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random observations, thoughts on life, humorous stories....from the studio while I paint.
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Oh Sure, why not.....

Posted 07/31/2010 at 10:13 AM by superkat
Updated 07/31/2010 at 10:19 AM by superkat

Let's focus today on human idiosyncrasies. For instance, my daughter eats dinner in a circle. She has since she was old enough to turn a plate around. Chicken, peas, potatoes. Clockwise. Saves best for last...peas, in her case...and starts so that the peas are last. So...potatoes first, turn plate, chicken, turn plate...peas. Waa-la. I have more than several...i believe i've led an interesting enough life to warrant more than a few...but one is giving myself a reward for accomplishing something without having anyone else help me.

That may sound pretty easy to do, maybe not an idiosyncrasy at all...but how often do we ever reward ourselves for a job well done? I mean, really....are you waiting around for somebody who doesn't know you as well as you know yourself to say, "congrats."? Is a word of recognition from another human being that important to your existence? For some it is. Honestly, i like being told i'm doing something well, or given a pat on the back...but i don't REQUIRE IT. It is, however, nice to hear. I think what it boils down to is a human condition that most of us will argue that we don't have. Curiosity.

All of us want to know what someone else knows that we think we don't know. Gotta be part of the whole picture. A few pieces missing here and there and one of those human idiosyncrasies will pop up and you'll be investigating people, places and things like the Hardy Boys, or Nancy Drew.

I find it so odd that people cut their noses off to spite their face sometimes. Zapping communication lines right and left and still searching for answers where everyone can plainly see. Richard Bach stated, "Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you. " So if someone comes into your life...okay...let's be honest, i'm talking about myself here...if I came into your life and you decided to keep me....great. If not....also great. If you made the decision yourself? Super. If you didn't? Shame on you. Because I will never...i repeat...never burn a bridge until i am positive that what's on the other side has little or no value in my life anymore. However, if another lights fire to that bridge, i have no control. So while the bridge is burning, how foolish is it to stand on that crossing before it dissolves beneath your feet? Not me. Nope...i'll stand safely on my side and smile and wave.

Human idiosyncrasies. Let's look at a car accident. Which is what we do anyway, think about that. Humans love to look at something more exciting than their own lives. My Mom loved to people watch. She would sit on a bench at the Mall or on the beach and watch people walk by. Sometimes she'd make up little stories about them. None were accurate. So we, as humans, have these...we watch, we listen, we formulate, we eat dinner in a circle....and the entire time that we are encapsulated in these is just slippin' by.

Let's go back to the dinner plate. The whole game plan is set...the eating has begun...the ritual is in motion. And now to the table comes Mandy's favorite veggie of all time....just wasn't ready before she started to digest...broccoli. (my son's favorite also.) Which throws a whole new spin on her plate. She steps back...reassesses....makes room for the late arrival...and starts over...

So let me sum this up in this way...before we digest what's on our plate...or anyone else's plate, for that matter...perhaps we should be sure that everything has been brought to the table before we begin.

Pass the broccoli, please.
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    I am angry right now. Yup. Kat is angry. For a couple of, because I am sick...and when i am sick, my tolerance level goes WAY down. Two..because i am tired of people making decisions on what other people say or do.

    You wanna march to someone else's tune? go right ahead. But you WILL NEVER FIND ME DOING THAT AGAIN. I did it once...very February, if you must know...go ahead, think about it...and then STOP judging others. Because life is too darn me on this...I KNOW. and regardless of whether you believe me or not...ask..come right to my house and ask Brian...ask him.."how many times did Kat almost die?" "how many times was she so sick that she couldn't move for weeks?" "how many times was she in the hospital and you thought she wouldn't come home". You think you have all the answers? You really do? About me? About anyone? Think again. Because you don't. Wrap yourself up in your own blanket of sorrow, misery and how mistreated or betrayed you feel...but don't talk to me about any of that until you have walked a mile in my shoes...or any of my friend's shoes.

    Wanna know how it feels to die a little every day? I'll tell you. And part of that is holding on to negativity...of anything that will make you feel like I feel right now. And I choose to DROP IT.

    Thank you, I feel much better now. I will return you to the program previously being viewed...

    Posted 08/04/2010 at 02:56 PM by superkat superkat is offline

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