01/20/2014, 05:48 AM | #7326 |
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Hellofrom Malaysia, Not newly joined, but newly active. Alwasy loved this site and learnt most of what I know from reading threads here. We (reefers ) are a thriving yet limited comunity here in Malaysia. I love the hobby and always look forward to meeting many more reefers and improving the methods, equiptment and knowldge I use to ensure my reef flurishes!!!
01/20/2014, 12:11 PM | #7327 |
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Hi People,
Was given a 35g bowfront and equipment by my brother and have started to set it up(sand and water is in) and ordering some rock next. Planning on taking it real nice and slow as I develope everything. I have already gained a huge amount of information from this forum and look forward to learning more and getting to know the people who love one of the same hobbies I do. |
01/20/2014, 03:07 PM | #7328 |
Crazy Cat Lady
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Location: Woodstock, IL
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Hello Everyone from Chicago! Finally decided to join after frequently using this place to reference with questions. Looking forward to learning more and growing!
01/20/2014, 03:46 PM | #7329 |
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Hello, everyone. My name is Ivan.
I have been in this hobby for a few years, but this year, this hobby has really taken off for me. Now I have a mixed reef, primary of sps and will continue to add sps. I have an Oceanic 90 Gal RR Bowfront with 20 gal refugium. I will try to figure out how to add my pics. Ivan |
01/21/2014, 03:19 AM | #7330 |
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Howdy... new to salt water aquariums. Have a 55 gal. Hope to learn. Thanks.
01/21/2014, 10:09 AM | #7331 |
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Hello everyone,
I am new to RC, I used to have a 180 G tank 6 years ago. I had the tank for nearly 3 years, was beautiful. I gave it up because of I moved from my seaside home back to the city. Those days, equipment we're not sophisticated as today, but I enjoyed it. Now settle in the city and would like to get back to this wonderful hobby again. I am on the research trial and plan to set up a tank in 3-6 months. I have not decided on the size of tank yet, could be 40 G or 90 G. Those days, nano tank is difficult to keep but today it is quite different. I shall be asking some question now and then. Can't wait to have my tank up and running again. Thank you. Speedy. |
01/21/2014, 12:10 PM | #7332 |
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Hey RC, my name is James and I'm an animator from the Boston area. I've been living in an apartment with my girlfriend and two other roommates, but we're looking to get a place of our own next summer. Once we move out, I plan on setting up a new tank.
I'm very new to the hobby in general, but I've set up two 10g freshwater tanks in my current residence with relative success considering how many mistakes I'd made in the beginning. This Christmas, I've inherited my cousin's 55 gallon 4ft long tank, and I'm looking to turn it into a FOWLR tank with the option of adding corals as it matures. I've been doing lots of reading and research, but I found myself getting directed to this site whenever I googled a saltwater question I had. I look forward to any advice you guys can provide me. I'm eager to learn and do this right! |
01/21/2014, 12:51 PM | #7333 |
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Hey I've used this site for information for awhile just recently got around to joining , currently running a 300 g fowler and love the hobby
01/21/2014, 04:46 PM | #7334 |
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Hello to all current members. My name is Joe and I am fairly new to the hobby. My tank has been up since June 2013 and I am addicted. I am lucky to have a good friend in the saltwater industry so he helps me out a lot. I started with a 66 gallon red sea max and decided to do a reef tank because of all the amazing corals. I have about 80-85 lbs of aragonite reef sand and about 85+ lbs of live rock. (pukani I think) I wont list all my livestock but I have a good amount of corals and fish. My favorite fish is my Blue Saphire Damsel, I am glad to join a group of people as obsessed as I am. Thanks for welcoming me and if you want to chat on KIK or follow on Instagram @JoesSaltTank
01/21/2014, 05:28 PM | #7335 |
