03/18/2007, 06:13 AM | #1 |
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Miami Florida.
Posts: 3,842
Grounding probe
I read some debate in here about grounding probes. The fact is that you do need one if theres no other connection between the watter in your tank and the grounding system in your house or receptacle that you are using to power your lights and pumps.If theres no potential difference between the watter in your tank and your grounding GFIs wont trip and circuit breakers wont trip either if theres a voltage leakage to the watter somehow.Without a grounding probe you can have 120 volts in your tank constantly and not know it. Theres a way you can test for a voltage leakage by connecting a voltmeter to a ground and the other probe to the watter.the reading should be zero.If you do have a reading of 120volts something is leaking voltage to the watter.