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Unread 03/19/2012, 11:52 AM   #1851
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Originally Posted by snorvich View Post
Should be fine

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Unread 03/19/2012, 12:07 PM   #1852
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Originally Posted by snorvich View Post
This thread is answered by Reef Central Staff only. While your participation is strongly encouraged elsewhere, it would be most appreciated if you would not answer in this thread. Your cooperation is appreciated.
sorry, I didn't know, duly noted now! And I see a point in doing that, making the answers more authoritative.

fish: marine betta, hipo/naso/sailfin/powder brown tang, foxface, 2 yellow band maroons, 2 false ocellaris, 2 royal gramma, melanurus wrasse, diamond watchman goby

Current Tank Info: 187 gal. DT + 52 gal. refugium
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Unread 03/19/2012, 12:08 PM   #1853
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Originally Posted by adikira View Post
sorry, I didn't know, duly noted now! And I see a point in doing that, making the answers more authoritative.
No problem. Glad to have you on Reef Central!!!

Warmest regards,
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Unread 03/19/2012, 12:21 PM   #1854
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Originally Posted by snorvich View Post
Yes, you should have asked first. Now the only solution is removing some of these fish
Thanks for your reply.

I didn't about this thread. I did research and make a plan (it did not include so many tangs and it only had one pair of clowns) but I didn't stick to it too well. Decisions I made at the LFS, on the spot or my wife's preferences it's the cause of that... (ironically when I made the plan I though I wouldn't make on the spot decisions at LFS).

So your recommendations are 1) to reduce the number of algae grazers; 2) only keep one pair of clowns and 3) keep betta with smaller fish such as royal grama and/or smaller clowns if I'm ready to risk them - correct?

Is too many algae grazers an issue because of their final size vs the tank size or due to competing for food resources (algae growing in my tank)? I would think the first one as feeding them enough algae sheets should satisfy their needs for alga.

For clowns, even though the maroon's aggressiveness seemed to have subsided you think that eventually she will probably still kill them eventually?

fish: marine betta, hipo/naso/sailfin/powder brown tang, foxface, 2 yellow band maroons, 2 false ocellaris, 2 royal gramma, melanurus wrasse, diamond watchman goby

Current Tank Info: 187 gal. DT + 52 gal. refugium
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Unread 03/19/2012, 12:25 PM   #1855
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Originally Posted by snorvich View Post
No problem. Glad to have you on Reef Central!!!
Thanks! My pleasure and my (and my fish') benefit!

I'll make sure I'll ask here before adding new fish.

fish: marine betta, hipo/naso/sailfin/powder brown tang, foxface, 2 yellow band maroons, 2 false ocellaris, 2 royal gramma, melanurus wrasse, diamond watchman goby

Current Tank Info: 187 gal. DT + 52 gal. refugium
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Unread 03/19/2012, 12:37 PM   #1856
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Originally Posted by adikira View Post
Thanks for your reply.

I didn't about this thread. I did research and make a plan (it did not include so many tangs and it only had one pair of clowns) but I didn't stick to it too well. Decisions I made at the LFS, on the spot or my wife's preferences it's the cause of that... (ironically when I made the plan I though I wouldn't make on the spot decisions at LFS).

Everyone has these problems, most especially temptation at the LFS. Some also have wife issues with preferences (welcome to that club)

So your recommendations are 1) to reduce the number of algae grazers; 2) only keep one pair of clowns and 3) keep betta with smaller fish such as royal grama and/or smaller clowns if I'm ready to risk them - correct?


Is too many algae grazers an issue because of their final size vs the tank size or due to competing for food resources (algae growing in my tank)? I would think the first one as feeding them enough algae sheets should satisfy their needs for alga.

