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Unread 03/15/2008, 09:29 PM   #1
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Coraline & Purple up

I know everyone always says coralline is good for your tank but im curious specifically what the benefit is from it, whats good about it? what does it do as a positive for your tank.

2ndary my question is does purple up work in accelerating coraline growth?

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Unread 03/15/2008, 09:35 PM   #2
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purple up is snake oil.

When you have good coraline growth it means that your water params are good,& stable.

We the few have done so much,for so long,for so little.That we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

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Unread 03/15/2008, 09:39 PM   #3
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time and good calcium levels above 400 ppm make it grow, then it just becomes a grows all over glass and is a real pita to get off..looks good on the rocks...not powerheads, glass, and anything else it grows on.

if someone is kind enough to give you some scrapings you can seed it.

I have never used purple up... give it time like everything else in this will come

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Unread 03/15/2008, 09:47 PM   #4
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I'll second the Purple Up is snake oil sentiment. I used it when I started my tank and I don't think it did anything. Any coralline I got I think was from the live rock I added.

One good way to add coralline I've read about is to just get some coralline scrapings from your local fish store or something and dump those in your tank. The spores will help spread it throughout the tank.

Basically, just add anything with coralline on it to the tank and you should get more of it.

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Unread 03/15/2008, 09:47 PM   #5
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I know (from this site) coralline algae kind of means your tank is doing OK now for benefits I would not have any idea of a benefit.
Some people do not like it that much since it means more scraping off the glass and just think of plexiglass tanks!!
I met a guy who posts on nanoreef he had the purplest tank I've ever seen in my life all rock was fully purple. he has the mean$$ so he went for Deltec/Oceanic cobo set-up
The Calcium reactor he said does the job automatically.
I now have a Calcium Reactor but just have it (slooooooooowwwwwlllllllllly still working on my tank)

Based on my own experience and wasting money on Purple Up...
First your tank must be cycled, all parameters within acceptable readings (I never had mine reading zeros)
Then you must test for Calcium >400 readings and Magnesium should be 3X the reading of Calcium (please correct me if wrong)
I got tired of the Purple-up "Miracle" additives are just a way of making money for some companies.
Stick to Kalkwasser and dose it slowly if you don't have a Calcium Reactor.
I tried P-up then two part Alk/Calcium but did not see any improvements then i had a pack of Kalkwasser just sitting in the closet so I started using it and then BOOM !
coralline algae started to grow. I also added Magnesium sice one depends on the other for the coralline to grow

I just like the purple to be growing in my tank the only pane I would clear it off is the front, the rest of the glass fine with me if taken over by coralline

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Unread 03/15/2008, 09:57 PM   #6
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Then you must test for Calcium >400 readings and Magnesium should be 3X the reading of Calcium (please correct me if wrong)
I got tired of the Purple-up "Miracle" additives are just a way of making money for some companies.
Stick to Kalkwasser and dose it slowly if you don't have a Calcium Reactor.
I tried P-up then two part Alk/Calcium but did not see any improvements then i had a pack of Kalkwasser just sitting in the closet so I started using it and then BOOM !
coralline algae started to grow. I also added Magnesium sice one depends on the other for the coralline to grow

I just like the purple to be growing in my tank the only pane I would clear it off is the front, the rest of the glass fine with me if taken over by coralline [/B]
close--magnesium should be 1300 ppm to support calcium levels of 400 or better.
sometimes it has proven helpful to run alk on the higher acceptable range 11.5 dkh

the kalk would have done this in your case and is probably what caused the corraline to increase

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 03/15/2008, 10:13 PM   #7
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I had in mind that Mag had to be over 3X the number of Calcium from reading here on the newb forum; I'll stick here for a while since I find it more helpful.

Most of the time I read and pass on your advise, maybe that's why you are a teacher.
You must be one of the best contributors on this site (at least the one I read the most from)


Originally posted by capn_hylinur
close--magnesium should be 1300 ppm to support calcium levels of 400 or better.
sometimes it has proven helpful to run alk on the higher acceptable range 11.5 dkh

the kalk would have done this in your case and is probably what caused the corraline to increase

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Unread 03/15/2008, 10:24 PM   #8
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I disagree that purple up is snake oil. I have been adding a little each day this week and my calcium levels are raising without raising my alk too much. My ph has remained level despite the dire predictions that purple up would throw it off. I started seeing coralline algae today just about 5 days after first using the stuff. My tank is only 6 weeks old.

