Originally posted by mattls
First you really should decide whether you want to go with a Beckett style like the MRC or the Needle wheel style like ER,ASM,Deltec,H&S. THis might make your decision a little easier. THe needle wheel skimmers from all these manufacturers I just mentioned are pretty much plug and play not much fine tuning needed. WHere the BEcketts could be a little more tricky to tune and operate especially first getting started with that style.
You have a nice size tank I wouldn;t skimp on the skimmer though. Make sure you get a good quality skimmer 1 time and you won;t regret it even if it means spending a few more dollars than you planned. Therefor I would not use a Coralife skimmer on this size tank but that just my opinion. Get an ER,ASM, Deltec, or an MRC and I am sure you will be very happy. THey all make quality skimmers.
Thanks Mattis, I definitily will not be skimping on my skimmer, I run a aquaC Remora on my 40g reef right now and I love it. I am currently looking at the AquaC EV now for my 120. The make the EV 240 which would support a tank twice my size. I sure know the importance of a good skimmer.
My second choice right now is the ER line of skimmers.
Thanks for all the input.