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Curiouser and curiouser

Posted 11/23/2012 at 09:05 PM by ACBlinky

Haven't updated in a while, so I think I should post about my recent adventures!

We went to the far-away LFS again, where I picked up 5 more turbo snails, two emerald crabs and a skunk cleaner shrimp.

The algae situation continues to amaze and baffle me. The Bryopsis is GONE, we have some patches of fuzzy green stuff that the turbos keep nicely mowed, and something that grows lightening fast and looks like lettuce leaves. The snails ADORE this stuff, so even though it's popping up everywhere, it disappears just as quickly. Oh, and of course we're getting lots of green 'dust' on the glass, but that's easy to cope with.

I've bought more frags, and they're doing very well. We now have:
- purple hammer
- greenish hammer with purple tips
- green frogspawn with pink tips
- rainbow ricordia florida
- green ricordia florida
- teal striped mushroom
- rainbow mushroom (almost invisible it's so teeny)
- bright pink fuzzy mushroom
- green/burgundy fuzzy mushroom
- pink zoas
- red zoas
- blue (greyish) zoas/palys
- 'dragon eye' zoas
- blue clove polyps
- neon green star polyps
- xenia (was a single stalk, now split into 3)
- green/purple devil's hand leather
- pink finger leather
- purple sinularia (shaped like a tree, currently collapsed after a rough overnight trip in a cold FedEx truck)

Sounds like a lot, but they're mostly TINY, or single polyps, so the tank still looks like a LOT of rock with some purple stuff (epoxy) and little pretty things stuck to it.

Other big news (that's sarcasm, sorry to anyone who's actually reading this) -- I spent this morning setting up a quarantine tank. In theory, easy: take a tank, add heater, filter, water, salt, ta-da. In practice, this meant removing some long-standing residents from our FW tank and putting them into a rubbermaid bin with their filter and heater and decor, then scraping algae off the sides of the neglected tank, removing 20+lbs of OLD sand (and throwing it away), cleaning the tank out, cleaning a filter and heater, then filling the tank up with water, adding salt, and getting everything running.

Did I mention that the fish are in a transparent bin... beside the QT? They're able to look into their old home, which is sitting, empty, and I feel a bit like I'm torturing them. If they could read, I'd post a small sign to let them know this is temporary.

The goal now is to get the QT to the correct SG, keep it cycled (right now there's a sponge in the filter that's been in the sump of the DT, so it should be nicely colonized with bacteria), then slowly ramp up the DT's bacterial population (with food, shrimp, etc.) while the fish are in quarantine for a few weeks. Oh, and somewhere in there I should probably BUY the fish Sometimes I get ahead of myself!
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