Well, not exactly, it is more complex than that. Fish that occupy the same ecological niche (algae grazers, for example), are very sensitive to the perceived size of their territory. And that perceived size will shrink as the fish grows. When fish feel cramped, they will take great pains to NOT feel cramped and this often means removing perceived competitors or in the case of tangs, "pacing". Of course a 16 inch fish or a group of large fish will also make your tank look small, and for most of us that is not desirable. BrianD keeps a full grown Hepatus tang in his 550 gallon tank and it is clear from watching a video of his tank, that the tank is appropriately sized. Naso tangs get even larger. My very favorite fish is Naso Vlamingi but I would never try to keep one in my 350 gallon tank

For clowns, even though the maroon's aggressiveness seemed to have subsided you think that eventually she will probably still kill them eventually?

There is no doubt that the GSM will be the only clownfish longer term.
We always recommend creating a stocking plan and then executing that plan rather than seeing a fish at the LFS that may be totally incompatible with existing fish. Fixing those kinds of mistakes is painful and not easy at all.

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Unread 03/19/2012, 12:52 PM   #1857
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What about this for a 125 gallon tank

Stocking list
Occelaris Clown
Blue Caribbean Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus) or Chevron Tang or Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus)
Mandarin (I have a refugium that has been online for six months now)
blue/green chromis
carberryi anthias x4
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri)
Gold Assessor Basslet (Assessor flavissimus)
White Banded Possum Wrasse (Wetmorella albofasciata)

Removing the following of my current livestock
sixline wrasse
hippo tang
yellow tang

Which one of those tangs is bolder? I am looking for a bold tang as the “main fish” with a lot of smaller fish filling in the rest…

Thanks again!

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Unread 03/19/2012, 03:04 PM   #1858
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Originally Posted by rogermccray View Post
What about this for a 125 gallon tank

Stocking list
Occelaris Clown
Blue Caribbean Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus) or Chevron Tang or Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus)

I would opt for a chevron

Mandarin (I have a refugium that has been online for six months now)
blue/green chromis
carberryi anthias x4 I have them and love them; excellent fish
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri)
Gold Assessor Basslet (Assessor flavissimus)
White Banded Possum Wrasse (Wetmorella albofasciata)

Removing the following of my current livestock
sixline wrasse
hippo tang
yellow tang

Which one of those tangs is bolder? I am looking for a bold tang as the “main fish” with a lot of smaller fish filling in the rest…

Thanks again!
I think that list would be excellent after the subtractions

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Unread 03/19/2012, 04:20 PM   #1859
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Fish check

75 gallon no sump (yet) ati sunpower 54x6 t5 light, corral life 250 protein skimmer, fluval 404 running carbon and bio balls only, 4" substrate sand crushed corral sand crushed corral layer of grunge and super grunge. 90# live rock, 3 rocks with corraline (red purple green) each with different type of feather dusters on them.
Live stock so far... diamond goby, lawnmower blenny, 5 blue/green chromies, kole tang, 30 red leg hermits (mini) and 60 snails. I want to add a small yellow tang that has been in a 75 gal tank for 3 mos... it was in a tank with a blue hippo tang, another yellow, and a kole, they all kind of picked on the kole... but I was thinking if the yellow was added soon, since the tang is established in the tank.. would they coexist or would the yellow pick on the kole still?

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Unread 03/19/2012, 04:24 PM   #1860
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Originally Posted by whodeydan76 View Post
75 gallon no sump (yet) ati sunpower 54x6 t5 light, corral life 250 protein skimmer, fluval 404 running carbon and bio balls only, 4" substrate sand crushed corral sand crushed corral layer of grunge and super grunge. 90# live rock, 3 rocks with corraline (red purple green) each with different type of feather dusters on them.
Live stock so far... diamond goby, lawnmower blenny, 5 blue/green chromies, kole tang, 30 red leg hermits (mini) and 60 snails. I want to add a small yellow tang that has been in a 75 gal tank for 3 mos... it was in a tank with a blue hippo tang, another yellow, and a kole, they all kind of picked on the kole... but I was thinking if the yellow was added soon, since the tang is established in the tank.. would they coexist or would the yellow pick on the kole still?
Two tangs in a 75 gallon tank is not likely to work long term. Sorry.

