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Unread 12/12/2013, 09:06 AM   #8351
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Originally Posted by Pastor Salty View Post
155 gallon half round with a 40 gallon sump. I run carbon and GFO. I also have a skimmer that is larger than my tank needs.

Well let me list my fish list....

You have too many largish, aggressive fish in this sized tank. Tangs, especially housed with other tangs, will need a long tank. Gallonage is almost irrelevant with highly active fish. For Reef Central's recommendation for tank size for tangs, see this. When adding multiple largish fish, you need to expand this recommendation since they occupy the same ecological niche.

1 - Powder Blue
1 - Red Sea Sailfin needs a much larger (longer) tank
2 - Yellow Tang any zebrasoma, once established, will not allow conspecifics to be introduced
1 - Swallowtail Angel You will likely not be able to keep two Genicanthus in this sized tank especiaolly with the tangs you are considering
1 - Lemark Angel
1 - Rusty Angel
3 - Blue/Green Chromis will become one over time
3 - Clowns will become two over time
2 - PJ Cardinals
1 - Purple dottyback
2 - Yellow Watchman unless a bonded pair, will become one
1 - Diamond Goby two commensal sand dwellers will not coexist in this sized tank
1 - Fire Shrimp
1 - Coralbanded Shrimp
1 - Pistol Shrimp

Most of my corals are LPS, Palys, Zoas and shrooms.

What say ye?

Warmest regards,

Last edited by snorvich; 12/12/2013 at 09:14 AM.
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Unread 12/12/2013, 12:52 PM   #8352
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I currently have a 40g breeder. Will a yellow headed jawfish and a shrimp/goby pair be able to both share the sand bed? Thanks for your time!

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Unread 12/12/2013, 12:54 PM   #8353
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Originally Posted by unfeazi View Post
I currently have a 40g breeder. Will a yellow headed jawfish and a shrimp/goby pair be able to both share the sand bed? Thanks for your time!
depending on aquascaping (effectively partitioning the loor space") it should work.

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Unread 12/12/2013, 03:00 PM   #8354
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I saw a gorgeous midnight black angel that I would love to have. The tank is only a 46g bow front (smallish I know) but would this work?

I only have two clownfish and a blue/green chromis. I do plan on keeping corals (I know)

What do you think?

46 Gallon Bowfront, (1)Ocellaris Clownfish, (1)Carpenter wrasse, (1)Coral Beauty, (1)Kole Tang
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Unread 12/12/2013, 03:04 PM   #8355
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Originally Posted by mluntz View Post
I saw a gorgeous midnight black angel that I would love to have. The tank is only a 46g bow front (smallish I know) but would this work?

I only have two clownfish and a blue/green chromis. I do plan on keeping corals (I know)

What do you think?
No dwarf angel is totally reef safe. Your tank is too small for this fish as it grazes constantly and there would be insufficient natural food. Also, depends on the species of clownfish; some will want to control your entire tank.

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Unread 12/12/2013, 05:35 PM   #8356
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Hi guys,
Thanks in advance for the help! I am just beginning to make the switch from freshwater, and currently have a tank cycling so would like to start narrowing down my purchase list. I have a 75g sumpless (not ideal, I know, but I am working with my brother-in-law who has a good bit of experience in sumpless tanks) with 90lbs live sand and 75lbs live rock. I also have a Reef Octopus BH2000 skimmer (rated to 125g) and a 10g quarantine tank. I do intend to add coral to the tank, slowly; probably start with zoas until I build confidence. So here is the list of fish I like the best - I know I cannot have them all, so any advice on the best combination and order of purchase would be greatly appreciated! Also, I presume I should have the fish all settled in before adding coral - true?
One Spot Foxface
Kole Yellow Eye Tang
Ocellaris Clowns (2)
Yellowtail Damsel (5?)
Green Chromis (5?)
Firefish (3?)
Pajama Cardinal (3?)
Royal Gramma Basslet
Leopard Wrasse
Green Clown Goby
A Watchman Goby/Pistol shrimp combo
Also feel free to tell me if any of those are just a terrible idea! I'm just starting though so if this is a really screwed up list be gentle .

