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Unread 12/30/2013, 04:19 PM   #8526
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90 gal, with DSB for goby/shrimp pair and jawfish

The picture in my head is to have a 90 gallon, 24 inch deep aquarium, 6 inches of sand, with one triangular (10x10x10) ceramic ledge held up by a leg/pillar on each corner of the ledge. This ledge would be about 9 inches from the water surface.

Would like:
- Pair of Randall Shrimp Gobies, with shrimp
- Chinstrap Jawfish (a pair possible)
- Sun Corals on the legs of the ledge
- Squamosa Clam on the ledge (is this doable?)
- Yellow or Blue Assessor(s)
- Either Orchid or Springeri Dottyback (I'd be happy to put them in last)

With the sand surface area being close to the same, does the length matter more than the width, for the number of inhabitants?


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Unread 12/30/2013, 04:27 PM   #8527
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Originally Posted by bwhite33 View Post
The picture in my head is to have a 90 gallon, 24 inch deep aquarium, 6 inches of sand, with one triangular (10x10x10) ceramic ledge held up by a leg/pillar on each corner of the ledge. This ledge would be about 9 inches from the water surface.

Would like:
- Pair of Randall Shrimp Gobies, with shrimp a pair only if a bonded pair
- Chinstrap Jawfish (a pair possible) a pair only if a bonded pair
- Sun Corals on the legs of the ledge Tubastrea are fragile and since they require high flow, probably should not be placed that way
- Squamosa Clam on the ledge (is this doable?)
- Yellow or Blue Assessor(s)
- Either Orchid or Springeri Dottyback (I'd be happy to put them in last) P. fridmani is the least aggressive pseudochromis which is desirable with assessor(s)

With the sand surface area being close to the same, does the length matter more than the width, for the number of inhabitants? Length is almost always the more important dimension behaviorally, but from an aquascaping and visual perspective, width is more important.


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Unread 12/30/2013, 04:36 PM   #8528
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Thanks Steve that was fast.


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Unread 12/30/2013, 05:38 PM   #8529
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2 gobies

Can i put a yellow watchman goby and a high fin red banded goby in a 10 gal. together? Or would they fight?


Current Tank Info: 90 gal. in wall with 27 gal sump (no refugium) with eheim 1262 return and a WP40. 50lbs LR and 25lbs sand (about 1.5-2"). Reefbreeders Photon 32. Brandless skimmer (i bought used).
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Unread 12/30/2013, 06:01 PM   #8530
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Ok so I am going to be setting up a 180 gallon tank with a 55 gallon sump. I reallywould like to set it up so it's a bit of room divider, so one of the 24"x 24" panels is againstthewall. I would liketo keep atthehardware,powerheads, wavemakerdown there, not surehow itwill work with flow but I am willing to enclose the other small end and put powerheads down there is it will not work but I would rather havethreesidesopen forviewing.So farI am researching the fish I would liketo havethen onto inverts, then corals, I want to make sure everything should work ok. Since it's a large tank I have three larger speices of fish but I am only going to keep one of each, I will put my list of desired fish attheend of thispost. I know that some of the fish I would likeare going to be more difficult species but that is why I am trying to get as much information as possible before i make any purchases. Now we don't have the tank yet and I am going way slow so I am prepared. I am going to be using live rock I really likethefancyfused liverockthatLiveaquariahasand will begetting somebase rock also for a good foundation. Ok enough rambling my fish list

Ocellaris Clowfish (Amphiprion Ocellaris)I would liketwo setsoneblack and whiteand one traditional

Purple Stripe Dottyback (PSeudochromis diadema) one only thinking of an orchid dottyback instead

Blue Sapphire Damselfish (Chrysiptera Springeri) three to five

Orange Stripe Prawn Goby (Amblyeleotris Randalli) two

Green Mandarin (Synchiropus Splendidus) one only

Copperband Butterfly (Chelmon Rostratus) one only

Flame Angelfish (CantropygeToricula)three to five

Blue Tang (Paracanthurus heptus) one only

Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) one only

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Unread 12/30/2013, 06:35 PM   #8531
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Originally Posted by laura View Post
Can i put a yellow watchman goby and a high fin red banded goby in a 10 gal. together? Or would they fight?
They would fight. And if you put commensal pistol shrimp with them, one would steal both of them.

