06/07/2012, 05:43 PM | #2751 | |
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06/07/2012, 06:07 PM | #2752 |
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I have made the list of wants for my 75 gal ATS filtered tank and display fuge with 20gal sump. I am including a number in front to signify the the desire for the fish. 1= cant live without 5=only if the species will not proclude lower number.
So here goes, dash all my hopes and dreams. 1 Mated pair of one of the following Amphiprion Ocellaris, or Percula, or Perideraion. (Perideraion = Pink Skunk Anemonefish) 1 Cryptocentrus Cinctus, posibly mated pair. With Alpheus Bellulus (Yellow Watchman Gobie, with Tiger Pistol Shrimp) 2 Nemateleotris Magnifica (Flame Firefish) 3 Chromis Veridis, or Cyanea (Green Chromis, or Blue Reef Chromis) 3 Ecsenius Gravieri (Red Sea Mimic Blenny) 3 Labroides Dimidiatus (Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse) 4 Centropyge Bospiniosa (Coral Beauty) 5 Cirrhilabrus Rubrisquamis (Maldive Velvet Fairy Wrasse) 5 Echidna Catenata (Chainlink Moray Eel) Inverts to be included Pachyclavularia Viridis (Green Star Polyp) Zoathus Euphyllia Ancora (Hammer Coral) Euphyllia Divisa (Frogspawn Coral) Euphyllia Glabrescens (Torch Coral) Sabellastarte (Featherduster Worm) Ophioderma Cf. Appressum (Marbled Serpent Star) I hope I spelled it all correctly. Thanks again in advance, Ed |
06/07/2012, 06:35 PM | #2753 | |
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Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
06/07/2012, 06:54 PM | #2754 |
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Steve, I have another question. Are there any other small Schooling fish suitable for a tank my size I think I fall short on tank req. for anthias but anything else I could look into?
Thank you for the heads up on the cleaner wrasse. Could I add another blenny like bicolor or mandrin "scooter blenny". The cleaner wrasse was not wanted for cleaning purposes just trying to find small coolheaded fish. I plan to do a full QT setup from the start and will even QT my liverock seed to try and prevent unwanted hitchhikers. As for the Green Star Polyps I hope they will cover a large portion of my rockwall to give a more natural look and with two seperate dump bucketes maybe a nice movement too. This does make me ask will the star polyps be controlable with regular "prunings"? Thanks once more for the time you devote to us newbs, you could never be told that enough! Ed |
06/07/2012, 07:04 PM | #2755 |
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I was thinking that would be the case, thanks for the confirmation! And I would like a copperband, but I'm still not sure if I'm willing to take that risk. I guess I'll just wait till I find one that I can watch eat in a dealer's tank...
06/07/2012, 08:29 PM | #2756 | |
Team RC member
Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
06/07/2012, 08:30 PM | #2757 | |
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Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
06/07/2012, 09:39 PM | #2758 |
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90 galon tank already have the 3 blue green chromis and 2 clown. How does this look for a final total population?
3 blue green chromis 3 firefish 2 clown fish 1 foxface lo 1 sand sifting star 1 emeral crab Feels like somethings missing any suggestions?
My 90G Tank thread: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2147252 My Water Details: WATER: IO Reef Cry, SG 1.026, Alk 8.5, Calc 435, Mag 1480 |
06/07/2012, 10:29 PM | #2759 |
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Just getting all my stuff together and going over my potential stock list.
57 gallon oceanic mixed reef tank Pair of fireball angels ( understand the risk) Pair of hooded fairy wrasses Eight line flasher wrasse Line spot blenny Any feedback would be great. Thanks Tony |
06/08/2012, 04:15 AM | #2760 | |
Team RC member
Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
06/08/2012, 04:17 AM | #2761 | |
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Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
06/08/2012, 07:14 AM | #2762 |
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Hey, this is my first saltwater tank: I have a 75 gallon tank with a 20 gallon sump/fuge, and wanted some experts to take a look and make sure I'm not overstocking or anything. Keep in mind I plan on trying my hand at some of the easier corals, but I haven't decided exactly what yet.