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Unread 03/19/2012, 09:06 PM   #1861
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Hello i have 75gallon DT with a 20g long sump/refuge

I plan to keep softies as maybe some LPS not really looking to get into SPS

I currently have only a CUC consisting of
  • 2 Mexican Turbo snails
  • 1 Banded shrimp
  • 15 Astrea Turbo snails
  • 10 Nass snails
  • 3 Cerith snails
  • 2 Scarlet Reef crabs
  • 1 Emerald crab
  • 1 Fighting Conch

Would like to add
  • 1 Fire shrimp
  • 2 Cleaner shrimp
  • 1 Sea Cucumber, Yellow (bought 1 when i started my first tank and ended up with 3)
  • 1 Lettuce sea slug
  • 1 Orange Sea Star (Echinaster sp.)

I would like to house
  • 1 Longfin Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis) or a McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri) Unless i can house both
  • 1 Clown Goby, Yellow (Gobiodon okinawae)
  • 1 Dispar Anthias (Pseudanthias dispar)
  • 1 Kaudern's Cardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)
  • 1 Manadarin and or Scooter Blenny or is both possible in this size tank? i've owned a scooter and i loved his personality. This addition or additions would be down the road when my tank is fully matured and fuge is populating pods.

Last but not least i would like a pair of Clownfish if possible. If my list above is workable, would it be possible to add a pair of Clownfish? I understand some are aggressive in pairs. Any advice on which ones wouldnt be?

CUC was bought before my fishlist was made and am willing to remove certain CUC members for a fish

Thanks in advance for any

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Unread 03/19/2012, 11:52 PM   #1862
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Originally Posted by snorvich View Post
We always recommend creating a stocking plan and then executing that plan rather than seeing a fish at the LFS that may be totally incompatible with existing fish. Fixing those kinds of mistakes is painful and not easy at all.
what happened to my post? it's been hours and it still doesn't show up!?

fish: marine betta, hipo/naso/sailfin/powder brown tang, foxface, 2 yellow band maroons, 2 false ocellaris, 2 royal gramma, melanurus wrasse, diamond watchman goby

Current Tank Info: 187 gal. DT + 52 gal. refugium
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Unread 03/20/2012, 05:02 AM   #1863
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Originally Posted by BriggsReef View Post
Hello i have 75gallon DT with a 20g long sump/refuge

I plan to keep softies as maybe some LPS not really looking to get into SPS

I currently have only a CUC consisting of
  • 2 Mexican Turbo snails
  • 1 Banded shrimp
  • 15 Astrea Turbo snails
  • 10 Nass snails
  • 3 Cerith snails
  • 2 Scarlet Reef crabs
  • 1 Emerald crab
  • 1 Fighting Conch

Would like to add
  • 1 Fire shrimp
  • 2 Cleaner shrimp
  • 1 Sea Cucumber, Yellow (bought 1 when i started my first tank and ended up with 3)
  • 1 Lettuce sea slug
  • 1 Orange Sea Star (Echinaster sp.)

I would like to house
  • 1 Longfin Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis) or a McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri) Unless i can house both
  • 1 Clown Goby, Yellow (Gobiodon okinawae)
  • 1 Dispar Anthias (Pseudanthias dispar)
  • 1 Kaudern's Cardinal (Pterapogon kauderni)
  • 1 Manadarin and or Scooter Blenny or is both possible in this size tank? i've owned a scooter and i loved his personality. This addition or additions would be down the road when my tank is fully matured and fuge is populating pods.

I would do a scooter blenny rather than a manderin. I would do the flasher wrasse in lieu of the fairy wrasse, and would select A. percula or A. ocellaris.

Last but not least i would like a pair of Clownfish if possible. If my list above is workable, would it be possible to add a pair of Clownfish? I understand some are aggressive in pairs. Any advice on which ones wouldnt be?