I've searched for hours looking for people with real experiences, not just opinions. I've seen many people that swear by it.

Maybe it is too expensive. But I am looking for things to be as simple as possible. I like that it adds a small amount of iodine as well as the calcium. I'm also using a calcium chloride product, but only a pinch at a time with each new bucket of new saltwater.

I only want enough calcium to keep my corals happy. I don't like the thick purple look of tanks that have so much of it that purple is all that is seen. So I'll be monitoring it closely.

I think keeping scraped is about doing it early. I found my first spot of purple on my glass today and a few passes with the magnet scraper took it off. Now that I have the scraper I'll work on it daily.


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Unread 03/15/2008, 10:39 PM   #9
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Purple up is a waste of money. Keep magnesium and calcium at good leveles and you will have coraline all over the place. My hermit crab shells are covered with it.

One benefit of coraline is that hair algae will not grow where coraline is in place. I'm finally seeing the possible end to my hair algae problems.

Ralph Mendoza Jr.
Long Beach, CA

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Unread 03/15/2008, 10:41 PM   #10
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Originally posted by suzimcmullen
I disagree that purple up is snake oil. I have been adding a little each day this week and my calcium levels are raising without raising my alk too much. My ph has remained level despite the dire predictions that purple up would throw it off. I started seeing coralline algae today just about 5 days after first using the stuff. My tank is only 6 weeks old.

I've searched for hours looking for people with real experiences, not just opinions. I've seen many people that swear by it.

Maybe it is too expensive. But I am looking for things to be as simple as possible. I like that it adds a small amount of iodine as well as the calcium. I'm also using a calcium chloride product, but only a pinch at a time with each new bucket of new saltwater.

I only want enough calcium to keep my corals happy. I don't like the thick purple look of tanks that have so much of it that purple is all that is seen. So I'll be monitoring it closely.

I think keeping scraped is about doing it early. I found my first spot of purple on my glass today and a few passes with the magnet scraper took it off. Now that I have the scraper I'll work on it daily.

Suzi, the reason some people call it snake oil is that is a more expensive way of making sure your calcium , mag and alkalinity levels are suitable for corraline growth.
If your water parameters are well managaed you don't need to spend and extra 25 dollars on a product that is doing the same thing you are already doing.

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 03/15/2008, 10:45 PM   #11
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I shared that same thought, that's why I tried P-up, read a lot and some people stick to it; it just didn't work for me, then I tried 2 part solutions same thing. Reason why I consider it a waste of money on my side. Still have like 3 bottles of P-up left, unopened; I might slowly drip them into the system
I went to the hard labor of dosing kalk everyday, adding mag and it worked for me so I'm sticking to this until I FINALLY set the reactor.
It's like everything else, some things work for some people some others don't.
If I had the same results you do by using P-up I would have skipped the 2 part and Kalk and stayed a loyal customer Who wouldn't like a simple thing that works even if it was pricey?


Originally posted by suzimcmullen
I disagree that purple up is snake oil. I have been adding a little each day this week and my calcium levels are raising without raising my alk too much. My ph has remained level despite the dire predictions that purple up would throw it off. I started seeing coralline algae today just about 5 days after first using the stuff. My tank is only 6 weeks old.

I've searched for hours looking for people with real experiences, not just opinions. I've seen many people that swear by it.

Maybe it is too expensive. But I am looking for things to be as simple as possible. I like that it adds a small amount of iodine as well as the calcium. I'm also using a calcium chloride product, but only a pinch at a time with each new bucket of new saltwater.

I only want enough calcium to keep my corals happy. I don't like the thick purple look of tanks that have so much of it that purple is all that is seen. So I'll be monitoring it closely.

I think keeping scraped is about doing it early. I found my first spot of purple on my glass today and a few passes with the magnet scraper took it off. Now that I have the scraper I'll work on it daily.


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Unread 03/15/2008, 10:46 PM   #12
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Hmm...well I don't remember what I paid but it wasn't 25 and it will last quite a long time.

I bought the reef buffer crystals for 15 dollars. Then the calcium for 15. Both of those have all the warnings about not over doing it. I only paid 19 for the purple up. So how is an extra 4 dollars much different?

I've read about using the Kalkwasser and it sounds complicated. Cheap isn't cheap if I screw it up and have to fix things later.