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Unread 12/12/2013, 05:50 PM   #8357
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Originally Posted by Royalturtle View Post
Hi guys,
Thanks in advance for the help! I am just beginning to make the switch from freshwater, and currently have a tank cycling so would like to start narrowing down my purchase list. I have a 75g sumpless (not ideal, I know, but I am working with my brother-in-law who has a good bit of experience in sumpless tanks) with 90lbs live sand and 75lbs live rock. I also have a Reef Octopus BH2000 skimmer (rated to 125g) and a 10g quarantine tank. I do intend to add coral to the tank, slowly; probably start with zoas until I build confidence. So here is the list of fish I like the best - I know I cannot have them all, so any advice on the best combination and order of purchase would be greatly appreciated! Also, I presume I should have the fish all settled in before adding coral - true?
One Spot Foxface pick this or the kole tang
Kole Yellow Eye Tang
Ocellaris Clowns (2)
Yellowtail Damsel (5?) aggressive, will preclude most tank mates; avoid unless these will be the focus of the tank
Green Chromis (5?) will become one over time
Firefish (3?) maximum one, introduce early
Pajama Cardinal (3?)
Royal Gramma Basslet
Leopard Wrasse expert level fish requiring a mature tank so not recommended; also requires fine grain sand
Green Clown Goby
A Watchman Goby/Pistol shrimp combo
Also feel free to tell me if any of those are just a terrible idea! I'm just starting though so if this is a really screwed up list be gentle .
clearly you will have to reduce the number, so some suggestions above may help. And by the way, this thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff.

Warmest regards,
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Unread 12/12/2013, 07:57 PM   #8358
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Thank you! I was looking for a way to narrow the list, and that helped quite a bit.

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Unread 12/13/2013, 11:01 AM   #8359
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Thank you sooo much for offering advice like this!

34 gallon

2 ocellaris clowns
1 green chromis
1 pajama cardinal
1 yellow watchman goby / pistol shrimp pair (how deep of sand do they need ?)

please advise stocking order too.

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Unread 12/13/2013, 11:29 AM   #8360
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Originally Posted by spiraling View Post
Thank you sooo much for offering advice like this!

34 gallon

2 ocellaris clowns
1 green chromis last
1 pajama cardinal
1 yellow watchman goby / pistol shrimp pair (how deep of sand do they need ?) 1-2 inches

please advise stocking order too.
this should be fine

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Unread 12/13/2013, 03:43 PM   #8361
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55 gallon DT. Hob skimmer and refuge. 2 inches of sand in DT and 4 in the fuge with pods and chaeto. A couple of soft corals and zoas. Tbd on capability

1 ocellaris clown
1 spotted cardinal
1 green mandarin
1 Randall's pistol shrimp
1 Tiger Watchman Goby

Around 20 assorted snails.

Thanks again, Snorvich. I changed my last inquiry with the addition of the shrimp/goby symbiosis. I've read stories about the pistol shrimp and value your imput on aggressiveness. Once again, going for a completely passive tank with as much diversity as I can.
I'm not sure if you post on shrimp compatibility or not. If not, would writing an essay extolling your virtues persuade you?

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Unread 12/13/2013, 04:07 PM   #8362
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Originally Posted by Mg4life0331 View Post
55 gallon DT. Hob skimmer and refuge. 2 inches of sand in DT and 4 in the fuge with pods and chaeto. A couple of soft corals and zoas. Tbd on capability

1 ocellaris clown
1 spotted cardinal
1 green mandarin
1 Randall's pistol shrimp
1 Tiger Watchman Goby

Once the refugium has matured, you should be fine.

Around 20 assorted snails.

