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Unread 12/05/2016, 10:15 AM   #1
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First time with a sump

I am awaiting the arrival of a new sump I ordered. While I do so I am trying to get the whole process worked out in my head. I was hoping I could get some info here.

Let's assume I have the overflow plumbed to the sump and the return pump hooked up to the returns. The tank and sump are empty and dry, and I am preparing to add the initial water to it. I plan to run just regular tap water for a week or so to make sure no leaks develop, and then drain it, fill with RODI and move forward.

My question is, what is the sequence for adding the water, tuning the flow, etc? Fill the DT until it overflows and fills the sump then kick on the pump? Adjust levels by adding water to the DT, or to the sump? Tune flow by ball valve on the overflow, or by turning the return pump speed up/down...or both? How do I know when I have it right?

Bean animal style overflow in a Synergy Reef 20 inch overflow. Vectra L1 return pump.

This my first tank in 15 years, and my first sump ever. So I'm sweating the details.

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Unread 12/05/2016, 10:33 AM   #2
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Here's how I did it.

Fill water in the tank until it over flows to the sump.
Leave all ball valves wide open on bean animal

Turn on pump. You'll probably have to add some more water as the pipes fill up.

adjust water flow on pump until you get the amount of flow you want through the tank.

then start adjusting the ball valve on the siphon pipe in the bean animal until it is running quietly

You may have to turn the pump down a little if the main siphon in the bean animal cannot keep up with the water flow and you have a lot of flow through the second pipe with the ball valves all the way open.

once you have everything tuned, turn off the pump and make sure your sump can hold all the water after the tank drains. If it overflows your sump, then you need to change the amount of water in the sump. This will tell you your normal running height in the sump so that you know where to fill to when you refill it later.

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