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Hey everyone! I got hooked on this from my high school science teacher. She started with a jelly tank, and as her TA, I helped, and sadly watched it fail. (twice). She didn't do her research, and forgot to cycle it. She also threw in a tomato clown and a bicolor blenny into the 8 gallon tank... When I told her it was way to small for them, she ordered a 28g nanocube. I helped her set it up, and she still didn't know about cycling, so ammonia fluctuations happened all the time. They calmed down, so she decided to throw more fish in... she added another bicolor, some sort of anemone (ugly looking BTA I believe), grape kelp, and two mandarins. Stupid, I know. But it was her tank. Needless to say, everything died. The tomato and the anemone surprisingly lasted the longest, and we had enough time to pull them out, but they died later that day. So the tank sat the summer. I helped her start it up in the beginning of the school year, and this time, I did my research, and I told her to cycle it first. We found that the two hermits and snails actually survived a summer of 100% neglect. A trio of clowns went in, a lawnmower blenny, a sandhopper blenny (sand perch), and an assortment of crabs, snails, and a trio of peppermint shrimp. A few weeks later, she had to move. She couldn't take the tank with her, so she gave the tank to me. And thats when I got addicted. I got a 36g bowfront, and moved over the clowns, and added a pair of firefish, a neon goby and a bicolor. One of the new fish must have had ick, because it broke out bad. I lost all but the firefish and the runt clown. (I sold the fish in the other tank besides the lawnmower. the sandhopper ate the shrimp and some crabs and snails, and was super aggresive.) I treated the ick from the bowfront in my new 10g med tank... Now I'm here with a saltwater nanocube, with what I have now, a med tank, and a freshwater planted bowfront. And now I'm suspecting I have ick in my cube and a dying anemone... Help?
Fish are friends, until they get big and tasty! Current Tank Info: 28g Nanocube: 2 ocellaris clowns (1 regular, 1 snowflake), 2 firefish, lawnmower blenny, BTA, Grape Kelp, assorted softies, hermits, and snails. |
01/21/2014, 06:41 PM | #7336 |
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Hi guys n gals of RC ,
I am currently running a 8 gallon innovative marine nano reef. No fish yet that will be coming shortly. I have a 37 gallon that is currently empty but I am preparing for another reef. I look forward to learning from you guys. |
01/21/2014, 10:10 PM | #7337 |
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Hey RC my name is amber pretty new to the fish tank hobby have a few questions about a few of my fish, would love it if some one could message me and give me a hand thanks
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01/22/2014, 08:53 AM | #7338 |
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Hey RC, names Lance and I've been in the hobby 2 years now. Started with 10g then a 20g then a 30g tall, moved up to a 55g tall and just graduated to a 125g. Looking to share and learn from you guys. Thanks in advance.
01/22/2014, 02:08 PM | #7339 |
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Hello All!
New to RC. We have used this site for research and for lots of help.
Currently have a 46g BF with several corals. Tank is doing really well for the short time that its been up and running, (9 months). Look forward to having help from site and learning all we can. In the process of buying a used 120 gallon tank with all the bells and whistles. I hope you all can help with any questions. Never have had a tank this big and a little over whelmed with controller set up and everything that will be associated with new equipment. Definitely excited and hooked. The Meadows |
01/22/2014, 07:35 PM | #7340 |
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Hello everyone. Im new to RC. A little about myself - Im a Marine Bio student at University of New Haven, a retired Marine, and I have a 36g bf with a couple of ocellaris and a carpet anemone that im trying to fatten up quickly so its big enough to house the clowns.
01/22/2014, 10:27 PM | #7341 |
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Hello everone.
Edward here, look forward to get to know people here. looking to set up 150 gal tank. currently 90gal set up. let to learn as much as I can. thanks |
01/23/2014, 08:35 AM | #7342 |
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Hello, Hunter from Charleston!