Thanks again, Snorvich. I changed my last inquiry with the addition of the shrimp/goby symbiosis. I've read stories about the pistol shrimp and value your imput on aggressiveness. Once again, going for a completely passive tank with as much diversity as I can.
I'm not sure if you post on shrimp compatibility or not. If not, would writing an essay extolling your virtues persuade you?
Goby/pistol shrimp combinations do not have a problem with pistol shrimp aggressiveness because the pistol shrimp are blind. However, non-symbiotic pistol shrimp (e.g. alpheus soror) can be aggressive in a small tank, primarily towards shrimp/inverts; I do keep a pair in my 8 foot kitchen tank without problem. Alpheus Randall, the one you plan to stock, will not be a problem.

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Unread 12/13/2013, 08:54 PM   #8363
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Hi My setup is:
50 gallon 1 month old tank
1 1/2 inches sand bed
50 lb dry rock
10 lb live rock from 10 gallon previous tank
Hob skimmer
Led lights

Current fish one blue green chromis and one cinnamon clown

Intended fish:

Wanted other chromis but read a post about only one chromis in a tank, is this true?
One Orchid dottyback
One Clown goby, yellow
One Clown goby, green
Two Firefish purple
Some Nassarius Snails (have two already but are very small)

How many and which of these intended fish could I have? In which order should I stock?

Thank you for your advice

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Unread 12/14/2013, 12:31 AM   #8364
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New Tank

I have a 37 gallon tank

A lot of live rock, maybe 40 to 50lbs
Live sand averaging about 1.5 inches around the tank
Just added a 12 gallon sump, right now its the berlin method but I want to convert and add a small refugium
AquaC Urchin Protein Skimmer
AquaIllumination Hydra with Director Module

I have 2 oscellaris clowns
I banded goby
1 sixline wrasse

A couple Polyps and Mushrooms

What would be my next option for fish? I'm not concerned about fish that would get big in a few years and I would happily upgrade my tank.

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Unread 12/14/2013, 05:20 AM   #8365
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Originally Posted by Palu View Post
Hi My setup is:
50 gallon 1 month old tank
1 1/2 inches sand bed
50 lb dry rock
10 lb live rock from 10 gallon previous tank
Hob skimmer
Led lights

Current fish one blue green chromis and one cinnamon clown

Intended fish:

Wanted other chromis but read a post about only one chromis in a tank, is this true? in the long run groups of chromis will be reduced to one because the dominant one will kill the rest
One Orchid dottyback
One Clown goby, yellow in a smallish tank only one clown goby
One Clown goby, green
Two Firefish purple unless a bonded pair, only one firefish will be long term stable; introduce early
Some Nassarius Snails (have two already but are very small)

How many and which of these intended fish could I have? In which order should I stock?

Thank you for your advice

Warmest regards,
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Unread 12/14/2013, 05:21 AM   #8366
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Originally Posted by oseymour View Post
I have a 37 gallon tank

A lot of live rock, maybe 40 to 50lbs
Live sand averaging about 1.5 inches around the tank
Just added a 12 gallon sump, right now its the berlin method but I want to convert and add a small refugium
AquaC Urchin Protein Skimmer
AquaIllumination Hydra with Director Module

I have 2 oscellaris clowns
I banded goby
1 sixline wrasse this will limit other fish that can be added because it is aggressive towards similars

A couple Polyps and Mushrooms

What would be my next option for fish? I'm not concerned about fish that would get big in a few years and I would happily upgrade my tank.

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Unread 12/14/2013, 05:54 AM   #8367
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So If I was supposed to get rid or trade the wrasse, what would be my other options/choices?

I have 2 oscellaris clowns
I banded goby
1 sixline wrasse - this will limit other fish that can be added because it is aggressive towards similars

A couple Polyps and Mushrooms

What would be my next option for fish? I'm not concerned about fish that would get big in a few years and I would happily upgrade my tank.

Last edited by oseymour; 12/14/2013 at 06:06 AM.
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Unread 12/14/2013, 08:21 AM   #8368
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Originally Posted by oseymour View Post
So If I was supposed to get rid or trade the wrasse, what would be my other options/choices?
As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However, I am always ready to analyze any stocking plan provided you supply tank size, maturity and fish inhabitants.

