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Unread 09/07/2014, 08:08 AM   #12076
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Originally Posted by snorvich View Post
the damsel will limit other stocking to a large degree. Hermits will kill snails long term.
The damsel is small around 1 inch. The only other fish I'm getting is a pair of o. Clowns. They will be bigger so is that still a problem?

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Unread 09/07/2014, 08:41 AM   #12077
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Originally Posted by Un5tab1e View Post
The damsel is small around 1 inch. The only other fish I'm getting is a pair of o. Clowns. They will be bigger so is that still a problem?
Clownfish can handle it, the firefish may not later on.

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Unread 09/07/2014, 09:55 AM   #12078
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20gal tank with protein skimmer and live rock as only means of filtration, and it's inhabitants will be: 7 or so hermits, a couple of emerald green mithrax crabs, a coral banded shrimp, and maybe a Pom Pom crab. (If this sounds weird, just know I am all about the inverts, and not to amazed by the fish).

Why am I still here?

Current Tank Info: 20gal CSOWLR
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Unread 09/07/2014, 09:57 AM   #12079
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Originally Posted by Krab123 View Post
20gal tank with protein skimmer and live rock as only means of filtration, and it's inhabitants will be: 7 or so hermits, a couple of emerald green mithrax crabs, a coral banded shrimp, and maybe a Pom Pom crab. (If this sounds weird, just know I am all about the inverts, and not to amazed by the fish).
Nothing wrong with an invert aquarium with corals. I would skip the coral banded shrimp in favor of one of the more interesting, less aggressive, cleaner shrimp

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Unread 09/07/2014, 09:50 PM   #12080
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Exclamation What to stock

Hello all. I am setting up a 50 gallon bowfront with a CPR Bak Pak2 and a SEIO 530 powerhead on the other side of the tank so that I hopefully won't hace any dead spots in the water column. Currently it has 2lb of live rock in it. Accourding to my hydrometer, my salt level is right where it should be. My temp is 76. I have not tested any other perameters yet. Also, the Bak Pak is putting out a latge number of microbubbles into the water column. Anyway, my wife wants some blue damsels and the kids want a clown or 2. I know that its not even close to being ready to stock yet, but I am thinking ahead to the point it will be. Anyway, what should I look at/test for before stocking it, and what can I do to eliminate the bubbles in the water. Thank you so much, William

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Unread 09/08/2014, 05:08 AM   #12081
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Originally Posted by thumper_65590 View Post
Hello all. I am setting up a 50 gallon bowfront with a CPR Bak Pak2 and a SEIO 530 powerhead on the other side of the tank so that I hopefully won't hace any dead spots in the water column. Currently it has 2lb of live rock in it. Accourding to my hydrometer, my salt level is right where it should be. My temp is 76. I have not tested any other perameters yet. Also, the Bak Pak is putting out a latge number of microbubbles into the water column. Anyway, my wife wants some blue damsels and the kids want a clown or 2. I know that its not even close to being ready to stock yet, but I am thinking ahead to the point it will be. Anyway, what should I look at/test for before stocking it, and what can I do to eliminate the bubbles in the water. Thank you so much, William
This thread is only about Marine Fish Compatibility. Blue damsels, while pretty are very aggressive and will limit options going forward. A non-aggressive pair of clownfish will work fine.

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Unread 09/08/2014, 09:13 AM   #12082
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Hi! I really appreciate this forum, and I've been reading as much as I can for the last few weeks.

We have a 60 gallon tank that is currently FOWLR, but we'll be adding corals when we're ready to do so. We have a skimmer but no sump, though we have the things for it and it should be set up in the next week or two. It'll be 29 gallons.

We've got 70 pounds of live sand, about 75 pounds of live rock, and over the last few days, we've noticed an ABUNDANCE of copepods in the tank.

We were super excited about this and quarantined some fish not long after we got the tank. It's been up and running for a couple months now and we put the fish in about a week ago. They're all doing fine thus far. We've got a six line wrasse, a royal gramma, a clown, and a firefish, as well as a sand sifting star and 8 snails.

