03/04/2017, 12:13 AM | #1 |
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Help in diagnosing pumps / powerheads
I'm diagnosing an issue with some corals, and trying to eliminate my pumps from being the source of the problem.
I've started with the two powerheads (Jaebo rw8's). I don't see a trace of rust. Also, voltage readings check out, very slight voltage with all pumps on and no significant drop / rise in voltage from these pumps. Question is, is there anything else that I need to check or should I assume that these pumps are ok based on what I've tested? thanks, Albert |
03/04/2017, 12:28 AM | #2 |
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Help in diagnosing pumps / powerheads
I have 2 of those pumps with no issues, an issue I did have was a power strip got some salt build up on it, that's all fixed up now, what are the issues your having with the corals exactly? And what corals are they?
03/04/2017, 01:12 AM | #3 |
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Posts: 428
Scarface, was the salt build up on your power strip causing excessive stray voltage?. What bad effect did it have on your corals.
As for the nagging problem I've had with my sps, it's been ongoing for months and I've done so many things to try and solve it. Basically it started with a few corals with white areas as seen in the pictures. Note, tissue was still there. After trying a few things (slowly changed salt mix, check for bugs, dipping, stopping any dosing other then calc, alk...ect), I thought maybe it was due to chloromines in the water. I then dumped some Amquel Plus in the display and crashed the tank. Lost a handful of sps and some are still experiencing very slow tissue necrosis. I suppose that I'll probably loose those too but a few of the corals are still having the whitening that are not stn'ing. Now I'm trying to eliminate any possible issues with anything electrical in the tank which was the reason for the post. thanks, Albert |
03/04/2017, 03:34 AM | #4 |
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 126
I had a purple acro frag that completely turned white, but eventually came back to it original color, that took a couple of months, it could of been from that power strip but nothing else suffered at all, yes there was stray voltage in my tank, when I put my fingers in it I could feel a tingle sensation particularly around finger nails or small cuts, have you changed fish food? Added any fish? How's your rodi filters? Those pics look fine to me, it looks like it's on the tips, could it be growth? Try and keep things consistent for a while and see how it goes for a couple of months, don't change salts or dosing schedule, I find consistency to be key, but all tanks can be different and more sensitive than others