CUC was bought before my fishlist was made and am willing to remove certain CUC members for a fish

Thanks in advance for any

Warmest regards,
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Unread 03/20/2012, 05:03 AM   #1864
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Originally Posted by adikira View Post
what happened to my post? it's been hours and it still doesn't show up!?
I have no idea. Did I miss one?

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Unread 03/20/2012, 08:20 AM   #1865
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Originally Posted by adikira View Post
what happened to my post? it's been hours and it still doesn't show up!?
It seems it didn't get posted. Maybe the system compensates for cases where a post gets posted twice

Anyway, I was asking if giving up one algae grazer (for example the Powder Brown Tang) would be enough in terms of algae grazers (I'd be left with Sailfin, Naso, Hipo and Fox Face).

fish: marine betta, hipo/naso/sailfin/powder brown tang, foxface, 2 yellow band maroons, 2 false ocellaris, 2 royal gramma, melanurus wrasse, diamond watchman goby

Current Tank Info: 187 gal. DT + 52 gal. refugium
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Unread 03/20/2012, 08:37 AM   #1866
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75 gallon tank, 90 lbs live rock, 20 gallon sump.
Current stock:
pair of ocellaris
tomini tang
flame angel
flame hawkfish
royal gramma

Looking to add a colorful anthias, either singly or a small group of 3. I know you don't like to give recommendations, but I'm not sure what species would be appropriate. What would you suggest?

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Unread 03/20/2012, 10:47 AM   #1867
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Great thread! I've been trolling for years and finally creating my dream tank. Starting to fill my new 250 gal w/ 75 gal sump/refugium. 4 radions to power a healthy SPS reef. Just beginning to consider fish. Many folks in the area have very healthy Aptasia populations and are now experimenting with Borghani Nudibranch as desperation measures. My latest conundrum is what fish are compatible with the nudibranh meaning tangs, angels, anthias, pseudochromis, and especially wrasses?

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Unread 03/20/2012, 11:13 AM   #1868
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Originally Posted by adikira View Post
It seems it didn't get posted. Maybe the system compensates for cases where a post gets posted twice

Anyway, I was asking if giving up one algae grazer (for example the Powder Brown Tang) would be enough in terms of algae grazers (I'd be left with Sailfin, Naso, Hipo and Fox Face).
Unfortunately not. You would still have a lot of big fish competing within the same ecological niche.

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Unread 03/20/2012, 11:15 AM   #1869
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Originally Posted by osufarker View Post
75 gallon tank, 90 lbs live rock, 20 gallon sump.
Current stock:
pair of ocellaris
tomini tang
flame angel
flame hawkfish
royal gramma

Looking to add a colorful anthias, either singly or a small group of 3. I know you don't like to give recommendations, but I'm not sure what species would be appropriate. What would you suggest?
You probably can really only have a single because a group of anthias has a social dynamic that really requires a longer tank. My first choice would be carberryi, second choice resplendant. You want ones that are peaceful and reach a maximum of 3 inches.

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Unread 03/20/2012, 11:19 AM   #1870
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Originally Posted by eidels View Post
Great thread! I've been trolling for years and finally creating my dream tank. Starting to fill my new 250 gal w/ 75 gal sump/refugium. 4 radions to power a healthy SPS reef. Just beginning to consider fish. Many folks in the area have very healthy Aptasia populations and are now experimenting with Borghani Nudibranch as desperation measures. My latest conundrum is what fish are compatible with the nudibranh meaning tangs, angels, anthias, pseudochromis, and especially wrasses?
If berghia nudibranch is the primary consideration, tangs, angels, anthias, and pseudochromis (which I do not recommend for other reasons, namely aggression) will work. Wrasses are more problematical as it depends on which one but generally they too will work.

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Unread 03/20/2012, 02:15 PM   #1871
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Thanks, thats great news, but specifically what says you on pseudochromis friedmani; Its a big tank and it will be the smallest fish next to a clown goby, canary blenny and shoal fish like anthias and chromis

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Unread 03/20/2012, 04:00 PM   #1872
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Hi guys. Well I haven't stocked fish in some time, and was hoping to add a few more to an established tank. I got some input from MrTuskFish, but was hoping for a bit more information. You've never been reefing too long to learn something form the "New to the Hobby" forum right?