My tentative fish plan: 2 x Percula Clownfish (mated pair) 1 x Yellow Watchman Goby 1 x Bicolor Blenny 1 x Orchid Dottyback 1 x Tomini Tang (debating this, opinions seem to be mixed on whether 75 gallons is enough room for one) I'm strongly considering dropping the tang and focusing on smaller fish - I don't want my tank to be cramped for anyone. I greatly appreciate any light you can shed on this subject. Thanks! PS. If you don't think the tang is a good idea, how much more bioload "room" do I have for fish? I was considering a peaceful wrasse or something. The Gold Assessor Basslet caught my eye, but it is expensive which usually means it's not good for beginners. |
06/08/2012, 10:41 AM | #2763 |
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I haven't done too much planning yet, but as it will be my first salt water tank I was thinking about doing a small 10-20 gallon tank with something easy to care for. Maybe a mantis shrimp (with burrows of course) and a couple pieces of coral?
06/08/2012, 10:48 AM | #2764 |
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65 Gallon redmax. Still doing research! Read to many books with different information.
Cleaner crew? Want! Based on 1 per ten gallons of aquarium volume 1 Fighting Conch 1 Super Tongan Nassarius Snail 4 Turbo Snails Fish? 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish (Centropyge bispinosa) 1 Ocellaris Clownfish, Tank Bred (Amphiprion ocellaris) 1 Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica) 1 Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus) (1 year) 1 Court Jester Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi) 1 Filamented Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus filamentosus) 1 Yellow Prawn Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus) 1 Jawfish, Yellowhead (Opistognathus aurifrons) Inverts? 2 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) 1 Emerald Crab (Mithraculus sculptus) 1 Tiger Snapping Shrimp (Alpheus bellulus) Coral? 1 ORAź Hammer Coral (Euphyllia ancora) 1 Maxima Clam, Blue - Aquacultured (Tridacna maxima) (1 year) 1 Squamosa Clam - Aquacultured (Tridacna squamosa) 1 ORAź Bird of Paradise Birdsnest (Seriatopora caliendrum) 1 Ricordea Mushroom, Blue/Green (Caribbean) (Ricordea florida) 1 Trumpet Coral (Caulastrea curvata) 1 Lordhowensis Coral (Acanthastrea lordhowensis) 1 Bubble Coral, Pearl (Physogyra sp.) 1 Colony Micro Polyp, Red (Zoanthus sp.) |
06/08/2012, 01:56 PM | #2765 |
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OK. I've decided to forge ahead with my 120-gallon (48"x24"x24") reef tank.
I have not yet determined precisely what I will keep for corals but I want a mix of softies and LPS. I would also like to keep a couple of clams once the tank is established. As well, I will determine my CUC when I get closer to my build. How does this look for a fish list? Must have: 1x Percula Clown (Tank Raised) 1x Kole Tang 1x Purple Firefish 2x Banggai Cardinals (Preferably Tank Raised) 1x Fairy Wrasse (Tri-Color or Exquisite) 1x Lamarck's Angel Would like to add: 1x Pajama Cardinal 1x Blue Throat Trigger (Female) 1x Lawnmower Blenny 1x Convict Tang Uncertain: 1x Green Wrasse 1x Lyretail Anthias 1x Diamond Goby 1x Coral Beauty Please provide your feedback. Any that I should be concerned about? Is my list too large? Any favorites that you would strongly recommend? Thanks.
"In one drop of water are found all the secrets of the oceans." Planning Stage ~~ 105+ Gallon (72"L); Bean Overflow; Looking to keep Softies, LPS, possibly Clams & Less Aggressive Specimens |
06/08/2012, 02:56 PM | #2766 | |
Team RC member
Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
06/08/2012, 02:57 PM | #2767 | |
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Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
06/08/2012, 03:00 PM | #2768 | |
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Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
06/08/2012, 03:04 PM | #2769 | |
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Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
06/08/2012, 08:35 PM | #2770 |
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Hello, Steve.