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Unread 12/30/2013, 06:40 PM   #8532
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Originally Posted by SilverAvia View Post
Ok so I am going to be setting up a 180 gallon tank with a 55 gallon sump. I reallywould like to set it up so it's a bit of room divider, so one of the 24"x 24" panels is againstthewall. I would liketo keep atthehardware,powerheads, wavemakerdown there, not surehow itwill work with flow but I am willing to enclose the other small end and put powerheads down there is it will not work but I would rather havethreesidesopen forviewing.So farI am researching the fish I would liketo havethen onto inverts, then corals, I want to make sure everything should work ok. Since it's a large tank I have three larger speices of fish but I am only going to keep one of each, I will put my list of desired fish attheend of thispost. I know that some of the fish I would likeare going to be more difficult species but that is why I am trying to get as much information as possible before i make any purchases. Now we don't have the tank yet and I am going way slow so I am prepared. I am going to be using live rock I really likethefancyfused liverockthatLiveaquariahasand will begetting somebase rock also for a good foundation. Ok enough rambling my fish list

Ocellaris Clowfish (Amphiprion Ocellaris)I would liketwo setsoneblack and whiteand one traditional only one pair of clownfish will work

Purple Stripe Dottyback (PSeudochromis diadema) one only thinking of an orchid dottyback instead P. fridmani is less aggressive and would be more apt to allow other tank mates

Blue Sapphire Damselfish (Chrysiptera Springeri) three to five

Orange Stripe Prawn Goby (Amblyeleotris Randalli) two one unless you get a male plus female bonded pair

Green Mandarin (Synchiropus Splendidus) one only

Copperband Butterfly (Chelmon Rostratus) one only australian would be best but requires peaceful tankmates so adding tangs might be an issue

Flame Angelfish (CantropygeToricula)three to five it can be done, but requires expertise and the damsels may not like them much at all

Blue Tang (Paracanthurus heptus) one only needs a longer, larger tank

Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) one only must be last fish added but be aware that once established, adding similars will not work

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Unread 12/30/2013, 06:42 PM   #8533
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Thank you I will do more research and keep editing my list

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Unread 12/30/2013, 06:44 PM   #8534
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Originally Posted by SilverAvia View Post
Thank you I will do more research and keep editing my list
I am always happy to reanalyze any stocking list, but please provide tank specs again since my memory is not what it used to be and I do thousands of these.

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Unread 12/30/2013, 07:58 PM   #8535
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Steve, a couple more questions

I hope this quoted correctly

A 48x18x24 would be a more peaceful aquarium than a 30x30x24?

Am I loaded up on the fish front or could something like the Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse be added. I'm looking for a bit of mid water movement.

Thanks again


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Unread 12/30/2013, 08:49 PM   #8536
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Originally Posted by bwhite33 View Post
I hope this quoted correctly

A 48x18x24 would be a more peaceful aquarium than a 30x30x24?

It depends on aquascaping and fish type. For high activity fish, longer is always better or the fish will tend to "pace" which is very unappealing. For "micro territory" fish that are less active, total "floor space" wins out as long as the territories are defined with appropriate aquascaping.

Am I loaded up on the fish front or could something like the Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse be added. I'm looking for a bit of mid water movement.

All of the pygmy wrasses have similar behavioral characteristics and all (3 species) are excellent in your stockinging list.

Thanks again


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Unread 12/30/2013, 09:32 PM   #8537
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Current Tank Info: 93 GL Cube, 45 GL Sump with Zoas and Mushrooms. Will add plate coral in time.

Current fish:

Blue tang
B&W Clownfish
SnowFlake Clown fish

Diamond Watchman Gobie
Cleaner shrimp
Green Emerald Crab
Halloween Crab
Lawnmower Blenny

Wanting to add:

Angle fish? Rusty, Bi-color or Coral Beauty (not sure if any of these will work) Only one of them.
Blue/ Green Chromis
Royal Gramma


Current Tank Info: 180 gal tank, 75 GL Sump, PSK150 Skimmer, Custom Stand,MP10, 3 - Ecotech Radions, Full Apex aquacontroller.
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Unread 12/30/2013, 10:47 PM   #8538
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Hi Steve,

We were in the LFS looking at fish the other day, and my gf really liked the Kole Tang. I've added it to my current list but wanted to get your opinion. Could I have all three of those tangs in this tank? I know you will say skip the Zebrasoma to be safe, but I would be adding it dead last. Again, the tank is 190g, 60x27x27.

