02/07/2009, 06:00 PM | #376 |
R.C. Fraternity President
How often do YOU change your fuge light?? I use this light and have been for quite a while I think I need to change it but it seems to be fine.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:01 PM | #377 |
R.C. Fraternity President
is this a good chiller? what do you guys think pros and cons. it will be for a 150g tank with 3x 250watt mh lights located in tampa florida
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:01 PM | #378 |
R.C. Fraternity President
My LFS wants over $200 for a coral catshark is there any online stores that sell a lot of different sharks and rays I am mostly interested in coral catsharks and cortez stingrays.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:02 PM | #379 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I'm getting some tomorrow and I want to see pics of some healthy specimens . . .
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:03 PM | #380 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I lost the sample vial that came with my MarineLand /Aquarium Systems Alkalinity test. It is the same small vial that comes with the Instant Ocean Alk test kit. Does anybody know how many ml the vial is?
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:04 PM | #381 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I don't think you have to break the tank down, just do some water changes and maybe run some carbon in you filter. You should also take it out of your tank if it is dead and decaying it's not good to leave it in your tank.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:04 PM | #382 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I see coralline algae starting to cover my ph probe. I want to clean it before it gets out of hand. What's the safest & easier way? I don't want to scratch the sensor.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:05 PM | #383 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I figure it may have an electrical root. The tank smells kinda like a swimming pool.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:06 PM | #384 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I just bought a 92 gallon corner tank and the guy gave me some rock. It has been sitting out of water for about a month. We washed it off and it doesnt smell as bad. What is the best way to make it tank ready?
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:06 PM | #385 |
R.C. Fraternity President
The tank will be aprox. 44g. So far I do want a pair of True Perc Clowns but am open to suggestions for tank mates!
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:07 PM | #386 |
R.C. Fraternity President
anybody has any information about the below device or from where i can get information?
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:08 PM | #387 |
R.C. Fraternity President
Can Carpet nems (haddoni) go sexual? My carpet was blowing up very funny looking before feeding and lights out i am uploading pics now and I went to bed. About an hour later I come out and check on the tank and my water is cloudy and nem is normal deflated/smaller like he always is during the night.
Could he have gone sexual and clouded my tank?
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:09 PM | #388 |
R.C. Fraternity President
Just wanted to post a pic of my new 65gal now that I think I am done adding rock. There is @70lbs of rock 80lbs of sand.
what do you guys think?
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:09 PM | #389 |
R.C. Fraternity President
Here's what I'm thinking: 100 blue leg crabs, 50 Astrea, 50 Nassarius, 50 Cerith crabs, 6 peppermint shrimp, 5 emerald crabs, 3 sally lightfoot, 3 arrow crabs, a pretty purple lobster for fun.... Thoughts?
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:10 PM | #390 |
R.C. Fraternity President
What do you guys think from experience? Whats the best place to purchase acrylic tanks. Marine Depot has a few nice ones it looks like.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:11 PM | #391 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I am thinking of moving my sump to the basement. But to get it out of stand the display tank needs to come off. So I am looking for the best way to get this done. I know where it will go and how I will plumb it to and from.
I will want to save as much water as possible so I plan on pumping it in to a number of Brute cans Its a 90 gal FOWLR tank. After I get some of the water out will it be safe to put my fish in the brute. I am thinking a power head and heater is a must. Anything else. Should I put some live rock In with the fish. The remainder of the rock will go in another brute. I am hoping I can move the tank on to another stand that I will have close by which will give me enough room to get the sump out. I really hope I don't have to remove the sand. I will leave a little water to keep it moist. Any thoughts or suggestion will be appreciated.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:11 PM | #392 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I use a saline solutions skimmer on my QT. It has been running for two weeks on that tank but produces no skimmate at all. There are 3 small fish in the tank right now. A purple fire goby and two black ocellaris clowns. the tank is a 35 gallon with a 35 gallon sump/fuge. Anyone know how to tune these things to pull skimmate? I've tried fiddling with the air pump and air flow already and don't know what to do now. All suggestions are welcome.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:13 PM | #394 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I have some brown Anthelia. I like it but it's starting to crowd out my watermellon Zoa's and they are starting to decline since they area shaded. How do I move it off of the rock and maybe into my sandbed or possibly another rock. I don't want to have it grow back in the same spot.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:14 PM | #395 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I was looking at the lobster tank at the local Walmart and was wondering is anyone has used one for a reef tank? The one here is the Marineland 55 gallon cube with the filtration system in the back, it has a chiller and a uv light- opinions or experiences?
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:15 PM | #396 |
R.C. Fraternity President
Where is the best place to buy a new tank. I am looking to buy a 150-200 gallon tank and I live in central new york? also, what do people suggest, acylic or glass?
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:16 PM | #397 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I need help with choosing the best type of chiller for my 150 gal. reef tank.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:16 PM | #398 |
R.C. Fraternity President
I have a 25 gallon fuge where I have an 8" sand bed, and am growing Chaeto. I set this up about a month ago. Chaeto is growing nicely, but there are brown algaes growing on the glass and sand bed.
I'm thinking of adding a minor clean up crew to keep it a bit cleaner. Nassarius snails, astreas, and some turbos possibly. Any suggestions for or against doing this?
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:17 PM | #399 |
R.C. Fraternity President
Im trying to just set up a small tank so I decided on the aquapod 24 gallon with the 64 watt lighting. I really just want to most likely house a pair of clowns, a GBTA, maybe 1 or 2 or small fish. My corals would be mostly just xenia, mushrooms, zoos, figi leather, and toadstool but i would also like to get some LPS such as frogspawn or maybe a brain. Would this set up be sufficient. I was going to add a koralia nano.
Do i need a different kind of filtration? Should i really just get the 150watt. (id rather not spend the extra money if not needed) If i must get the 150w, would i have to look into getting a chiller. if so then im not getting the hight watt lighting. Thanks.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |
02/07/2009, 06:18 PM | #400 |
R.C. Fraternity President
Due to the water I'm using, I have a phosphate level of .5. Will Chemi-pure Elite be able to take care of that? My tank is a 10g nano.
Jimmy MASVC President Dishes are done man! Current Tank Info: 300 in progress |