I know that we're about at our fish limit if we plan to do coral, and because corals and reefing is the entire point of this tank, we DEFINITELY want to in a few months. We're on the lookout for a nice, attractive "centerpiece" fish. With the understanding that we're not adding any new life for a month and that our budget for a fish is about $150, what can you recommend?

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Unread 09/08/2014, 09:18 AM   #12083
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Originally Posted by jenncammorato View Post
Hi! I really appreciate this forum, and I've been reading as much as I can for the last few weeks.

We have a 60 gallon tank that is currently FOWLR, but we'll be adding corals when we're ready to do so. We have a skimmer but no sump, though we have the things for it and it should be set up in the next week or two. It'll be 29 gallons.

We've got 70 pounds of live sand, about 75 pounds of live rock, and over the last few days, we've noticed an ABUNDANCE of copepods in the tank.

We were super excited about this and quarantined some fish not long after we got the tank. It's been up and running for a couple months now and we put the fish in about a week ago. They're all doing fine thus far. We've got a six line wrasse, a royal gramma, a clown, and a firefish, as well as a sand sifting star and 8 snails.

The sixline wrasse will definitely limit the fish you can consider for tank mates. It may also end up harassing (or worse) the firefish and/or royal gramma. As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons, but I am always please to analyze any potential stocking plan for compatibility assuming tank size, age, and existing stock is provided.

I know that we're about at our fish limit if we plan to do coral, and because corals and reefing is the entire point of this tank, we DEFINITELY want to in a few months. We're on the lookout for a nice, attractive "centerpiece" fish. With the understanding that we're not adding any new life for a month and that our budget for a fish is about $150, what can you recommend?

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Unread 09/08/2014, 09:24 AM   #12084
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Thank you. We have a friend who is willing to take the sixline if he turns into a jerk, thankfully. I think I'll do some more research and try to figure out what, exactly, we want and then come back with specifics. I appreciate it!

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Unread 09/08/2014, 09:25 AM   #12085
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Originally Posted by jenncammorato View Post
Thank you. We have a friend who is willing to take the sixline if he turns into a jerk, thankfully. I think I'll do some more research and try to figure out what, exactly, we want and then come back with specifics. I appreciate it!
Always a pleasure!

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Unread 09/08/2014, 12:59 PM   #12086
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Can a Hawaiian Yellow tang do well in a 125 gal tank with 1Gramma, 2 occ clowns and 2 Exequit wrassles and 1 spottail Rabbit fish 1Watchman/pistol, 6 Peppermint shrimp & 1 fire shrimp .
Thank you

120 gal mixed tank. Lightly stocked now but....
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Unread 09/08/2014, 01:25 PM   #12087
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Originally Posted by JMorris271 View Post
Can a Hawaiian Yellow tang do well in a 125 gal tank with 1Gramma, 2 occ clowns and 2 Exequit wrassles and 1 spottail Rabbit fish 1Watchman/pistol, 6 Peppermint shrimp & 1 fire shrimp .
Thank you
Marginally so. Two algae grazers in this sized tank is about the max of this ecological niche. Once the yellow is added it will be very territorial to additional conspecifics.

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Unread 09/08/2014, 02:53 PM   #12088
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I have a 180 and current inhabitants are Yellow Tang, PBT, Kole Tang,
Bellus Angel, Spot Breast Angel, Midas Blenny, Lyretail Anthias, Matted File, 2 Percula clowns, Purple Dottyback, Bicolor Dottyback, Lubbock Wrasse.

A couple weeks ago I lost my Flame Angel and I am thinking of adding a Coral Beauty.

I think my bioload is about max but if not how do you think the Coral Beauty will do.

When I added my Bellus a couple months ago the Spot Breast kept in an upper corner for a couple days but they get along fine now.