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Unread 12/14/2013, 01:23 PM   #8369
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Ok, a couple years back Tin Whistler posted his proposed list (below) and I really like it. Wondering if I could swap a few things and still be ok.

First, I have a 200gal 96 x 24 x 20 1 1/2" sand bed with 70gal sump that has been up and running this time for almost a year. I currently have only live rock, a few standard small fish and cuc. Waiting for my new LED fixtures before I add anything else.

From the fish list below, I would skip the powder brown tang, red mandarin and probably carpenter wrasse(s) and would like to add 3 anthius. I know there are several species so looking for advice on if it is doable and if so, which type and how many would be ok.


Tank will be a 180 Gallon mixed reef (6x2x2), Fuge will be a 40 breeder filled with rock, sump size is unknown, but I’m guessing around 20 gallons of water between the different sections there. Lid will be made of ¼” mesh, and tight fitting to keep the wrasses in the tank.

I had a hard time coming up with this list as there’s so many fish I like, many of which are either too big, or too aggressive for a majority of what I’d like to keep. I’m also torn on whether this is too many fish or not, but I think it’s a good mix of mostly peaceful fish that’ll do well together.

Everything below is listed in order they will be introduced into the tank, and everything will be QT’d for a minimum of 6 weeks before being introduced into the tank.

1 x Wetmorella albofasciata (White Banded Possum Wrasse)
2 x Paracheilinus carpenteri (Carpenter Flasher Wrasse) M/F combo of course
3 x Sphaeramia nematoptera (Spotted Cardnalfish)
2 x Amphiprion ocellaris (Ocellaris Clownfish)
1 x Cryptocentrus cinctus (Yellow Watchman Goby)
1 x Chromis cyaneus (Blue Reef Chromis)
1 x Ctenochaetus strigosus (Kole Yellow Eye Tang)
1 x Gramma loreto (Royal Gamma Basslet)
1 x Pterosynchiropus splendidus (Red Mandarin) waiting at least 10 months after the cycle
1x Acanthurus japonicus (Powder Brown Tang) Adding last due to aggressiveness

I think your fish list is excellent, you will have room, biocapacity and copepods for a pair of red mandarins.

2 x Thor amboinensis (Sexy Anemone Shrimp)
1 x Lysmata debelius (Blood Red Fire Shrimp)
1 x Lybia Tesselatta (Pom Pom Crab)
2 x Neopetrolisthes ohshimai (Porcelain Anemone Crab)
1 x Alpheus bellulus (Tiger Snapping Shrimp) will be added alongside the Goby, QT’d separately though
1 x Entacmaea quadricolor (Rose Bulb Anemone) waiting 1 year to afford better lights/mature tank
1 x Heteractis crispa (sebae Anemone)

You might consider a pair of alpheus soror pistol shrimp; they are non commensal but interesting and gorgeous

Clean Up Crew [not listed in order]
2 x Elysia crispate (Lettuce Sea Slug)
1 x Mespilia globulus (Blue Tuxedo Urchin) pretty but a bit of bulldozer with corals and rock structures. Urchins in general are like that
1 x Strombus alatus (Fighting Conch) I would increase this number to 3
5 x Nassarius sp. (Nassaarius Snail)
5 x Turbo fluctuosa (Turbo Snail)
5 x Cerithium sp. (Cerith Snail)
5 x Astraea phoebia (Spiny Star Astrea)
10 x Nerita sp. (Nerite Snail)

In general, VERY well thought out

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Unread 12/14/2013, 02:39 PM   #8370
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Originally Posted by smilonas View Post
Ok, a couple years back Tin Whistler posted his proposed list (below) and I really like it. Wondering if I could swap a few things and still be ok.

First, I have a 200gal 96 x 24 x 20 1 1/2" sand bed with 70gal sump that has been up and running this time for almost a year. I currently have only live rock, a few standard small fish and cuc. Waiting for my new LED fixtures before I add anything else.

