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Unread 03/23/2016, 09:57 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 4
Complete newbie, starting with a 30-50gal reef (build-log & advice thread)

Hey, so I'm brand new to the site, and the hobby. A friend has a large (200-300gal) tank that I've helped him with a bit, and my wife and I decided to get into it.... We're going to start much smaller.

Anyway, he's helping a lot, and we're doing a ton of our own research (including reading the sticky threads here!)

But thought I'd also start a thread to both document my build, and to ask for advice/suggestions.

Right now where I'm at right now:
  • I have a space along a foundation wall, in the end of my dining room (no direct sunlight at all). I can accomodate 18" protrusion from the wall (20" absolute max) and up to 48" wide.
  • My friend can supply me with 15g long sump tank, protein skimmer, power heads, live sand (cured), live rock (cured), main pump, and water from his RO to get started.
  • I'm currently shopping for a tank which either has a stand large enough to accomodate the sump and gear, OR I'll build a stand myself from scratch
  • For Tank, I'm looking in the 40-46gal range I think. I'd stretch as high as 50 in a pinch, or as low as 30... I think I prefer the size of the 40-46 though. I really like the bow front ones, but I've found a couple used tanks with pre-existing drills/plumbing and wier, so might make life easier if I can get one of those. Still waiting on response from the sellers of those tanks, one includes a nice stand as well...

The one tank I'm looking at appears to be a 46g long, with a nice stand, 2 drills for plumbing, and an overflow/wier box built into the left side top of the tank. I am hoping to work something out with that seller as that would be an ideal start I think. (tank already drilled, easy to plumb, good size, has a nice stand, and so on).

Other equipment list:
  • small in-sump protein skimmer, from my friend, was used in his 65g setup before he upgraded
  • Mag5 Pump (from my friend, again from his 65g setup)
  • a pair of 100w heaters (to be bought new)
  • a couple power heads for water circulation (from friend, unknown specs)
  • Planning to use a pump based Auto Top Up basin, not sure of volume yet, or specifics, just want to avoid gravity fed for risk of failure causing a flood (happened to my friend already lol)
  • No lighting yet, Phase 1 has no coral or fish, only cycling, so leaving it dark.

My friend is already filling 5g jugs with his RO for me, to prepare.

My plan for "phase 1" so far:
  1. Acquire Tank
  2. If tank has no stand, build stand
  3. Leak test tank for 24h using tap water
  4. Clean tank
  5. Move Tank and Stand into target location
  6. Complete Plumbing
  7. Setup/Configure Sump (heater/skimmer/airbubble management/pump)
  8. Test/Verify Electrics, and setup/wire
  9. Mix Salt Water in seperate large basin, pre-heated RO water
  10. Add initial salt water
  11. Deploy Sand and Rock *verify stability*
  12. Add remaining salt water
  13. Final checks
  14. Power up the system and get things running
  15. Let tank cycle (as long as needed)

So first off, anyone have any ideas/suggestions on my plan for things I've missed, or need to alter? Extra things I should consider?

Second, I have some things I'm thinking of, either concerns, or things I want to take into account in the design, would love ideas/suggestions:
  • I'm thinking of a Herbie Overflow Design, or one suggestion I saw was a Durso with a dry pipe as a backup (since I probably won't need the high flow with this size tank)
  • I'm a bit concerned about risk of moisture on the wall behind the tank as my space requirements will require it to be close to the wall. I'm thinking about options, either building a hood which has a built-in "backsplash" of some waterproof material, or simply covering the tank to reduce evap, see below.
  • Concerned about humidity/moisture damage, as I rent. Looking into options, one of which appears to be covering the tank and sump to significantly reduce evap. From what I understand, if I leave the overflow uncovered, and the skimmer, those should provide enough gas exchange to keep the fish in good health, while keeping exposed water surfaces to a minimum and controlling evap rates. But still unsure of the specifics behind this... And if this will in-fact work, or if there are other problems.
  • Trying to design as much "safety" into the system as I can, I want to take every measure to avoid a flood, or major catastrophe (again I rent lol)
  • Trying to design as much automation into the system as I can, minimizing maintenance, so even though it's a small system, I'm likely "over designing" it...

My planned next phases (will go into more depth as I draw near completion of Phase 1, but outlining them hear for feedback/consideration)
  1. Phase 1 - Initial Build and Cycling
  2. Phase 2 - Cleanup Crew, and Remaining Details (lighting and such). Plus some automation (sensors, monitoring, and so on)
  3. Phase 3 - First fish or two, and perhaps some coral
  4. Phase 4 - Final revisions, tweaking, and additional livestock in small stages going forward. Finalizing automation based on observations.

I expect to spend at least 1 month per phase, and take it slow. If it becomes obvious that I should advance I might move ahead, but for now planning on taking it slow.

Anyway, that's my first post (probably a few errors, and omissions, it's getting late lol... Will correct with edits if needed).

if anyone has any comments, suggestions, whatever I'd love to hear them!

I'll also be using this as my build-log thread, so will post pics as I can.

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Unread 03/23/2016, 09:58 PM   #2
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Reserved for future phases/updates

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Unread 03/23/2016, 09:59 PM   #3
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Reserved for future phases/updates #2

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