180 gallon, 40 gallon sump, 3 250 W MH + 4 80W ATI T5's, MTC MVX 36 Skimmer, Apex controller Aquamaxx T-3 CaRx

Current Tank Info: A 2 Barred Rabbitfish, Red Head Salon, Yellow/Purple, McMaster Fairy, Possum, 2 Leopard Wrasses, Kole, & Atlantic Blue Tangs, 2 Percula Clown, 3 PJ and 1 Banggai Cardinalfish , Swallowtail, Bellus and Coral Beauty Angels
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Unread 09/08/2014, 03:40 PM   #12089
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Originally Posted by hkgar View Post
I have a 180 and current inhabitants are Yellow Tang, PBT, Kole Tang,
Bellus Angel, Spot Breast Angel, Midas Blenny, Lyretail Anthias, Matted File, 2 Percula clowns, Purple Dottyback, Bicolor Dottyback, Lubbock Wrasse.

A couple weeks ago I lost my Flame Angel and I am thinking of adding a Coral Beauty.

I think my bioload is about max but if not how do you think the Coral Beauty will do.

When I added my Bellus a couple months ago the Spot Breast kept in an upper corner for a couple days but they get along fine now.
The flame angel likely starved to death because you have many members of the same ecological niche, that is, algae grazers. I would not add another algae grazer to this tank.

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Unread 09/08/2014, 04:10 PM   #12090
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Originally Posted by snorvich View Post
The flame angel likely starved to death because you have many members of the same ecological niche, that is, algae grazers. I would not add another algae grazer to this tank.
Interesting thought.

I use two algae clips to feed all those algae eaters and put about 10 sq inches of nori every night. Maybe he lost too many battles t=for the food as it does get a lot of activity. Maybe I should hang some in the AM and again in the PM.

I knew I had a lot of algae eaters and thought I was giving them enough.

How important is natural grazing on the rocks versus the clip?


180 gallon, 40 gallon sump, 3 250 W MH + 4 80W ATI T5's, MTC MVX 36 Skimmer, Apex controller Aquamaxx T-3 CaRx

Current Tank Info: A 2 Barred Rabbitfish, Red Head Salon, Yellow/Purple, McMaster Fairy, Possum, 2 Leopard Wrasses, Kole, & Atlantic Blue Tangs, 2 Percula Clown, 3 PJ and 1 Banggai Cardinalfish , Swallowtail, Bellus and Coral Beauty Angels
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Unread 09/08/2014, 04:15 PM   #12091
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Originally Posted by hkgar View Post
Interesting thought.

I use two algae clips to feed all those algae eaters and put about 10 sq inches of nori every night. Maybe he lost too many battles t=for the food as it does get a lot of activity. Maybe I should hang some in the AM and again in the PM.

I knew I had a lot of algae eaters and thought I was giving them enough.

How important is natural grazing on the rocks versus the clip?
Difficult to answer because I do not know if all algae eaters are allowed to eat from the clip. In general, my recommendations are predicated around there being sufficient natural algae available and I assume Nori as a supplement. In your case, I would probably have two clips, and feed twice daily. Also remember that algae grazers are inefficient food processors, that is, they eat a LOT and poop a LOT but get relatively low levels of nutrients which is why they eat constantly.

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Unread 09/08/2014, 08:15 PM   #12092
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Here is my future stock list for My 120G Fowler, with the exception for an anemone.

3 Dispar Anthias,
1 Kole Tang,
1 mated pair Orcellaris clownfish,
3 carpenter Flasher Wrasse,
1 Midas Blenny.

Thank you!

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Unread 09/08/2014, 08:17 PM   #12093
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Originally Posted by AlexHamilton View Post
Here is my future stock list for My 120G Fowler, with the exception for an anemone.

3 Dispar Anthias,
1 Kole Tang,
1 mated pair Orcellaris clownfish,
3 carpenter Flasher Wrasse, Male + 2 females
1 Midas Blenny. may nip fins of your planktivores

Thank you!
Should be no problem

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Unread 09/08/2014, 08:23 PM   #12094
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Originally Posted by snorvich View Post
Should be no problem
I know you don't make recommendations, but would you consider this lightly stocked? Would I be able to add a few smaller mellow tempered fish?

