09/24/2007, 07:38 PM | #1 |
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First salty tank plans (reef) 56K
well i have been reasearching the idea of a reef tank for a while now about 2 months and been on a forum getting help. Lets just say i did not feel welcome there. This forum looks like a much nicer place to be. Any ways here is what i have so far.
Ok since I ran a high tech south american biotope planted tank with CO2 , 3 time weekly Ei dosing and kept discus in it I figure I might as well try my luck with salt water as I’ve always had a large interest in it. I basically know the basics about saltwater but i need to get into some more in depth stuff. I have been reading for about 2 months now and come up with my idea of what I need. I’m going to start with custom front pannel starfire tank. The dimensions are going to be 36x18x18 im not going ultra high tec nor am i looking to grow the most impossible to grow coral in the most impossible to grow space i just dont have the money as I’m only 15 years old and already have one 3000 dollar tank. Basically in this thread I hope to get some direction on some more in-depth parts of reef keeping. Im going to use RO water as i know quite a few salt setups in toronto as well as a custom tank designer ( who has been in the buisness 30 years) who just uses RO water in his tank and doesen't bother with DI. Im going to build a custom skimmer with him as well as drill the tank and put a 30-35 gallon sump underneath. Im going to go with a kalk reactor for this tank as ot does not have the budget for a reactor. but i also know i probebily wont need to dose calcium for the first 6 months. Im going to use fiji live rock as he gets a good wholesale price and im going with a DSB of about 4 inchesor 80lbs 0.1-1.0 size grain with about 10-20 lbs live sand to jump start the biodiversety in the sand. im planing on using a 2x175 HQI DE setup with 2 39 watt HOT5 if nessisary as for water movement im going to use hydor korallias. IM going to use 2 50 watt jager heaters for heating. 10-20 % weekly wc . Salinity tested through a refractometer As for coral's its going to be mixed, zoa's, softies, LPS, and Select SPS nearer to the top of the tank. Im also looking into an anenomie/clown fish but i am aware that they need an established tank. lol i just wanted to post some pics i went to a tour of tanks with a mast member and my intrest started with this 3 foot anenomie. it was folowed by this ect. lots of good pics and nice tanks! |
09/24/2007, 08:57 PM | #2 |
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hello and welcome. Your list looks alright, I would go with metal halide lighting though if you are planning sps and anemone. BTW Im pretty sure the 1st pic isnt an anemone Im pretty sure is a leather...like 99% Just want to say good luck with your new setup, hope evrything works out.
09/24/2007, 10:26 PM | #3 |
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sounds like a good start...
i am not a huge fan of "everything and the kitchen sink coral" setups, but alot, maybe even most people, do it that way... it just seems like putting the bears, tigers, lions, wolves, elephants, snakes, etc., all together in the same display at the zoo. its hard to keep everyone happy. |
09/24/2007, 10:32 PM | #4 |
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Sounds like it will be a great tank. I woud research the corals you want to mix...they are the best of tankmates. Hope you post pics of your setup when you get it! Good luck.
09/24/2007, 10:36 PM | #5 |
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Whats the name of the coral on second to last photo? I remember my lfs kept telling me to avoid buying that type, either because they don't last long in captivity or because they can sting any coral within 12 inches of it?
09/25/2007, 05:42 PM | #6 |
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the first pic is a carpet anenomie it was the highlight of the tank the tank is about 16 years old ( one of the oldest in toronto) and the anenomie started off at about4 inches it houses a pair of tomoato clowns that have bread a recorded 111 times!!
as for using metal halidie yes i am using them HIQ DE stands for well i dont know double ended Metal halide some thing lmao they are supposed to be the best. Thanks for the comment on keeping everythign in one tank. I havent really decided on any species. Im interested in zoa's softies, a clam, acropia mabey and later on when the tank has matured mabey an aneniomie. As the tank is smaller i am aware i will have to do alot of reasearch on keeping different species before i put a buch of toxin emmiting, stinging, coral eating corals. im not sure of the second last coral i just took pics of stuff i thought looked cool. Thanks again for the comments i really appreciate it. |
09/25/2007, 07:15 PM | #7 |
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Your setup plan looks very well thought out.
Good luck and have fun setting up your new system. Joyce |
09/26/2007, 04:33 PM | #8 |
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thanks im pretty sure if i stray form any details or am un aware of anything my friend ( whos building the tank) will help me but i'd always like some more opinions .