I've also read many times it can take 2-3 months to see coralline growing in the system. I have it at 6 weeks. I have no complaints.


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Unread 03/15/2008, 10:47 PM   #13
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RHF of the chemistry forum knows more about reef chemistry than anyone else I have seen and "wrote the book" on ca/alk/mg supplementation. He doesn't recommend it either. There have been several threads in the chemistry forum about this product.

- Scott
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Unread 03/15/2008, 10:55 PM   #14
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i agree with capn_hylinur....


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Unread 03/16/2008, 12:01 AM   #15
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I used purple up the first several months my tank was up and it did add a little coralline but my cleaner shrimp molted every time I added a dose of it. I think it contains a lot of iodine. I'm pretty sure it caused the poor guy to molt prematurely which shortens their lifespans. I'd just keep up on your water changes and let nature take its course.

Happiness is contagious. What are you spreading?

Current Tank Info: 55 gal. 216 W. T5s. Wet/dry sump w/ Mag 5 return. Softies, 3 fish, shrimp, urchin. HA factory for the time being.
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Unread 03/16/2008, 06:45 AM   #16
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Originally posted by suzimcmullen
Hmm...well I don't remember what I paid but it wasn't 25 and it will last quite a long time.

I bought the reef buffer crystals for 15 dollars. Then the calcium for 15. Both of those have all the warnings about not over doing it. I only paid 19 for the purple up. So how is an extra 4 dollars much different?

I've read about using the Kalkwasser and it sounds complicated. Cheap isn't cheap if I screw it up and have to fix things later.

I've also read many times it can take 2-3 months to see coralline growing in the system. I have it at 6 weeks. I have no complaints.

In a 14 gal cube, if you do your water changes once a week then you probably need little or any supplements at all--most will be replentished by the salt mixture.
(If it is loaded with sps corals then yes you need to monitor calcium, magnesium and alkalinity)

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 03/16/2008, 07:14 AM   #17
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i think purple up has liquified arrgonite in it along with magnesium i cant think of the other ingredients i read on the label.

im sure it will work, but the cost is horrendous. by the time you purchased two bottles of it you could have got the two part solution and depending on tank size had enough for a couple years.

as the captain said mag level should be more than 3 times calcium levels, so if your running calcium at suggested 420 mag should be at 1280.
so judging from the size of that bottle of purple up and the amount of m,agnesium it takes to get say a tank that 125 gallons you would need 2-4 bottles of the stuff to get mag up to suggested levels, that is if you are using instant ocean salt.
heres a good link about magnesium from the champ.

he who knows how, will always work for he who knows why..... David lee Roth.

Current Tank Info: 125 reef/29 gal sump/29 gal fuge 3- 175w 20k xm mh/4 65w actinic, octopus nw-200 skimmer3 k-4s mag-12. 2 returns. 2 phosban reactors, GFO/carbon.

Last edited by seanb1; 03/16/2008 at 07:20 AM.
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Unread 03/16/2008, 07:21 AM   #18
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Lets put this dosing in perspective

I have 180 gals total in my water column-120 in the tank plus 30 in the refugium plus 30 in the sump.
The tank is almost all lps corals which don't use that much calcium and alkalinity.
I keep the tank parameters at 1.026 salinity, ph 8.0, alkalinity 11dkh, calcium 420 and magnesium 1300(these were the last stats I took)
I use the b-ionics two part--90 mL of each every night
That's it---my parameters have not moved since xmas

For the corals I feed cyclopeeze twice a week and for the other inverts like copopods I feed phytoplankton twice a week

---and I do a 20 percent water change every other week.

Figure about 40 dollars a month for 180 gals--now figure what you are spending dumping all the addiitves in a 14 gal cube.

I also have a 30 gal tank that is just rich in corraline aglae--and I add nothing to it---5 gal water change every other week--and most of the time the water change is a swap from the main tank.

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 03/16/2008, 07:29 AM   #19
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wow your tank looks great.

he who knows how, will always work for he who knows why..... David lee Roth.

Current Tank Info: 125 reef/29 gal sump/29 gal fuge 3- 175w 20k xm mh/4 65w actinic, octopus nw-200 skimmer3 k-4s mag-12. 2 returns. 2 phosban reactors, GFO/carbon.
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Unread 03/16/2008, 07:29 AM   #20
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I might try the 2 part when this other stuff is gone.

