11/04/2010, 09:55 PM | #2601 | |
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I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock |
11/05/2010, 11:00 AM | #2602 |
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I have a 120 gallon RR (FOWLR, 1-2" sandbed, 30 gallon sump w/fuge, 110lbs live rock, 3 K4s, Octopus NWB-110 Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer) I am going to be upgrading to a Super Reef Octopus XP-2000 Internal Protein Skimmer. With the upgrade in skimmer I feel it is finally time figure out the last few stocking options.
I only have one must have addition - A female for my male green spotted mandarin current stock list- 5" Purple Tang 5" Sailfin Tang 4" Naso Tang 4" Black-wedged Butterflyfish, Chaetodon falcula 3" Perc 3" Coral Beauty Dwarf Angel 1.5" Green Spotted Mandarin would love some ideas on a couple last additions. One thing to keep in mind for me is it can not be something bashfull. The tangs do run the tank and are aggresive eaters and swimmers. Thanks |
11/05/2010, 11:04 AM | #2603 | |
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Click my name and then "visit toddrtrex's homepage" for tank pictures Current Tank Info: 210g reef and 65g reef |
11/05/2010, 02:04 PM | #2604 | |
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I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock |
11/06/2010, 09:42 AM | #2605 |
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I am about to start stocking my aquarium and wanted to know if this was a good mix. My tank is a standard 55 gallon (no sump or refugium) with dsb and about 70lbs of live rock. Finished cycling about a month ago but have only added snails at this point. I do plan on keeping some zoo's, rics and LPS further down the road.
Here is what I was looking at stocking: A clown pair (snowflake, **name removed because of legal threat from trademark holder** or black and white) midas blenny wrasse (faery or flasher like exquisite, solar, scott's fairy, velvet, whip-fin) some kind of dartfish (helfrichi, purple tilefish or a pair of blue gudgeon or zebra barred) pair of cleaner shrimp and maybe a porcelin crab or strawberry crab later on possibly clam and anemone for the clowns does this list pretty good, seems like something is missing but not sure if that is already too much for a 55 |
11/06/2010, 10:35 AM | #2606 | |
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What lights for the clam and anemone? (( which should wait at least 6 months )) I would stay away from the Scott's fairly wrasse -- very very aggressive. I have an Exquisite, and love it -- great looks and great personality. The shrimps/crabs look good. I have a porcelain in one of my S. Haddonis and think it is a great combo.
Click my name and then "visit toddrtrex's homepage" for tank pictures Current Tank Info: 210g reef and 65g reef |
11/06/2010, 11:23 AM | #2607 | |
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Due to tank placement hanging them isn't really an option but I love the way the LEDs look and also love the idea of rounding out the spectrum using the T5's which I already have. Worst case scenario will be me adding two more T5's and supplementing with Ecoxotic panorama modules. Not much of a do it yourself person but craving for LED's > than DIY apprehension. I plan on stocking slowly and wouldn't even think of adding the nem or clam until further down the road. BTW what should the stocking order be? Also probably need a starfish but don't want to make a mistake and buy the wrong type. Last edited by Burghboy; 11/06/2010 at 11:32 AM. |
11/06/2010, 07:30 PM | #2608 |
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My tank is a 42 gallon (30x18x18) with a skimmer/sump/and 42 lbs live rock.
I was just curious if a pair of flame angels would do fine in a tank of my size? |
11/06/2010, 10:03 PM | #2609 | |
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I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock |
11/06/2010, 11:43 PM | #2610 |
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1 Clown Goby in a 200 Gal, Thats it.
11/07/2010, 12:54 AM | #2611 |
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Starting to stock my reef tank and looking for advice/suggestions! Tank has been running for a couple months now.
Display is 200 gallon (7ft x 2ft x 2ft) with 55 gallon sump/refugium. I have 200 lbs of rock, 160+ lbs of sand. Running an external Super Reef Octopus xp3000 skimmer. Koralia Evo 2 x 1400 and 2 x 1050. Return pump is Mag 18. If you need more details on any parts of the system let me know. Current livestock: 8 Turbo snails (might get rid of a few) 40 Nassarius 100+ Dwarf cerinth 25 Nerite snails 2 Peppermint Shrimp 2 ocellaris clowns 1 firefish Possible additions: another firefish yellow watchman goby 3-5 green chromis flame angelfish blue tang naso blonde tang powder blue tang blue jaw trigger (pair?) mandarin gobies (much later...waiting for the pods!) A large Angel - blue girdled or emperor? Cleaner shrimp (how many?) Any advice on the above fish and order that they should be added would be great. Are there any that I should eliminate or any other fish I should think about adding? Thanks in advance! |
11/07/2010, 12:36 PM | #2612 |
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capn_hylinur- would it be alright if they were a mated pair?
11/07/2010, 06:36 PM | #2613 |
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I have a 270 gallon tank 72x36x24, 80 gal sump. Skimmer is octopus 6000 super reef. I also have around 150# of LR some in the display and some in the sump and refugium.