My 240g reef tank has been operational for 5 weeks now. It measures 96"x18"x30" (lxwxh). A 50 gallon refugium and a 30 gallon sump are attached. Circulation is from 4 Vortech MP40WES, an OM-4 way/Sequence Dart, and a Sequence Hammerhead main pump. Lighting is provided by a Vertex Illumina LED. 250 lbs base rock and ~100 lbs live rock. Aquascape provides LOTS of caves/overhangs (poor picture attached). Current inhabitants include a Bangai Cardinal, Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma veliferum), Pencil Urchin, 3 emerald crabs, and assorted snails/hermits. All except the Cardinal were added to successfully counter an outbreak of hair algae one week after startup. Blue Lagoon.jpg My goal is a peaceful, brightly colored/diversified reef. Planned stocking list (all quantity 1 except shoalers and inverts), over time, with QT, and in order of introduction, is: One Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus) Red-lipped Blenny (Ophioblennius atlanticus) Bicolor Blenny (Ecsenius bicolor) Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) - my grandkids insist! Resplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus) - 5 (the shoalers, part 1) Spotted Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) - 5 (the shoalers, part 2) Catalina Goby (Lythrypnus dalli) Clown Goby, Green (Gobiodon atrangulatus) Yellow Prawn Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus) paired with Pistol Shrimp * Tangaroa Goby (Ctenogobiops tangaroai) paired with Pistol Shrimp * Hi Fin Red Banded Goby (Stonogobiops nematodes) paired with Pistol Shrimp * Leopard Wrasse (Macropharyngodon meleagris) Scott's Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus scottorum) Exquisite Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus exquisitus) Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus) White Tail Bristletooth Tang (Ctenochaetus flavicauda) Spotted Mandarin (Synchiropus picturatus) Red Mandarin (Pterosynchiropus splendidus var.) - can I keep both? Squamosa Clam (Tridacna squamosa) Maxima Clam, Turquoise/Blue (Tridacna maxima) Fighting Conch (Strombus spp.) (3) Sea Cucumber, Tiger Tail (Holothuria sp.) Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) (3) Snapping Shrimp, Red Banded (Alpheus randalli) * Tiger Snapping Shrimp (Alpheus bellulus) * Snapping Shrimp (Alpheus sp.) * Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) Linckia Sea Star, Blue (Linckia laevigata) Red & Black Sea Star (Fromia sp.) Blue & Pink Sea Star (Astropecten sp.) Blue Tuxedo Urchin (Mespilia globulus) Red Tuxedo Urchin (Mespilia cf globulus) Do you recommend against all Clownfish, or will it be safe to pair the Ocellaris? Also, given tank size, could I also house a Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavens)? Thanks for any/all suggestions/comments/recommendations on livestock selections and stocking order. I want to do it right; I don't want to do it over. Tom
Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. Current Tank Info: The Blue Lagoon - 240 gallon mixed reef |
06/08/2012, 10:02 PM | #2771 |
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Steve thank you for your reply I might change the eight line flasher wrasse to a red tailed flasher wrasse. Thanks again Tony
06/09/2012, 08:20 AM | #2772 | |
Team RC member
Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
06/09/2012, 08:28 AM | #2773 | |
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Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
06/09/2012, 01:07 PM | #2774 |
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Thanks, Steve, I appreciate your insight. I have one question: With regards to my query re: Zepbrasoma flavens, you responded "Despite having a larger tank, you have a fairly large number of larger sized grazers. The sailfin is not going to like tang additions." Are you suggesting I might have problems with the Acanthurus and Ctenochaetus I'm considering, or just with the addition of another Zebrasoma? Tom P.S. I've bookmarked your blog!
Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. Current Tank Info: The Blue Lagoon - 240 gallon mixed reef |
06/09/2012, 04:30 PM | #2775 | |
Team RC member
Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
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