From the fish list below, I would skip the powder brown tang, red mandarin and probably carpenter wrasse(s) and would like to add 3 anthius. I know there are several species so looking for advice on if it is doable and if so, which type and how many would be ok.

Looks good and I vaguely recall his list despite doing literally thousands of these. The anthias I am partial to are carberryi and resplendent, both of which should be available. Anthias do best if fed multiple times per day. Ideally get all females (they will sort it out) and probably 7-9


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Unread 12/15/2013, 10:15 AM   #8371
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New tank set up?

Can I start out a tank (20g) with a friends water and 5 gallons of fresh water? Adding some of his live coral and water should allow me to skip the cycling process correct? Also, canI even start out with a 20gal tank? I really want a SW reef tank, but don't have money for a 55 gal tank or larger. I just want to keep a couple docile and colourful fish and some corals, mushrooms, and anemones.

After I start, I was going to add two ocellaris clownfish, a peppermint shrimp, and a sexy shrimp to have them as cleaners... maybe a goby?

My house thermometer is at 66, so I'd probably need a heater, or will the LED lights heat the water enough for me? I am getting a filter pump, and a motion wave pump for anemones. Planning on 1.5-2 inches of live sand and 4lbs (20% of the volume as lbs?) of live rock.

Do I need a refugium if I do 5/10 gallon water changes every 2 weeks?

Last edited by dylanshow; 12/15/2013 at 10:21 AM.
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Unread 12/15/2013, 11:20 AM   #8372
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Originally Posted by dylanshow View Post
Can I start out a tank (20g) with a friends water and 5 gallons of fresh water? Adding some of his live coral and water should allow me to skip the cycling process correct? Also, canI even start out with a 20gal tank? I really want a SW reef tank, but don't have money for a 55 gal tank or larger. I just want to keep a couple docile and colourful fish and some corals, mushrooms, and anemones.

After I start, I was going to add two ocellaris clownfish, a peppermint shrimp, and a sexy shrimp to have them as cleaners... maybe a goby?

My house thermometer is at 66, so I'd probably need a heater, or will the LED lights heat the water enough for me? I am getting a filter pump, and a motion wave pump for anemones. Planning on 1.5-2 inches of live sand and 4lbs (20% of the volume as lbs?) of live rock.

Do I need a refugium if I do 5/10 gallon water changes every 2 weeks?
This thread is only about marine fish compatibility. Two clownfish really need a slightly larger tank. The rest of your questions will get lots of answers if you start a separate thread in New to the Hobby.

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Unread 12/15/2013, 09:13 PM   #8373
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60g cube with 20g fuge, 60lbs of live rock, in sump skimmer.

1x Pygmy angel
1x royal gramma
1x starry Blenny
1x harptail Blenny
1x ocellaris clown
1x starcki damsel
1x 3"ish wrasse
1x Orange Stripe goby

I'd like to add more smallish fish if possible. Perhaps a few small chromis of different types?

Last edited by Tzwizzle; 12/15/2013 at 09:36 PM.
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Unread 12/16/2013, 05:05 AM   #8374
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Originally Posted by Tzwizzle View Post
60g cube with 20g fuge, 60lbs of live rock, in sump skimmer.

1x Pygmy angel marginal in this sized tank; with another herbivore (blennies) it needs a larger tank
1x royal gramma
1x starry Blenny multiple blenny in a small tank will not get along
1x harptail Blenny
1x ocellaris clown
1x starcki damsel aggressive towards algae eaters
1x 3"ish wrasse species?
1x Orange Stripe goby

I'd like to add more smallish fish if possible. Perhaps a few small chromis of different types?
multiple chromis will become one over time, especially in a small tank

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Unread 12/16/2013, 08:52 AM   #8375
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Revised list for 60g.

1x Royal gramma
1x Ocellris clown
1x starcki damsel
1x orange strip goby
1x Longfin fairy wrasse OR McCoskers Flasher wrasse

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