Current fish 1 Blonde Naso 1Yellow tang pair of Clarki clowns 13 green chromis 4 red sea anthias 1 yellow clown gobie I was thinking of adding a convict tang, a powder blue tang, and a yellow eye cole tang. I feel like I may be pushing it but I was looking for some opinions. If I had to pick one it would be the convict. I appreciate the feedback. |
11/07/2010, 08:52 PM | #2614 |
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125 g with a 75g made into a sump with a fuge/chetto
almost a year old tank lot of live rock well over 125lbs with sand 1 to 3 inches in some area diamand goby ( sand shifter) 2-3 green chromis pair of black and white clowns 5" powder blue tang 5" purple tank they came from same tank many years together i would like to add more madrian goby? coral beauty angel? 4' atleast or some nice size wrasses not sure whats reef safe.. thanks for any feed back |
11/08/2010, 12:08 PM | #2615 |
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I have a 75 gallon 15 year tank with few corals. Run a 40 gallon sump with Cheato. Current inhabitants (in approximate order they were added):
- 1 Blue finned damsel (4 inches) - 1 percula Clown (3.5 inches) - 1 yellow tang (4.5 inches) - 1 Scooter blenney (2.5 inches) - 2 emeral crabs(9maybe) - 1 Lawnmower blenney (4 inches) - 2 skunk cleaners - 1 Flame Angel (3 inches) The clown still annoy the Flame, but the fighting is almost over. Then I added a Copper Banded Butterfly (4 inches) and the tang won't leave her alone. the other fish do I think until the tang chases the CBB into their space. I have temporarily solved the problem with a piece of egg crate Copper and Flame on one side and everyone else on the other. Of course the blenneys suit themselves. Am I going to be okay removing the egg crate in a week or so (this has worked for me in the past)? Other comments please. Thanks in advance. |
11/09/2010, 12:23 PM | #2616 |
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75G reef... 48x18x20, 20G sump, ASM G1 skimmer with Mesh Mod
assorted corals, mostly zoas and palys. Current Stock list: 2 Ocellaris Clownfish (amphiprion ocellaris) 3 green chromis (chromis viridis) 1 Firefish (goby) (nemateleotris magnifica) 2 Scarlet Hermits 1 Emerald Crab assorted Astrea and Margarita snails I want to add: 1 additional Firefish (goby) (nemateleotris magnifica) 1 Royal Gramma (gramma loreto) 1 Flame Angelfish (centropyge loriculus) 2 Lawnmower Blenny (salarias fasciatus) 1 Bicolor Dottyback (pictichromis paccagnellae) 1 Bluehead Fairy Wrasse (cirrhilabrus cyanopleura) Comments, Suggestions, complaints??? |
11/09/2010, 02:26 PM | #2617 | |
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11/10/2010, 02:55 PM | #2618 |
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I've asked this question in a different thread a week or so ago never got a response.
100 gallon 2-3" of cc substrate with a 30 gallon sump and a emperor angel (5-6"), red coris wrasse (7-8")and 2 adult clowns, 1 baby clown, M.Dor anemone, lots of xenia and some sort of button polyp zoa colony. 125 gallon with 4-5" of live sand (sugar sized or smaller argonite I think) a 150 gallon sump, powder blue tang, green chromi, 2 adult clownfish, gorgonia (I think), couple of brown mushroom looking thingies. -- I don't think the angel and the wrasse have enough room in the 100 gallon, its not very long, maybe 4'. The 125 is 6' long. I'd like to give one or both more swimming space in the 125. The 125 is peninsula style and pretty "open", the 125 is rock piled up against the back wall style... former owner said the angel and wrasse both really need place to hide to feel safe. Eventually I'll want some corals. Would you recommend shuffling my stock? How so? I have no CUC, I'm thinking about getting a the tiger pistol / yellow watchman goby for each tank as suggested. Any other suggestions? I'm not a fan of snails, reefers I know feel like its just pouring money down the drain. |
11/13/2010, 06:58 PM | #2619 |
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I'd like to add a tang to my 70 tall (36" x 18" x 26"). Current stocking list is a pair of black occellaris clowns, a yellow wrasse, and a lawnmower blenny. Order of tangs I'd like, though I will only get one, are Powder Blue, Atlantic Blue, Powder Brown, Purple Tang, or Yellow Eyed Kole. Any other tang suggestions that would work would also be appreciated. Filtration is 30 gallon sump that has extra live rock, GFO, and a protein skimmer.
11/13/2010, 09:43 PM | #2620 | |
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Click my name and then "visit toddrtrex's homepage" for tank pictures Current Tank Info: 210g reef and 65g reef |
11/13/2010, 10:57 PM | #2621 |
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Marine Betta??
My wife & I like a marine betta we saw today at the LFS. We have everything in the signature line plus a Royal Gramma. Are Marine Bettas okay with soft corals..it was in the soft coral tank? It's about 3 inches long so will it harass other fish that are smaller?
Lots of equipment left over from the 140 gallon tank teardown. Oct 21st was a sad day. Wife said I would have to get a new wife to get a new tank. I'm sure gonna miss the wife. Current Tank Info: No tank, no fish, no coral :( |
11/13/2010, 11:17 PM | #2622 | |
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Marine bettas are usually okay with corals. They can be very hard to get to eat so make sure the one you purchase is already eating. they do not like alot of lighting and prefer caves to hang out in most of the time.
I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock |
11/13/2010, 11:23 PM | #2623 | |
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since you have a long 125 gal you could add a couple of more tangs to it---yellow tang and a kole tang for eg.
I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock |
11/13/2010, 11:28 PM | #2624 | |
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the fish you have picked are all compatible however
I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock |
11/13/2010, 11:28 PM | #2625 | |
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although i dont know about how the mandarins do with the large angels or triggers. i had one for awhile and he was very very docile. infact he didnt even notice when the jawfish i had would try to scare him away from his cave. i dont know how they would do if another fish actually tried to confront them
29g mixed reef - Filtration: modded AC70 refugium/AquaticLife Mini Skimmer 115 Lighting:4x24" T5HO ATI bulbs Flow: Koralia Evolution 750 Ammonia:0 Nitrite:0 Nitrate:>5 pH:8.1 SG:1.026 Livestock: 2 true perc clowns, firefish, scooter blenny, yellow coris wrasse, harlequin shrimp, acan, brain, frogspawn, Z's and P's, few SPS, etc |
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marine fish, reef fish |