Current fish / inverts
Common Name - Scientific Name - Quantity
False Clownfish - Amphiprion ocellaris - 2
Blue Chromis - Chromis viridis - 1
Yellow Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus - 1
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis - 1
Sexy Anemone Shrimp - Thor amboinensis - 1
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata debelius - 1
Bubble Tip Anemone - Entacmaea quadricolor - 2
Red Linckia Star - Linckia laevigata - 1
Peppermint Shrimp - Lysmata wurdemanni complex - 1

Red Firefish - Nemateleotris magnifica - 1
Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto - 1
One Spot Foxface - Siganus unimaculatus - 1

Proposed Additions
Macneill's Assessor - Assessor macneilli - 1
Yellow Assessor - Assessor flavissimus - 1
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse - Paracheilinus carpenteri - 1
Kaudern's Cardinal - Pterapogon kauderni - 2
Schooling Bannerfish - Heniochus diphreutes - 1
Bartlett's Anthias - Pseudanthias bartlettorum - 5
Yasha Goby - Stonogobiops yasha -1

Sometime in August
Red Scooter Dragonet - Synchiropus stellatus - 1

Kole Tang - Ctenochaetus strigosus -1
White Tail Bristletooth Tang - Ctenochaetus flaviscauda -1

Very Last
Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens - 1

Thanks again, Happy New Year!


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Unread 12/31/2013, 05:22 AM   #8539
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Originally Posted by DolphinzFan View Post
Current Tank Info: 93 GL Cube, 45 GL Sump with Zoas and Mushrooms. Will add plate coral in time.

Current fish:

Blue tang needs a much larger and especially longer tank
B&W Clownfish
SnowFlake Clown fish

Diamond Watchman Gobie
Cleaner shrimp
Green Emerald Crab
Halloween Crab in general crabs are not a good idea
Lawnmower Blenny

Wanting to add:

Angle fish? Rusty, Bi-color or Coral Beauty (not sure if any of these will work) Only one of them. a coral beauty should be fine, the other two are a little more difficult
Blue/ Green Chromis
FireFish should be fine
Royal Gramma FireFish should be fine


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Unread 12/31/2013, 05:27 AM   #8540
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Originally Posted by msderganc View Post
Hi Steve,

We were in the LFS looking at fish the other day, and my gf really liked the Kole Tang. I've added it to my current list but wanted to get your opinion. Could I have all three of those tangs in this tank? I know you will say skip the Zebrasoma to be safe, but I would be adding it dead last. Again, the tank is 190g, 60x27x27.

Current fish / inverts
Common Name - Scientific Name - Quantity
False Clownfish - Amphiprion ocellaris - 2
Blue Chromis - Chromis viridis - 1
Yellow Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus - 1
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis - 1
Sexy Anemone Shrimp - Thor amboinensis - 1
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata debelius - 1
Bubble Tip Anemone - Entacmaea quadricolor - 2
Red Linckia Star - Linckia laevigata - 1
Peppermint Shrimp - Lysmata wurdemanni complex - 1

Red Firefish - Nemateleotris magnifica - 1
Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto - 1
One Spot Foxface - Siganus unimaculatus - 1

Proposed Additions
Macneill's Assessor - Assessor macneilli - 1
Yellow Assessor - Assessor flavissimus - 1
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse - Paracheilinus carpenteri - 1
Kaudern's Cardinal - Pterapogon kauderni - 2
Schooling Bannerfish - Heniochus diphreutes - 1
Bartlett's Anthias - Pseudanthias bartlettorum - 5
Yasha Goby - Stonogobiops yasha -1

Sometime in August
Red Scooter Dragonet - Synchiropus stellatus - 1

Last I would recommend only two tangs in this length tank but the most problematical will be the yellow tang so I would try to persuade you to skip that one because if you ever want to add fish after it is established, it will be your biggest problem
Kole Tang - Ctenochaetus strigosus -1
White Tail Bristletooth Tang - Ctenochaetus flaviscauda -1

Very Last
Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens - 1

Thanks again, Happy New Year! You are welcome and I hope you have a healthy, happy, and profitable 2014. Enjoy your tank


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Unread 12/31/2013, 07:59 AM   #8541
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I have a 29 gallon reef with a filter and a protein skimmer
I wanted to know if
2 black ice clownfish
1 helfrichi firefish
1 pink spotted shrimp goby
Are good for my tank or if it is an overload

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Unread 12/31/2013, 08:20 AM   #8542
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Originally Posted by Booboobear259 View Post
I have a 29 gallon reef with a filter and a protein skimmer
I wanted to know if
2 black ice clownfish
1 helfrichi firefish
1 pink spotted shrimp goby
Are good for my tank or if it is an overload
Excellent plan, introduce the firefish early; bioload is fine

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Unread 12/31/2013, 09:21 AM   #8543
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Current tank info: 100g rimless 48x24x20 - 30g sump running for 3 months