01/23/2014, 08:39 AM | #7343 |
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Howdy and help
well I am very new to the hobby, I just started my first 100 Gal Reef tank, I spend more hours surfing the net trying to figure out the basics, but it has been fun, I currently have a mated pair of clown fish, yellow tang, bi color dotty, a few different colony polyps, and leather coral and a few feather dusters plus a large clean up crew. my tank currently has 120 pounds of live rock a eheim canister system and I have the tank turning over 4100 gal per hour, I am running 2 actinic 65W and 1 45W and same for white light at 13 hours a day. I have A UV sterilizer capable of 400 gal an hour but I am currently not using it, I will hopefully have a sump and protein skimmer set up in the next few months, I was using a normal instant ocean hydrometer but recently purchased a refractometer and have my specific gravity at exactly 1.024 and have my temp at 76 F. so basically any advice would be appreciated seeing how I have been doing this for exactly 3 1/2 weeks now.
01/23/2014, 11:09 AM | #7344 |
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Posts: 126
hello everyone.... I am new to reef central. I have a 65 gallon Red Sea 250 max plug n play aquarium. My inhabitants include: 3 clowns
2 peppermint shrimps 3 black urchins 3 snails 3 emerald crabs 1 white crab (hitchhiker) Green Mushroom coral Several hitchhiker clams. 2 sea cucumbers. This 65 gallon setup is new only 1 1/2 months old. Im building it up. I want mostly reef. I'll post pics. uploadfromtaptalk1390496921233.jpguploadfromtaptalk1390496937551.jpguploadfromtaptalk1390496952301.jpg |
01/23/2014, 06:10 PM | #7345 |
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Hello, fairly new to the hobby in general. Hubby has been doing FW for years and I've always wanted to dabble with SW so he started a 12g Aquapod for me. More recently I have been wanting to be more hands on with it. Since he really hasn't done SW before, he told me that I should start here and learn from others. It's fairly established as it's been running well over a year.
In the tank: Live Rock & Sand Clown Fish Green Star Polyp White Star Polyp Some Zoas and some other corals that were recommended by my LFS Mexican Turbo Snails Bumble Bee Snail Narcissus Snails Astrea Snail Blue Tuxedo Urchin There are a bunch of hitch hikers that I've been trying to identify on the Critter thread (Asterina stars, Stomatella) I look forward to learning from all of you. |
01/24/2014, 03:44 AM | #7346 |
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I'm Devin. I'm just getting started in the reef world of fun. I'm out of okc and Atm I have a 125 African cichlid tank, 65 oscar tank, and a 55 African cichlid tank. Trying to sell my 65 atm and want to buy another 120 + to set up a reef tank. Hopefully I can find one soon. Have looked at a lot, but haven't found the "one" yet. Hehe if ur selling in the okc area shoot me an email. Hehe
01/24/2014, 11:53 AM | #7347 |
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Hello, Alex here. New to the world of reefs, I travel to the Caribbean annually and am always fascinated by the underwater world. So my wife and I decided to setup our own piece of the ocean in our house.
For more info on my build check out my thread, please provide some input. I'll also be posting a build thread once I get everything moving forward. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/sh....php?t=2372312 |
01/24/2014, 11:55 AM | #7348 |
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*Not sure why I can't edit my above post, but worth noting I'm from Winnipeg, Canada.
01/24/2014, 01:17 PM | #7349 |
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I'm Jose. I have been keeping freshwater fish since I was a child and now with children of my own I want to introduce them to the marine world like my father did for me. I currently have a 65 Gallon Tiger Oscar tank, 50 Gallon assorted tropical freshwater tank for my children, and just purchased a 56 Gallon Column which will eventually be my reef tank (FOWLR first for a couple years probably). I'm still about a year from getting the tank wet since I still have to build a stand and buy equipment. I'm in the research and dreaming phase =D
01/26/2014, 07:06 AM | #7350 |
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red sea max 250
Hi Guys i hope someone can help. I have had my red sea max for about 4 months now and i am having trouble with the return pumps blowing my sand around at the very from of the tank. I have the left pump (which is the stronger of the 2 pointing up and across the tank and the right pump which is the weaker of the 2 point slightly up and back across the tank. tried a few possitions and even tried dismantling my rock to try different set up there but same result starting to be a problem as sand constantly blowing around
Tags |
brain coral, new member, sick coral |