04/25/2016, 10:10 PM | #1 |
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Posts: 356
Ich in new tank, need advice on approach
I have a 75 gallon, been up for about three months now. The only things I have living are: sleeper banded goby, purple firefish, small oc. clown, a black blenny and a snail and brittle star that both came with a handful of live sand. I have chaeto in the sump and an order of 250+ pods coming in two days.
I just noticed ich on my blenny today and I want to jump on this before it spreads. I don't have a quarantine set up yet, so I am thinking the hyposalinity approach in the DT would be best. I have about 80 lbs of rock, 90% of it is still "dry" rock. I'm guessing I'll lose the snail and star, but can I add the pods when they arrive? Will pods live during hyposalinity treatment? Thanks for your responses in advance. -Scott |
04/26/2016, 07:40 AM | #2 |
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04/26/2016, 08:39 AM | #3 |
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I have seen some say that hypo in the DT will kill off inverts and the bacteria and others say it will not. I don't know the answer. I personally would not do it. Hypo can be difficult to pull off due to maintaining the salinity.
I would look into tank transfer method (TTM) and leaving the DT fallow or fishless for 72 days.
Tony Current Tank Info: 180gal DT, BM NAC77 skimmer,3 Maxspect razors, Maxspect Gyre 150, 30g QT |
04/26/2016, 08:39 AM | #4 |
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If it were me, I would go and buy two Sterlite containers with lids and perform TTM. Buy an aquarium from Petco's $1/gal sale (ends May 7th) and a bottle of Microbacter7. Set up the tank and dose MB7 every day while you're doing TTM. After TTM, move the fish to this QT for observation until the fallow period ends on your tank then move them back over. I just did this and the QT completely cycled in a few days from MB7, and TTM was done in 12 days. It sucks I know. Good luck.
BioCube 29 - AI Prime - MP10QD |
04/26/2016, 08:55 AM | #5 | |
Team RC member
Warmest regards, ~Steve~ |
04/26/2016, 09:42 AM | #6 |
RC Mod
ALso be sure it's not just sand stuck to the blenny. If the spots move, it wasn't ich.
Sk8r Salinity 1.024-6; alkalinity 8.3-9.3 on KH scale; calcium 420; magnesium 1300, temp 78-80, nitrate .2. Ammonia 0. No filters: lps tank. Alk and cal won't rise if mg is low. Current Tank Info: 105g AquaVim wedge, yellow tang, sailfin blenny,royal gramma, ocellaris clown pair, yellow watchman, 100 microceriths, 25 tiny hermits, a 4" conch, 1" nassarius, recovering from 2 year hiatus with daily water change of 10%. |
04/26/2016, 11:05 AM | #7 |
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 356
You all are awesome, thanks for the input
04/26/2016, 12:15 PM | #8 |
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Location: Murfreesboro, TN
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I am almost certain I have ich in my tank since day 1. If I put a new fish in it might break out for the first week, but clears up. I just keep everything stable and nutrients low and have never had a problem. I know quarantine is the answer but I have a tank full of fish and coral now. Since its not causing a problem I am not going to do anything about it.
90 Gallon corner flow, Synergy 34 sump, Vertex Omega 150, Jeabra DC return pump, Apex,s,2 AI Hydra 26's, Cobalt 250W Heater, WAV Powerheads, DOS, BRS dual reactor. Current Tank Info: 90 Gallon |