Current fish: (1) black ice clown & (1) davinchi clown

Current CUC: various snails, cleaner shrimp

Looking to add in following order:
- (1) blue green chromis, (1) blue chromis, (1) black/white chromis
- (1) royal gamma basslet
- (1) yellow watchman goby
- (1) fathead sunburt Anthias, (2) Lyretail Anthias, (2) bartletts Anthias
- (1) Kleins butterfly
- (1) small yellow tang


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Unread 12/31/2013, 09:45 AM   #8544
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Originally Posted by dlai531 View Post
Current tank info: 100g rimless 48x24x20 - 30g sump running for 3 months

Current fish: (1) black ice clown & (1) davinchi clown

Current CUC: various snails, cleaner shrimp

Looking to add in following order:
- (1) blue green chromis, (1) blue chromis, (1) black/white chromis You will likely end up with one chromis at the end a few months down the road
- (1) royal gamma basslet
- (1) yellow watchman goby
- (1) fathead sunburt Anthias, (2) Lyretail Anthias, (2) bartletts Anthias a group of anthias, because of the social interaction really needs a larger tank
- (1) Kleins butterfly not reef safe
- (1) small yellow tang needs a larger tank and once established will greatly limit fish you can introduce later


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Unread 12/31/2013, 09:59 AM   #8545
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Schooling Fish

Hey there all, I am working on plans for a 92 gallon corner tank FOWLR all small friendlies...I want a small COLORFUL school (5) that won't kill each other off over time...any recommendations? (reef safe too, b/c I'm sure will add corals later)

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Unread 12/31/2013, 10:28 AM   #8546
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Originally Posted by KCD1803 View Post
Hey there all, I am working on plans for a 92 gallon corner tank FOWLR all small friendlies...I want a small COLORFUL school (5) that won't kill each other off over time...any recommendations? (reef safe too, b/c I'm sure will add corals later)
Actually this thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff, in this case me. As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to review total stocking plans for compatibility as long as tank specs are provided. In answer to your question, no fish will school in your sized tank (or in most normal sized home aquaria). Anthias need a larger tank for a group and require multiple feedings per day for long term success.

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Unread 12/31/2013, 11:07 AM   #8547
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Thanks Steve.

Would chromis kill each other if I only got 2 or should I really only get 1?

Also how many Anthias could I keep in a tank my size? And which ones that I listed would get along best with the rest of my livestock.

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Unread 12/31/2013, 11:37 AM   #8548
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I currently have a 20 gallon tank with a clown fish, scarlett skunk cleaner shrimp, 3 turbo snails, frogspawn, leather coral, zooanthid, and green star polyp. The tank is 3 months old I have around 15lbs of live rock and have 20lbs of live Hawaiian black sand. I eventually would like to add the following: Mandarin goby, another clown, coral beauty, and a heppatus tang. I would buy them all as small as possible and add them slowly. When can I add them and what preparation should I take? Can my tank handle this? I know that the tank is small for the tang when it grows up, but that takes time. Would it be okay in a 20 gallon until it gets larger then I would increase my tank size or give it to a LFS? Thanks!

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Unread 12/31/2013, 12:36 PM   #8549
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Originally Posted by dlai531 View Post
Thanks Steve.

Would chromis kill each other if I only got 2 or should I really only get 1? I would go with one; if you happened to get a male female, you might end up with two but not necessarily so

Also how many Anthias could I keep in a tank my size? And which ones that I listed would get along best with the rest of my livestock.
Social interaction among anthias requires a larger tank e.g. 125, but three, each of a different species might work

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Unread 12/31/2013, 12:37 PM   #8550
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Originally Posted by thompson2224 View Post
I currently have a 20 gallon tank with a clown fish, scarlett skunk cleaner shrimp, 3 turbo snails, frogspawn, leather coral, zooanthid, and green star polyp. The tank is 3 months old I have around 15lbs of live rock and have 20lbs of live Hawaiian black sand. I eventually would like to add the following: Mandarin goby, another clown, coral beauty, and a heppatus tang. I would buy them all as small as possible and add them slowly. When can I add them and what preparation should I take? Can my tank handle this? I know that the tank is small for the tang when it grows up, but that takes time. Would it be okay in a 20 gallon until it gets larger then I would increase my tank size or give it to a LFS? Thanks!
None of those fish wouild be even remotely suitable to your tank size. Reef Central feels that you should buy fish for the tank you have rather than anticipating an upgrade or rehome. LFS may or may not take your rehomes even if for free.

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