05/06/2007, 06:04 PM | #1 |
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royal dottyback
I recently purchased a royal dottyback for my nano and was told at the LFS that it would not be aggressive towards its other tank mates which include a blue damsel and an allardi clown. The tank also has a feather duster and a few soft corals. I also purchased a skunk cleaner shrip on the same day and was told that would get along fine. The dottyback seemed fine at first but now seems to be a bit boisterous towards my other fish especially at feeding time. It is also continously attacking my shrimp. Is this normal and will it settle down?
05/06/2007, 06:48 PM | #2 |
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On of the most aggressive dottybacks .
05/06/2007, 06:55 PM | #3 |
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*single tear* I'm sorry. I couldn't help but laugh for a moment. All dottybacks are known for being anywhere from pushy to downright mean, among other words that Reef Central doesn't allow. Dottybacks are truly misleading fish. They're most often thought of as supposing to be more placid and timid because of their size. That, and, when approached by a large predator like a person, dottybacks suddenly manage to disappear by diving into tiny crevasses or pressing themselves up under rock ledges. This is often a false impression of dottybacks (pseudochromis). Lurking beneath that cute and seemingly timid exterior, lies the heart of a little bugger in most of the species (not all, though. I've heard rave reviews of the Springeri and Fridmani)! That, and certain dottyback varieties, including the bicolor, strawberry, and diadema, all fade with age from those crisp, rich colors. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is most likely the dottyback with NOT settle down in a nano. They generally tend to be bossy about their personal space, especially in smaller tanks. I'm very sorry, but, hopefully, you can either find a home or a way to mellow him out.
"So long and thanks for all the fish!" Current Tank Info: 3G picoreef, 18W 50/50 pc, AC20, stocked with assorted zoos, rics, xenia, and GSP |
05/06/2007, 07:00 PM | #4 |
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Get this fish back to your LFS exchange for Royal Gramma or Shrimp Gobie or Firefish
05/06/2007, 07:04 PM | #5 |
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Definitely exchange it for a Royal Gramma!!! The color is more stable on the gramma, and they're much more peaceful than the dottyback, while offering similar patterning/shape!
"So long and thanks for all the fish!" Current Tank Info: 3G picoreef, 18W 50/50 pc, AC20, stocked with assorted zoos, rics, xenia, and GSP |
05/06/2007, 07:07 PM | #6 |
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thanks..yeh in fact i shamefully didnt research much on the fish before i bought it and i had the choice between a fire fish ( which i had researched) and the royal dottyback at the lfs but i chose the dottyback due to its magnificent colours. I suppose i've learnt my lesson, one of many no doubt! lol
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. Current Tank Info: 20gal nanoreef, tunze doc 9002 skimmer, t5 lighting, 30gal tropical freashwater |
05/06/2007, 07:10 PM | #7 |
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