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Unread 08/04/2007, 08:18 AM   #1
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have you ever had one of those reefing days?

Our carefully guarded, meshed, gutter-guarded corner tank developed a fish leak.

No bodies. Just missing fish. Mind you---we go for the little guys: jawfish, blennies, etc.

We are missing: 1 dartfish, 1 goby, 1 goby shrimp, 1 pearly jawfish.

Well, I've searched the sump for a week. I was about to get a mirror to search the corner downflow. But Friday, after the jawfish went missing on Thursday, bingo! I lean over the sump taking a good look in the 20g refugium amidships, and there's the shrimp and his goby. And a second look turned up the jawfish, up against the glass looking woeful. Mind, that's a nasty ride: ribbed tubing, about 15 foot worth, some of it a vertical drop.

So I head for the local Petco to get some bluewhite filter floss to plug the holes we now think they're using, and some nets---gobies are rarely injured by nets, and are FAST. And having done that [10 mile roundtrip] we start dismantling the refugium. Took about thirty minutes, and we'd about given up, but the highfin goby 'went toward the light' and I netted him---using two nets.

We couldn't find the shrimp. Never could. The jawfish finally turned up when we were trying to arrange some mesh to keep any future escapees out of the Iwaki 100 return pump. The mesh didn't work, but we got the jawfish.

We are into hour 2 of this operation, when the Mag 5 powering the skimmer swallowed something it didn't like and quit. And even disassembled, vinegared, and reassembled, had quit. So this time it's a 20 mile round trip to the real fish store, through rush hour traffic. FINALLY got the skimmer running again, after it cleaned itself out into my tank. No, Virginia, you cannot mate a Mag 9.5 to an EV 120 skimmer.

We never have found the candycane shrimp. How it either lured or followed its goby into the sump remains a mystery. We will look for it. We will yet devise a cover for the Iwaki.

Meanwhile my kalk reactor chose the same few hours to stop working, which means it needs hosing out, and I still have to do the water change.

We are now into Saturday. I'm waiting for cold clear daylight before I tackle the rest of this proliferating mess.


Salinity 1.024-6; alkalinity 8.3-9.3 on KH scale; calcium 420; magnesium 1300, temp 78-80, nitrate .2. Ammonia 0. No filters: lps tank. Alk and cal won't rise if mg is low.

Current Tank Info: 105g AquaVim wedge, yellow tang, sailfin blenny,royal gramma, ocellaris clown pair, yellow watchman, 100 microceriths, 25 tiny hermits, a 4" conch, 1" nassarius, recovering from 2 year hiatus with daily water change of 10%.
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Unread 08/04/2007, 10:03 AM   #2
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dang, that's a heck of a day.

last sunday I noticed that my blue sided fairy wrass was missing, but I wasn't too upset because it meant he wasn't around to beat up on my new lubucks fairy wrass anymore. The next day I found the blue sided in the overflow, but the lubbocks had gone missing, and is still missing.
Yesterday I put in a sunburst anthias, and he swam right for the rocks, and hasn't come out. but at least I saw the pom pom boxer crab I put in 5 weeks ago and haven't seen since. Having lots of rock work has it's down sides.


Current Tank Info: 40 breeder, with 20 sump, 15k MH
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Unread 08/04/2007, 10:55 AM   #3
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Well my female lyrtail went missing found it dead today only to find my male missing.


Current Tank Info: 90G Reef, setting up 230G Reef
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Unread 08/04/2007, 11:02 AM   #4
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Can you setup one of the many types of traps we use for nuisance shrimp? Just something that you know wont hurt the little guy.

40g DIY AIO. DT Size is 27"x18"x17"
SCA-301 skimmer, DIY ATS 4"x4" 1 cube setup, Ocean Revive 120w LED, Quiet One 3000, Jager 150w
TBS Rock
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Unread 08/04/2007, 11:07 AM   #5
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Re: have you ever had one of those reefing days?

Originally posted by Sk8r
Our carefully guarded, meshed, gutter-guarded corner tank developed a fish leak.

No bodies. Just missing fish. Mind you---we go for the little guys: jawfish, blennies, etc.

We are missing: 1 dartfish, 1 goby, 1 goby shrimp, 1 pearly jawfish.

Well, I've searched the sump for a week. I was about to get a mirror to search the corner downflow. But Friday, after the jawfish went missing on Thursday, bingo! I lean over the sump taking a good look in the 20g refugium amidships, and there's the shrimp and his goby. And a second look turned up the jawfish, up against the glass looking woeful. Mind, that's a nasty ride: ribbed tubing, about 15 foot worth, some of it a vertical drop.

So I head for the local Petco to get some bluewhite filter floss to plug the holes we now think they're using, and some nets---gobies are rarely injured by nets, and are FAST. And having done that [10 mile roundtrip] we start dismantling the refugium. Took about thirty minutes, and we'd about given up, but the highfin goby 'went toward the light' and I netted him---using two nets.

We couldn't find the shrimp. Never could. The jawfish finally turned up when we were trying to arrange some mesh to keep any future escapees out of the Iwaki 100 return pump. The mesh didn't work, but we got the jawfish.

We are into hour 2 of this operation, when the Mag 5 powering the skimmer swallowed something it didn't like and quit. And even disassembled, vinegared, and reassembled, had quit. So this time it's a 20 mile round trip to the real fish store, through rush hour traffic. FINALLY got the skimmer running again, after it cleaned itself out into my tank. No, Virginia, you cannot mate a Mag 9.5 to an EV 120 skimmer.

We never have found the candycane shrimp. How it either lured or followed its goby into the sump remains a mystery. We will look for it. We will yet devise a cover for the Iwaki.

Meanwhile my kalk reactor chose the same few hours to stop working, which means it needs hosing out, and I still have to do the water change.

We are now into Saturday. I'm waiting for cold clear daylight before I tackle the rest of this proliferating mess.
sometimes you worry me sk8r --when this happens to the experienced guys here

Seriously that's too bad--I have nothing real close to that other then i lost two percs and beautiful flame angel overnight to the skimmer---didn't find out til much latter that a zebra stripped damsel was chasing them so bad they wery going sideways through the skimmer fins.

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 08/04/2007, 12:04 PM   #6
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Hmmn, the baited invert trap is a really good idea. Maybe we'll get that sucker yet. He's only the size of your thumbnail, so you can guess how much luck you have finding him in a crowded sump.


Salinity 1.024-6; alkalinity 8.3-9.3 on KH scale; calcium 420; magnesium 1300, temp 78-80, nitrate .2. Ammonia 0. No filters: lps tank. Alk and cal won't rise if mg is low.

Current Tank Info: 105g AquaVim wedge, yellow tang, sailfin blenny,royal gramma, ocellaris clown pair, yellow watchman, 100 microceriths, 25 tiny hermits, a 4" conch, 1" nassarius, recovering from 2 year hiatus with daily water change of 10%.
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