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Unread 02/13/2006, 12:30 PM   #26
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DI water should not be consumed in the body because of the lack of ions, hence deionized(DI). it is because it will draw ions from your body through the natural ionic gradient which will burn your stomach lining so in the long run can cause stomach ulcer.

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Unread 02/14/2006, 02:02 AM   #27
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There is absolutely no way in a million years anyone will ever be able to covince me that DI water is in any way bad for your health when added to a normal diet.
To save myself some time on an age old debate please read a thread that I posted on this very subject years ago... I still think its funny how people buy into the hype to this day.. Please dont take any offense to that but I have been on the PRO side of this argument for years and people make posts all the time saying
"DI water is VERY bad for you"....LOL.. NO! Read on

Yes RO DI water is very light as far as osmotic pressure goes and yes if you were to base your diet solely on RO DI water and nothing else you certaily would one day face a cell wall colapse.

BUT> I think that you would die of starvation before this would happen. Secondly as Randy mentioned if you take one bight of steak you have recaptured the small trace of minerals you have lost from the water.
Now if you go back and do a search on this subject you will see that I have never been an advocate of the mineral loss theory and the only reason I can say that DI water is not good to drink is because it doesnt have any taste.
I will repeat one statement I made in a past thread.
People become comfortable with things they recognise. this applies to the taste of food and drink as well.
The reason we like foods and sodas with sugar in them is because we recognize sugar as a taste we enjoy. This is a substance that over the years of consumption we have learned to identify very easily. Now the same concept applies to water. If we have been drinking mineral water or even hard water for a long time the minerals and hardness become identifyable to our taste and basicly we identify this as the taste of water. This is not the taste of the water it is the taste of the things in the water. The same concept could apply to soda, if you were to all of a sudden remove the sugar from the soda you would no longer enjoy it You would say that it tasted terrible and you could more than likely know it was absent of sugar and blame the bad taste accordingly. Now the problem with the water is that over time you have attributed the taste of the water to just being water and were unable to identify the individual minerals in the water that actually made it taste the way it does. SO when these minerals are removed now the water tastes (SUGAR FREE) and you no longer enjoy it as much.

As stated by DR Arthur L Guyton in 1991 The kidneys control the overall concentrations of the constituants of body fluids. It filters about 180 liters of water per day, over 99% is reabsorbed and 1 to 1.5 liters are eliminated as urine. If the osmolality of the fluid to be filtered by the kidney is lower than normal, nervous and hormonal feedback cause the kidney to excrete more water than normal and maintain the ion concentration in the body at normal values. The opposite is true if the ion concentration of the fluid to be filtered is higher than normal. The kidney homeostatic mechanism keeps the body fluid osmolality normal.The three basic hormonal and nervous control systemstriggered by abnormal ion concentrations are the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the pituatary gland, aldosterone from the adrenal glands and thirst because thirst is caused by a 1% rise in osmolality. Because of these kidney control mechanisms, drinking one liter of water would cause the urine output to increase about 9 times after 45 minutes and continue for about two hours. Thus the concentrations of solutes in the blood and other body fluids are quickly maintained by the the kidneythrough homeostasis. these control mechanisms keep the sodium concentration at 7%. Calcium concentration is controlled by parathyroid hormone to + a few percent in the extracellular body fluid. Also, Saliva increases the ion concentrations during water intake. The concentration of sodium chloride in saliva is typically 15 milliequivalents per liter or 877 mg/L that of potassium is about 30 milliequivalents per liter or 1170 mg/L. As low TDS water is consumed, it is combined with saliva which increases the TDS before it reaches the stomach to be absorbed. Each one millileter of saliva can increase the TDS level in eight ounces water consumed by about 10 mg/L. Basicly any changes from normal ion concentration will be corrected in one minute or less because of the fast pace of water through the cell membranes. Sosmall changes in osmolality (ion concentration)
are quicly brought to an equilibrium........

Beyond all of this If you wish to drink DI water I would suggest drinking non color change DI resin. Non color change resin is rated potable and approved for human consumptiom where color change resin is not.

This is a post I made in 2002 regarding the exact same subject. In a nutshell your body is designed to keep a perfect balance and it will use ALL resources including solids to stay balanced. The minerals in the water you drink from the tap hold no true value to the mineral intake needed..It is simply in the wrong form and in reality the caustics and other metalic elements found in your tap water hold a much more ill effect on the human body than DI water could ever introduce. If you can stand the taste of the water and you dont plan on going on a water only diet..Enjoy You will be fine

Take care all and happy readin

Bryan Crenshaw

Last edited by purelyh2o; 02/14/2006 at 02:14 AM.
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Unread 02/14/2006, 02:24 AM   #28
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A little more

Simple fact is that testing and sdudies done by NASA and other very reputable organizations have proven no ill affects of ANY kind under ANY circumstances.
That is a good point though, it is important to replace the blood glucose, glycogen for the muscles, salt potassium and calcium which are needed to keep the cells in the correct electric balance but you will be lucky to find much in tap water that will do much of this for you. The main worry in a situation such as this will be dehydration and for this you need to drink water period so that the body can distribute these elements properly.

In national studies the results indicated there should be a max level of TDS consumed by the body but there was no minimum at all!The United states studies indicated that the highest levels recommended for consumption by the body is 500 mg/L/
The canadian guideline suggests less than 1,000 mg/L.

I guess the best way to describe the way that these elements are retained or excreted by the body is to say that much like an aquarium our body will hold on to what it needs and discard what it does not and it does it selectively. The human body does not leach into pure water the way a metal pipe or copper would leach lead.
As I wrote in my previous thread the thirst feeling is caused by a nervous reaction when the body fluids get too low and the sodium content gets too high. much the same as what would happen to your fish if you allowed the water in the aquarium to get too low. The sodium content would get very high in density due to the lack of water or area available for its distribution.

So under the same principle when the body senses a 1% rise in mineral density it actually triggers a nervous reaction to cause you to feel thirsty and consume more fluids to properly distribute these minerals and regain the correct equilibrium.

Also from 2002...

ENd of jabber!

Bryan Crenshaw

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Unread 02/14/2006, 08:36 AM   #29
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Nicely informative thread. I've gone awhile drinking the pre-di water and now simply use the pre-ro side. My supply water onyl runs around 25tds, so I'm just utilizing chlorine and sediment removal. (plus it's faster that way. )

I've always wondered about one thing - does anyone know of a mineral mix that could be added back into the water to "flavor" it? I can drink the dickens out of Dasani because of it's additives and would love to have the ability to do something similar at home.

And don't tell me to put in a pinch of salt.


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Unread 02/14/2006, 09:21 AM   #30
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honestly it is just a pinch of salt.....

Purified water, Magnesium sulfate, Potassium chloride, Salt.

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