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Unread 08/31/2013, 05:12 PM   #1
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My current journey and lighting issues!

Hi guys, I have had my marine fish only tank set up about 2 months now and have started to really get into it all! So before I start with my questions I'll tell you a bit about the things I have done so far. To begin with I added 2 clowns to my tank whilst I allowed the bacteria in the water to develop, this was recommended as clowns are hardy fish and help the waters bacteria to grow and to cycle. After 3 weeks I took a water sample down to my LFS to check if I was ready to begin adding some new fish and after getting the all clear, I added a coral beauty and a royal gramma. I have been doing a 10% water change weekly and plan to do this for a few months before moving on to a 20% every fortnight. Anyway I then decided to add 2 cleaner shrimp so when I done my weekly water change I asked my LFS to raise my salt levels so I could add some invertebrate to the tank which I then done. Everything seems to be going just fine apart from a considerate amount of green algae growth in my tank which is becoming a real pain! I gave my filter's contents a swill the other day whilst doing my water change to ensure it wasn't also clogged with rubbish! To try and counteract the algae I have just brought some timers for my lights, and have set them to have the white light only on between 8am and 10am for feeding time! I have then put blue and white light on between 4pm and 9pm for general lighting! Then I have put the blue light on between 9pm and 10pm so I can sit and admire my tank for an hour haha! This totals 8 hours a day which I have been told is a decent amount of light time! Also in the day there is no direct sunlight onto the tank but there is some light in the room! I'm planning on getting a green mandarin tomorrow and hopefully a blue tang within a month and hopefully a juvenile majestic angel and a juvenile bluefaced angel in a couple of months! (last fish to add)!

I'm currently feeding my fish every other day as they are still small and I don't want there to be much waste due to nitrate levels! I am currently feeding mysis and brineshrimp (frozen) but am going to try to get them on some dry foods. When I begin to get more fish I will feed small amounts on a daily basis but whilst I only have 4 fish, I am planning on sticking to a every other day feeding pattern.

Equipment list - 185L tank, tmc v2 powerbox 200 external filter, not sure what the lights are but there's one white and one blue in like glass tubes, UV steraliser, a bog-standard heater! I'm waiting on a artificial reef insert and also planning on getting a protein skimmer in the near future when I have the money! I'll upload a picture when I have my phone back (I dropped it in the swimming pool abroad )

Has anyone got any comments on what I am doing or have any tips for me? This is my first marine tank and I am quite proud of my progress so far but am more than willing to take any tips and constructive criticism on board! I have been researching as much as I can and spent hours speaking to fellow aquarists down my LFS!

Many Thanks,


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Unread 08/31/2013, 08:14 PM   #2
Mark Bianco
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I am assuming your tank size is a 185 gl long and not a 185 liter?

Mandarin's are a very hard fish to keep, there are some that will adapt to food like brine shrimp but alot will not their main diet is reef pods and you would need to supply it a good dose daily.

As long as you are not planning on having corals the angles are nice fish, if you plan on having corals in the future then its a crap shoot many angles will pick at corals.


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Unread 09/01/2013, 01:05 PM   #3
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If the tank is only 185 liters it is too small for any tang. If it is 185 gallons the blue tang would need to be an Atlantic Blue Tang, Pacific Blue (Hippo, Regal) would need a much larger tank. Ditto the majestic Angel, okay if your tank is 180 gallons, no if it is only 180 liters. The Blue Faced Angel would require a bigger tank either way. I agree with the post above, it is probably too early to add a Mandarin. I would recommend reading the stickies at the top of this forum, it seems like you may be rushing things a little. This hobby requires patience above all else, rushing thing is likely to bring you problems and frustration. Welcome to Reef Central and hoping you years of saltwater enjoyment!

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Unread 09/01/2013, 07:23 PM   #4
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You seem to be moving too fast, also I don't recommend splitting your lighting up the way you are, as it may bring so undue stress on your inhabitants. Tank is likely too small (185L) and too new for a Mandarin. An adequate clean up crew would help with your algae, as it doesn't sound like you have one.

Answering the following questions would allow us to assist you better.

How much Live Rock do you have? and sand?
What are your current parameters? (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, ALK, salinity) It's best to test for them yourself, and use the fish store to confirm results.
What kind of filtration are you currently running?

·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>

How much deeper would the ocean be if it didn't have sponges?
P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sid

Current Tank Info: 40 Breeder, 20L Sump, 10G Fuge, JBJ A.T.O, 4" Reef Octopus, DIY Stand & Canopy, RapidLED Dimmable 36 Kit on 3 6" MakersLED Heatsink, MP10es
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Unread 09/01/2013, 07:26 PM   #5
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I would hold off on a mandarin until you are completely read up on its care, it's needs and of course, what. It takes for the owner to properly keep one alive.

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feeding advise, help for newbe, lighting, new tank

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