
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check out these thread

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Unread 01/06/2007, 11:59 PM   #138
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i am friends with a place that is testing them and trying them out to see if they want to label them for themselves

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Unread 01/07/2007, 12:55 AM   #139
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Do you have a link to this site showing the vortech's with the remote controller.

I'd love to see how these things look in action!


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Unread 01/07/2007, 12:57 AM   #140
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The number 1 korallia is actually not that big...

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Unread 01/07/2007, 01:56 AM   #141
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site for vortech wt remote controller

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Unread 01/07/2007, 02:29 AM   #142
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yeah, I got it... thanks... those waves are hyperimpressive! To get two of those things and run them like that would be very, very nice.

It would be cheaper than buying a Tunze and a wavebox.

Looks awesome!


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Unread 01/07/2007, 09:26 PM   #143
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I think the voltage/frequency problem would be with the controller, not the pump. You can convert the DC to the pump, but is the controller compatible with the 60 Hz AC in the US. Either way, I'd have to think that they will eventually come out with a US model.

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Unread 01/07/2007, 11:05 PM   #144
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Hrm... so it looks like these are not going to be super small... the koralia 2 looks about the same size as a nano-stream. Is the koralia 4 much bigger? Anyone have dimensions on the 4?

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Unread 01/07/2007, 11:41 PM   #145
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yup, looks like he hydor pump will be bigger than the tunze nano stream. looks like a few of us have seen these things now. I would like to get my hands on one but not likely though. dont reall need a large pump like a seio again. but thumbs up for a new product design

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Unread 01/08/2007, 12:05 AM   #146
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lotsofsps: have you seen any numbers to back up your "yup"? Do we know that the koralia 4 is bigger than a koralia 2 and if so how much bigger?

If the koralia 4 is the same size or just barely bigger than the koralia 2 I am not counting it out... if it is waaaaaay bigger than I am getting some nano-streams.

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Unread 01/08/2007, 08:53 AM   #147
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i will try to go take another look at them, maybe bring my camera with me. but like everything, as the pump gph increases, so does its size.

maybe try to snap a short vid of it working too.

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Unread 01/08/2007, 09:07 AM   #148
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The higher flow nano-streams don't grow... neither do higher flow maxi-jets. The koralia may grow with the bigger models, but I hope not.

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Unread 01/08/2007, 01:10 PM   #149
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Originally posted by kroe
Hrm... so it looks like these are not going to be super small... the koralia 2 looks about the same size as a nano-stream.
Actually, Koralia 1 is the one in picture that he compares to Nano
stream, about same size as nano imo.
.".the smaller one is K1 and also the one comparing with Tunze nano is also K1"

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Unread 01/08/2007, 01:40 PM   #150
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quangtam7 I heard you did a mod for the maxi without using the stopper. Can you please post pix or instruction ? thanks

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