I'll give a little background on my tank: I have a 135g (may actually be a 125, but thats how AGA was marketing their tanks 72" x 24" x 18"). It just had its 6th birthday last month. Things had gotten a little messy while I was off at college, but I've spent the last three or four months doing some aggressive cleaning, maintenance, and upgrading and things are finally getting where I would like them. Now I just need to finalize what will be going in. Most of the fish I currently have, have been in the tank 5-6 years.

1 Sailfin Tang: The longest tank resident, perhaps a bit large for a tank this size, but I was a fool and whats done is done. He seems happy though. Apparently the tastiest algae grows on the MP40, as he enjoys swimming right in front of it, even at full blast, and trying to get close enough for a nibble.

1 spotbreast/swallowtail angel: Started out as a female about 5 years ago, decided to turn male a couple years back. Good friends with the Tang.

1 maroon clown (Dona Corleone): Oldest fish in the tank. She's been in my tank for just over five years, but was living in a cousin's tank for 2 or 3 years before it got torn down. After a few splits there are four bubble tips spread through the tank, and Dona Corleone likes to split her time between all four. Currently in a turf fight with the mag-float.

1 Bi-color Blenny: Newest member of the tank. Was in an 12gallon cube that sprung a leak, but has been in the 135 for almost 4 years.

had a 6-line for about 5years, but went MIA sometime last year.

What I am considering, in order of preference:

small maroon clown male-- hoping if I add this guy first Dona Corleone will be too busy to bother any other new additions. Either that or he will be last. MrTuskFish suggested I may have luck if I add the female to the quarantine tank for a week before putting them both in the display.

female spotbreast-- Always thought the females were prettier than the striped males, and hopefully everyone would get along well. May be too much to have the tang and two angels.

3-5 blue streak/blue eye/long spine cardinals. - wondering if they will be too shy for this tank, maybe pajamas instead
3-5 anthias- perhaps lyretail, but not set in stone. I would love both, but thats a bit much fish.

some type of wrasse-- leaning towards a Wetmorella of some type. I find wrasses to be colorful in both personality and scales and would like to add one at some point. My pod population is pretty low right now from when I had a 6-line, and I want to wait for the new refugium to repopulate before adding a wrasse. May substitute for a mandarin, but that's a tough call.

Might be too many fish, but I would like to add at least a couple more. Four just feels lonely right now. I know the maroon is going to be trouble, but I'm rather attached to her, and hoping she doesn't prevent any other fish from being added. I plan on quarantining each species one at a time for 4-8 weeks depending on how the seem to be doing, mostly to fatten them up.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

They mostly come at night. Mostly.

Current Tank Info: 135g mixed reef

Last edited by Humuhumunuku; 03/20/2012 at 04:30 PM.
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Unread 03/20/2012, 04:46 PM   #1873
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Originally Posted by eidels View Post
Thanks, thats great news, but specifically what says you on pseudochromis friedmani; Its a big tank and it will be the smallest fish next to a clown goby, canary blenny and shoal fish like anthias and chromis
P. fridmani is the least aggressive of the pseudochromis

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Unread 03/20/2012, 04:57 PM   #1874
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Originally Posted by Humuhumunuku View Post
Hi guys. Well I haven't stocked fish in some time, and was hoping to add a few more to an established tank. I got some input from MrTuskFish, but was hoping for a bit more information. You've never been reefing too long to learn something form the "New to the Hobby" forum right?

I have a tremendous amount of respect for MrTuskFish's opinion!

I'll give a little background on my tank: I have a 135g (may actually be a 125, but thats how AGA was marketing their tanks 72" x 24" x 18"). It just had its 6th birthday last month. Things had gotten a little messy while I was off at college, but I've spent the last three or four months doing some aggressive cleaning, maintenance, and upgrading and things are finally getting where I would like them. Now I just need to finalize what will be going in. Most of the fish I currently have, have been in the tank 5-6 years.

