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Unread 12/29/2014, 09:07 AM   #1
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Emerald crab and RBTA

Just wanted to share my story and see if anyone else has had this happen in their tank.
I have an Emerald Crab, about 2" big. He usually doesn't bother anyone and has done amazing at cleaning up hair and bubble algae. The other day I feed my Rose Bubble Tip anemone a piece of table shrimp at probably 10 AM. He ate it, and all seemed fine. That night after the lights switched out, I was watching the tank and noticed the crab below the nem. The nem was closed up (looked like a bubble with a few tentacles sticking out) which he does when gets upset, like when I lift the tank lid and the lights are off or when someone touches him and scares it. Looking closer, I saw that the Emerald had his claw in the anemone's "bubble" and was moving it. After a few minutes he pulled it out, and to my surprise had a piece of the shrimp I had fed to the nem! Of course as soon as he got it he ran away like a bat out of hell. The nem stated opening up after and seemed fine and the next morning was 100% healthy, opened up and had no damage to him. Is it normal for the crab to be stealing the nem's food lime this? Even after the nem had been digesting it for 10 hours?? I know he hadn't thrown it up or anything, as he had swallowed it right of way and shrimp is his favorite food... During the entire ordeal the sexy shrimp that hosts the anemone was standing off to the side, probably scared that he would be eaten by the giant crab lol.

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Unread 01/04/2015, 09:17 PM   #2
Chief Reef
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Originally Posted by Haleyf1024 View Post
Just wanted to share my story and see if anyone else has had this happen in their tank.
I have an Emerald Crab, about 2" big. He usually doesn't bother anyone and has done amazing at cleaning up hair and bubble algae. The other day I feed my Rose Bubble Tip anemone a piece of table shrimp at probably 10 AM. He ate it, and all seemed fine. That night after the lights switched out, I was watching the tank and noticed the crab below the nem. The nem was closed up (looked like a bubble with a few tentacles sticking out) which he does when gets upset, like when I lift the tank lid and the lights are off or when someone touches him and scares it. Looking closer, I saw that the Emerald had his claw in the anemone's "bubble" and was moving it. After a few minutes he pulled it out, and to my surprise had a piece of the shrimp I had fed to the nem! Of course as soon as he got it he ran away like a bat out of hell. The nem stated opening up after and seemed fine and the next morning was 100% healthy, opened up and had no damage to him. Is it normal for the crab to be stealing the nem's food lime this? Even after the nem had been digesting it for 10 hours?? I know he hadn't thrown it up or anything, as he had swallowed it right of way and shrimp is his favorite food... During the entire ordeal the sexy shrimp that hosts the anemone was standing off to the side, probably scared that he would be eaten by the giant crab lol.
dont know if its normal for anemones but ive had emeralds steal food from my large black sun coral colony while the polyps are still puffed up with food. doesnt seem to bother the coral any but ive imagine'd they could accidentally puncture the soft tissue on accident. dont really pay it any mind, he even hangs out right above it on the rockwork around feeding time.

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bta, bubble tip anemone, emerald crab, rbta

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