Originally posted by medic 125
Sorry. I would absolutely look into Marine max. I got a sail tang a couple months ago and of course after qt he was fine and did get ich anyways. I called my friend who I happen to get all my fish and coral from and he recommended it. It is a probiotic bacteria. I put it in and dosed it for 2 weeks. I have had a total tank crash before with ich. This stuff was amazing.
thanks i will have to pick some of that up to have on hand. Just in case. But everything is doing great no ich as of yet and the tang is looking AMAZING and all my fish get along perfect. I have a ton of filtration on my tank skimmer is a double backpak skimmer and a berlin air lift skimmer as well as poly filters and carbon in a sock on a shelf in the sump that all the water passes through before the return pump that also has nother filter on that.