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Unread 08/02/2008, 12:56 AM   #1
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moved reef, cycling ? and in need of new lights & skimmer

I just moved my four year old 55g reef and upgraded to a 75g (48x20x18) tank at the same time.

The move was to a different city and took half a day to do so, and then several more hours to get everything going so we could take my live rock, live sand, and livestock out of the buckets and back into an aquarium. We knew we were moving for a long time so I didn't have much livestock but I'm a little freaked out by how long the rock and sand were in the buckets.
Because this took so long (the sand smelled horrible) what kind of cycle do you think I'm looking at?

My skimmer hasn't worked right since we moved it either so I need a new one. I've done a lot of reading and still can't decide so I'm looking for input.
Octopus Needle Wheel 200?

Issues with my lights too so I'm just replacing them but I'm feeling overwhelmed researching a new lighting system. The only coral I currently only have are a few polyps, mushrooms, and zoanthid, but would like to not be too restricted in future selections.
Does anyone know about or have experience with the ones I listed?
I'll take any advice with recommendations to which ones to stay away from, which ones pull the least electricity or would be the least expensive to run or replace lamps for, which ones would be the easiest to operate, or something else better out there in the same price range.
I'm sort of looking for "complete package" since I know little about making hoods or retrofitting anything.
I own a GLO 48" T5 HO 2x54 (w/6700K & actinic bulbs) that's available for this tank and just add a MH clamp or pendant if that's all I need. This would be the cheapest but I don't want to skimp out so I'm thinking one of the below would be a better choice. (?)

My choices reflect research I've done which has led me to believe that 2 150w MH will be more than enough with my tank only being 20" deep.

1) Current USA Outer Orbits 48" 2x150w MH HQIs + 4x54 T5 & 18 Lunar Lights ($722)

2) 48 inch Current USA SunPod 2x150w 14K HQI-MH w/ 18 Lunar Lights ($500)
(Does anyone use MH alone? I would need have some T5's and would the one I have work or would the two take up too much room?)

3) Aqua Medic 48" 2x150w HQI + 2x54w HO T5 Ocean Light System ($724)
(This one seems expensive compared to similar systems?)

4) 4ft Captive Sun Deluxe Hood Lighting System - 2x175w MH + 2x110W VHO -Bulbs NOT Included ($479 w/o bulbs)

5) 4 Foot PFO Custom Hood with 2 x Metal Halide + 2x110w VHO ($598)
I couldn't find the type of lamps this one takes or if I need anything else to go with it.

Thank you so much for any time spent helping me figure out what's the best for me to buy.

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Unread 08/02/2008, 01:27 AM   #2
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Octopus is supposed to be a good brand of skimmer. I plan on getting the 150 for my 70. Do not reuse the sand. it has all kinds of crap built up that will ruin your tank. Just buy some new sand and you shouldnt really have much of a cycle. I would go w/ the outer orbit. I like the MH/PC combo.

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Unread 08/02/2008, 08:19 AM   #3
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I know some people who don't use the sand they had and just use new sand, seeded with about a cup from the old. They just make a bunch of new water before hand and it seems like the tank is going through a large water change, then the rock goes, usually you may experience a mini cycle.

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Unread 08/02/2008, 10:54 AM   #4
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Thanks for the replies.
We used our sand but stirred a little and siphoned some of the yucky stuff out. I didn't even think of not using it since it looked so great in our other tank. I've got water made and ready to for some changes if needed.

As for the skimmer, I'm leaning towards the Octopus 150 (?).
And for lights, since I already have the 2x54 T5 HO thing, I'm looking at the best way to add MH to that. I still could use some advice on both of these though...

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