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Unread 09/09/2014, 04:44 AM   #12095
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Originally Posted by AlexHamilton View Post
I know you don't make recommendations, but would you consider this lightly stocked? Would I be able to add a few smaller mellow tempered fish?
Yes, you could add some small, mellow tempered fish. However, I suggest checking back for an analysis when you get ideas.

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Unread 09/10/2014, 06:57 PM   #12096
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I have a 20 gallon, with Ocean Direct Carribean Live sand and BRS Dry rock, 10 gallon sump with a skimmer, a refugium (soon), and a return pump chamber; currently cycling now.

I wasn't sure what to do about a clean up crew, I was thinking a few small snails like maybe 5-10 Ceriths and 5 or so Nassarius, with a cleaner shrimp. Was still doing some research on it, but I've read you don't really want/need hermit crabs with a nano, is that right?

As for stocking I was thinking of adding a firefish goby first, then a few weeks later adding in two clownfish. That is all I really had in mind, I would love to do a watchman goby/shrimp pair as I love the symbiotic relationship, but I'm not sure if they would be too big for a tank this size.

As for corals, I was thinking mostly soft or LPS. I like the idea of watching the polyps swaying in the water.

I think this is a great thread, any ideas suggestions would be great, my worst fear is hurting a fish by not keeping it in a proper habitat! Thanks!

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Unread 09/10/2014, 07:41 PM   #12097
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Originally Posted by Yellow Eyes View Post
I have a 20 gallon, with Ocean Direct Carribean Live sand and BRS Dry rock, 10 gallon sump with a skimmer, a refugium (soon), and a return pump chamber; currently cycling now.

I wasn't sure what to do about a clean up crew, I was thinking a few small snails like maybe 5-10 Ceriths and 5 or so Nassarius, with a cleaner shrimp. Was still doing some research on it, but I've read you don't really want/need hermit crabs with a nano, is that right? correct, various snail types are desirable

As for stocking I was thinking of adding a firefish goby first, then a few weeks later adding in two clownfish. That is all I really had in mind, I would love to do a watchman goby/shrimp pair as I love the symbiotic relationship, but I'm not sure if they would be too big for a tank this size. A pair of clownfish is marginal in this sized tank although the firefish should be fine. But that would be the limit

As for corals, I was thinking mostly soft or LPS. I like the idea of watching the polyps swaying in the water.

I think this is a great thread, any ideas suggestions would be great, my worst fear is hurting a fish by not keeping it in a proper habitat! Thanks!

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Unread 09/11/2014, 03:58 AM   #12098
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As always, your time and experience are much appreciated!

I have a 93g cube (30" x 30" x 24") with a 20g sump, BM NAC6, 100 lbs live rock, 3" sand bed.

My plan for this tank is primarily BTAs and one LTA with some LPS on the sand (wellso, meat coral, etc.)

Kole tang
Pair of scissortail dartfish
Sunburst anthias
Midas blenny
Mystery wrasse
Flame angel
Pair of clowns

Any potential issues? Am I at my limit or would another 1 or 2 small fish be okay?

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Unread 09/11/2014, 05:26 AM   #12099
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Originally Posted by lclark209 View Post
As always, your time and experience are much appreciated!

I have a 93g cube (30" x 30" x 24") with a 20g sump, BM NAC6, 100 lbs live rock, 3" sand bed.

My plan for this tank is primarily BTAs and one LTA with some LPS on the sand (wellso, meat coral, etc.)

Kole tang
Pair of scissortail dartfish
Sunburst anthias
Midas blenny may nip on fins of planktivores
Mystery wrasse can be aggressive and may limit other inhabitants
Flame angel
Pair of clowns depends on species, A. percula or A. ocellaris would be fine

Any potential issues? Am I at my limit or would another 1 or 2 small fish be okay?

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Unread 09/11/2014, 08:20 AM   #12100
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Thanks for the quick reply!

Would adding the wrasse close to last at a smaller size make any difference?

Or possibly instead of the mystery wrasse, a small group (3?) of bluehead fairy wrasse?

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