09/14/2008, 12:13 PM | #26 |
Registered Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Appleton, WI
Posts: 311
you can use egg crate from home depot or a similar store and cut to fit the top of the tank. will also allow better air / gas exchange at the top. if you get Compact Flourescent lights, they can sit on that.
Ken 90gal RR 1-Yellow Tang, Blue Hippo and Kole 1-Watchman Goby 1-True Perc Clown w/Sebae Anem Host 3-Small Chromis Numerous SPS and Soft Corals Crocea Clam Sea Apple CoCo Worm 2 Cleaner Shrimp, 2 Peps Reef Octo DNW 150 Recirc Skimmer Odyssea Dual 250w MH with 96w CP Actinic 1.025 / 78.8 / pH 8.2 / Rates 0.0 / Rites 0.0 / Ammonia 0.0 dKH 8.0 / Calc 450 / Mg 1350 |
09/14/2008, 01:51 PM | #27 |
Registered Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: miami beach
Posts: 3,216
Cool thanks!
♀ ⊗ ┏ ┓ ♒♒♒♒♒ Current Tank Info: 75g sps dominated reef some lps. 24x18x12 frag tank plumbed into 29g sump w/ Octopus Xtreme 160 |
09/14/2008, 09:32 PM | #28 |
Reef Monkey
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Rockledge, Fl
Posts: 5,759
If you're planning on getting light demanding corals, I'd look into either metal halide or T-5. I've never owned metal halide, so I can't talk much to that. For T-5s, my suggestions in order of preference (lowest to highest) would be: Current USA Nova Extreme Pro, Sunlight Tek, Aquactinics Constellation, and Aquactinics Solar Flare. The ATI Powermodule is also supposed to be very good, but I'm not sure exactly where that fits in terms of quality. . .probably right around the Aquactinics fixtures. If you're going to get something installed in a hood, I'd suggest going to Reefgeek.com and get one of their retrofit kits. As far as number of bulbs, I'd go with at least four, but preferably 6 assuming you can fit that many.
As for the hood, there are still alternatives. Many people just use egg crate (sold at your hadware store as "light diffuser"). There are also more elaborate DIY covers. A hood is probably going to be more visually appealing, though.
All opinions in the above message should be taken with 35 ppt salt. -Mike C. Current Tank Info: I have a reef screen saver on my phone, does that count? |