10/22/2020, 09:44 PM | #1 |
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Dosing nutrients question
I use a Santa Monica drop 1.4x in my tank for nutrient control. I am putting less than 1.4 frozen cubes in daily as I don’t have the fish to justify it (yet). What’s happening is my phosphate bottomed our to 0 (confirmed by ULR Hannah checker) and nitrates creep up until I do a water change, leading to deteriorating coral health.
I am thinking that I should dose phosphate for now the time being, as I do have corals that are slowly starting to bleach out (especially my monti caps). Should I also get nitrates to dose on hand? My understanding of algae is that it takes both nitrates and phosphates but once it runs out of phosphates growth stalls and it no longer pulls nitrates. Therefore, once I dose phosphates it will pull more nitrates out and I need to make sure I don’t bottom them out at 0 as well. Is this correct? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
10/23/2020, 06:58 PM | #2 |
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Phosphates come in a variety of flavors but the only one we can test for is PO4. Algae is competing with corals for nitrogen and phospahtes and there's some pretty complex biological warfare going on. Research ahs shown when corals become phosphate deficient they become very sensitive to light and temperature changes and even small increases in nitrates can cause issues. Southhampton University in England identifed a threshold level of .03 mg/l PO4. There's no magic number but since we can't test for all the types of phosphate to reduce the risk of hurting corals I suggest keeping PO4 roughly around .1 mg/l.
Here's some videos and links for more info: Forest Rohwer "Coral Reefs in the Microbial Seas" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-R2BMEfQGjU And "Changing Seas" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7hsp0dENEA Richard Ross What's up with phosphate" https://youtu.be/ZRIKW-9d2xI Links on PO4 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journ...D254623FD3C7C# An Experimental Mesocosm for Longterm Studies of Reef Corals Phosphate Deficiency: Nutrient enrichment can increase the susceptibility of reef corals to bleaching: http://www.indiaenvironmentportal.or...enrichment.pdf Ultrastructural Biomarkers in Symbiotic Algae Reflect the Availability of Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients and Particulate Food to the Reef Coral Holobiont: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles...015.00103/full Phosphate deficiency promotes coral bleaching and is reflected by the ultrastructure of symbiotic dinoflagellates https://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...601?via%3Dihub Effects of phosphate on growth and skeletal density in the scleractinian coral Acropora muricata: A controlled experimental approach https://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...22098111004588 High phosphate uptake requirements of the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata http://jeb.biologists.org/content/214/16/2749.full Links on algae, DOC and sponges Indirect effects of algae on coral: algae‐mediated, microbe‐induced coral mortality Coral seperated from algae with a .02 µm filter die. Treatment with aampicillan prevents death. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/...8.2006.00937.x Influence of coral and algal exudates on microbially mediated reef metabolism. Coral DOC improves oxygen (autotrophy), algae DOC reduces oxygen (heterotrophy). https://peerj.com/articles/108/?utm_...medium=TrendMD Effects of Coral Reef Benthic Primary Producers on Dissolved Organic Carbon and Microbial Activity Algae releases significantly more DOC into the water than coral. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/ar...l.pone.0027973 Pathologies and mortality rates caused by organic carbon and nutrient stressors in three Caribbean coral species. Starch and sugars (doc) caused coral death but not high nitrates, phosphates or ammonium. http://www.int-res.com/articles/meps...4/m294p173.pdf Visualization of oxygen distribution patterns caused by coral and algae https://peerj.com/articles/106/ Biological oxygen demand optode analysis of coral reef-associated microbial communities exposed to algal exudates Exposure to exudates derived from turf algae stimulated higher oxygen drawdown by the coral-associated bacteria. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3719127/ Microbial ecology: Algae feed a shift on coral reefs https://www.nature.com/articles/nmicrobiol201661 Coral and macroalgal exudates vary in neutral sugar composition and differentially enrich reef bacterioplankton lineages. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23303369 Sugar enrichment provides evidence for a role of nitrogen fixation in coral bleaching https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/...1111/gcb.13695 Elevated ammonium delays the impairment of the coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis during labile carbon pollution (here's an argument for maintaining heavy fish loads if you're carbon dosing) https://www.sciencedirect.com/scienc...66445X19307192 Excess labile carbon promotes the expression of virulence factors in coral reef bacterioplankton https://www.nature.com/articles/ismej2017142 Unseen players shape benthic competition on coral reefs. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22944243 Allelochemicals Produced by Brown Macroalgae of the Lobophora Genus Are Active against Coral Larvae and Associated Bacteria, Supporting Pathogenic Shifts to Vibrio Dominance. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27795310 Macroalgae decrease growth and alter microbial community structure of the reef-building coral, Porites astreoides. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22957055 Macroalgal extracts induce bacterial assemblage shifts and sublethal tissue stress in Caribbean corals. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23028648 Biophysical and physiological processes causing oxygen loss from coral reefs. https://elifesciences.org/articles/49114.pdf Global microbialization of coral reefs DDAM Proven https://www.nature.com/articles/nmicrobiol201642 Because sponges are essential players in the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycle(s) on reefs here's some links to research done with them. Element cycling on tropical coral reefs. This is Jasper de Geoij's ground breaking research on reef sponges. (The introduction is in Dutch but the content is in English.) https://www.rug.nl/research/portal/f...letethesis.pdf Sponge symbionts and the marine P cycle https://www.pnas.org/content/112/14/4191 Phosphorus sequestration in the form of polyphosphate by microbial symbionts in marine sponges (Chris Kenndall had a problem with low PO4 and had problems raising it with Neophos. Samples sent off showed phosphorus crystals developing in some of the sponges in his system accounting for at least some of his systems consumption.) https://www.pnas.org/content/112/14/4381 Differential recycling of coral and algal dissolved organic matter via the sponge loop. Sponges treat DOC from algae differently than DOC from corals https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wi...365-2435.12758 Surviving in a Marine Desert The Sponge Loop Retains Resources Within Coral Reefs Dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen are quickly processed by sponges and released back into the reef food web in hours as carbon and nitrogen rich detritus. https://www.researchgate.net/publica...ce_Sponge_loop Natural Diet of Coral-Excavating Sponges Consists Mainly of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3934968/ The Role of Marine Sponges in Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles of COral Reefs and Nearshore Environments. https://search.proquest.com/openview...l=18750&diss=y And since we're discussing favorable and not so favorable bacteria here's a paper looking at how different corals and polyps are influencing the bacteria in the water column. Aura-biomes are present in the water layer above coral reef benthic macro-organisms https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28828261
"Our crystal clear aquaria come nowhere close to the nutrient loads that swirl around natural reefs" Charles Delbeek |