1 Sailfin Tang: The longest tank resident, perhaps a bit large for a tank this size, but I was a fool and whats done is done. He seems happy though. Apparently the tastiest algae grows on the MP40, as he enjoys swimming right in front of it, even at full blast, and trying to get close enough for a nibble.

Which is a reflection of his natural inclination towards current

1 spotbreast/swallowtail angel: Started out as a female about 5 years ago, decided to turn male a couple years back. Good friends with the Tang.

1 maroon clown (Dona Corleone): Oldest fish in the tank. She's been in my tank for just over five years, but was living in a cousin's tank for 2 or 3 years before it got torn down. After a few splits there are four bubble tips spread through the tank, and Dona Corleone likes to split her time between all four. Currently in a turf fight with the mag-float.

1 Bi-color Blenny: Newest member of the tank. Was in an 12gallon cube that sprung a leak, but has been in the 135 for almost 4 years.

had a 6-line for about 5years, but went MIA sometime last year.

What I am considering, in order of preference:

small maroon clown male-- hoping if I add this guy first Dona Corleone will be too busy to bother any other new additions. Either that or he will be last. MrTuskFish suggested I may have luck if I add the female to the quarantine tank for a week before putting them both in the display.

That WILL take luck as well as finding the absolute smallest GSM you can find. Odds are less than 50/50 IMO.

female spotbreast-- Always thought the females were prettier than the striped males, and hopefully everyone would get along well. May be too much to have the tang and two angels.

I have introduced the opposite sex Genicanthus three times, once successfully.

3-5 blue streak/blue eye/long spine cardinals. - wondering if they will be too shy for this tank, maybe pajamas instead
3-5 anthias- perhaps lyretail, but not set in stone. I would love both, but thats a bit much fish.

The cardinals, other than being difficult shippers, are likely to do better. Anthias in a group have a social dynamic that may be iffy in your sized tank. Possible, however.

some type of wrasse-- leaning towards a Wetmorella of some type. I find wrasses to be colorful in both personality and scales and would like to add one at some point. My pod population is pretty low right now from when I had a 6-line, and I want to wait for the new refugium to repopulate before adding a wrasse. May substitute for a mandarin, but that's a tough call.

I LOVE the behavioral characteristics of all of the Wemorella. Very, very interesting.

Might be too many fish, but I would like to add at least a couple more. Four just feels lonely right now. I know the maroon is going to be trouble, but I'm rather attached to her, and hoping she doesn't prevent any other fish from being added.

Best chance is to add her perspective male last. If she ever bonds, the pair will be a terror towards new additions

I plan on quarantining each species one at a time for 4-8 weeks depending on how the seem to be doing, mostly to fatten them up.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.
You are asking difficult questions given the longevity of your current inhabitants. I can only give you my opinions of likely outcomes.

Warmest regards,
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Unread 03/20/2012, 05:25 PM   #1875
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Thanks for the tips, it seems the best course of action would be to avoid both the angel and male maroon unless I come across an exceptionally small one at a LFS. 50/50 is not very fair to the fish. Perhaps if I ever come across someone breeding them that would be small enough.

Do you have any opinion on how many cardinals would be best kept together. Would they prefer a larger group if possible? A LFS currently has 30 or so just in.

Also which Wemorella do you have experience keeping?

Thanks again!

They mostly come at night. Mostly.

Current Tank Info: 135g mixed reef
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Online Fish purchase. RBU1 Reef Discussion 16 02/03/2014 08:50 PM
PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first! Sk8r New to the Hobby 5300 09/09/2011 04:25 PM
Intended Fish Purchase fishyman12 New to the Hobby 2 06/20/2011 07:40 AM
Intended Fish Purchase's nmohara New to the Hobby 61 11/30/2010 04:11 PM

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