Why do you swap water from the main tank?


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Unread 03/16/2008, 07:38 AM   #21
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Originally posted by suzimcmullen
I might try the 2 part when this other stuff is gone.

Why do you swap water from the main tank?

Suzi, I doubt you will have to even use that--just keep track of your calcium and alkalinity levels once a week for the next month and see----but do your weekly water changes

Because of the size of my refugium I get alot of copopods, inverts, useful bacteria ect introduced to the main tank. That tank also has a good deal of phytoplankton ect dissolved in it. The parameters are excellent because of the two part and I change the water every two weeks.
I use 5 gals of this water to "spike" the thirty gal--why dump it down the drain
Boy I am becoming cheap aren't I

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 03/16/2008, 07:46 AM   #22
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No actually that makes perfect sense. I was thinking of something similar. I ordered the largest HOB filter I could yesterday online. I am going to use it without the filter media and put in rock rubble and chaeto. It will be hanging under the same lights my main tank has and I'll keep the top off of course. So it will be my makeshift refugium. I also ordered a couple bottles of copepods. I am going to try and learn how to keep them going in my little refugium. I just can't decide what to do with them between now and the time my new tank is cycled. The man I bought them from said don't worry, hang it on the 29 gallon now because the cycle won't hurt the pods. I am thinking of hanging it on the quarantine tank instead. There's no trace of medicine after the last 3 weeks of daily 50% water changes and any living pods that escape would become fish food.

Also, do you think that it would be ok to add some live rock to my quarantine now that everyone is healthy? I am thinking that if any future fish I get for the 29 gallon get sick while in quarantine, I could just remove the rock to a bucket for 6 weeks. I could keep it heated and air stone just like when curing it. That way I could keep at least one fish in that 10 gallon tank all the time just so I don't have to dismantle it and it will always be ready for future needs. Does that make sense?


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Unread 03/16/2008, 08:09 AM   #23
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Originally posted by suzimcmullen
No actually that makes perfect sense. I was thinking of something similar. I ordered the largest HOB filter I could yesterday online. I am going to use it without the filter media and put in rock rubble and chaeto. It will be hanging under the same lights my main tank has and I'll keep the top off of course. So it will be my makeshift refugium. I also ordered a couple bottles of copepods. I am going to try and learn how to keep them going in my little refugium. I just can't decide what to do with them between now and the time my new tank is cycled. The man I bought them from said don't worry, hang it on the 29 gallon now because the cycle won't hurt the pods. I am thinking of hanging it on the quarantine tank instead. There's no trace of medicine after the last 3 weeks of daily 50% water changes and any living pods that escape would become fish food.


Great idea on the hob refugium but
ammonia levels do affect copopods and inverts--so I would wait until the tank is set up
you also don't need the bottles of copopods -they are in the water now

If you used medicine in your qt tank then you need to drain it and scrub it with vinegar and water before you can safely cure some live rock in it and or use the refugium with it.

In your case I would do that anyways and add the water from the 14g cube to it plus all the inhabitants while your new cube is cycling.

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 03/16/2008, 08:19 AM   #24
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I don't think I could. I can barely fit the rock I have in the 14 gallon now. If I try and put it in the 10 there wouldn't be any place left for the fish to swim. I think I'll just have to go ahead with my switch on the 14 gallon. I'm not using any filter media in the 14 gallon. With the rock being fully matured, not just cured but matured, I don't think I'll have enough of a cycle to bother anything. Anyway, that's how I did it when I got the tank if you remember. It all came from the LFS's tank. I just won't put any fish in the new 14 gallon until the levels have proven stable.

As for the quarantine, I really can't imagine any of that medicine is still there. I didn't use copper of course and I ran carbon the whole time I used the medicine. I guess I'll see. I added 2 snails to it yesterday. So I'll give them some time and see how they do. I might just set up another little copepod station like my new brine shrimp station. I wonder if copepods and brine shrimp would get a long? They eat the same things LOL!


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Unread 03/16/2008, 08:22 AM   #25
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What did you mean that the copepods are in the water now. Did you mean in the cycling tank with the new uncured rock? I bought more because I am thinking of getting a mandarin down the road. I want to build up my numbers long before I do. I also would like to learn how to culture them in a separate container so that I can sell them to others with fish that need them. The scooter blenny is also one of my favorite fish on my wish list. So I need to learn how to get tons of them and keep them.


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