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Unread 06/09/2009, 02:06 PM   #251
Paul B
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My freshwater days were before Nixon was President, closer to Eisenhower, he was after Lincoln.
By the way, I also used a UG filter then.

I used to get shocked when I put my hand in my tank. Then the electric eel went dead.

Current Tank Info: 100 gal reef set up in 1971
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Unread 06/09/2009, 10:51 PM   #252
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Well before I setup my little reefer, I had five tanks going. Had, because I sold them all when I went salt. My 30 will become a freshy when I get the 90 in the house from the garage. Someday.

Anyway. I had a deep sand bed on them before I knew what a deep sand bed was. Lots of plants and driftwood. Only kept fish and inverts that were "plant safe". I was never one of those that ran CO2. Too high tech for me. I'm low tech.

I love a heavily planted tank that looks natural. I never tested water before my reef. Never did water changes. Created little eco systems that I could ignore and go on vacation from and never worry.

Can't be said about a reef tank. Well mine anyway,and that's not true either. I did leave it for 8 days when we went to Ireland and actually succeeded in keeping it alive. Figured out how an ATO worked in 3 days.

So, lots of plants DSB for root system,plenty of CUC too and poop for plants. Even though I had a small HOB on my last FW I didn't run ir for about a year. It just hung there.

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Unread 06/09/2009, 10:55 PM   #253
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If I were more computer savy I would post pictures of them and my water gardens that I do nothing with either. They're not spectacular but Water Hyacinth, Iris and mosquito fish. The cheap stuff again.

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Unread 06/10/2009, 04:39 AM   #254
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The only freshwater I have now is a tiny goldfish pond in the front of my house.
I think I bred or tried to breed every freshwater fish there were available in those days.
I liked elephantnoses, knifefish, lungfish, leaffish and anything wierd.
Fighting fish or Betta's were fun to raise (and simple)
Angelfish were more trouble, I think I had to put a piece of slate on it's side or something like that.
I raised plenty of catfish. I used to collect bullhead catfish in a lake to try to breed them. They are cute when tiny, but they get big fast. Then it was tilapia's. Mouthbrooders. Their young were large when born so were easy to raise.
Now I eat tilapia's. There available in just about every restaurant.
Freshwater was fun and I had tanks all over the house. I also had tubs or the bottoms of wine barrels in my yard for water turtles. Some of them were local diamond back terripins and painted turtles. (they are all probably protected now)
Then of course you had to have tortoses. They used to sell baby tortoses in the Bronx Zoo.
They even used to sell baby sea turtles in LFSs.
I was never really into ciclids, I know a lot of people like them but I always found them boreing.

I used to get shocked when I put my hand in my tank. Then the electric eel went dead.

Current Tank Info: 100 gal reef set up in 1971
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Unread 06/10/2009, 07:18 AM   #255
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Originally posted by Paul B
The only freshwater I have now is a tiny goldfish pond in the front of my house.
I think I bred or tried to breed every freshwater fish there were available in those days.
I liked elephantnoses, knifefish, lungfish, leaffish and anything wierd.
Fighting fish or Betta's were fun to raise (and simple)
Angelfish were more trouble, I think I had to put a piece of slate on it's side or something like that.
I raised plenty of catfish. I used to collect bullhead catfish in a lake to try to breed them. They are cute when tiny, but they get big fast. Then it was tilapia's. Mouthbrooders. Their young were large when born so were easy to raise.
Now I eat tilapia's. There available in just about every restaurant.
Freshwater was fun and I had tanks all over the house. I also had tubs or the bottoms of wine barrels in my yard for water turtles. Some of them were local diamond back terripins and painted turtles. (they are all probably protected now)
Then of course you had to have tortoses. They used to sell baby tortoses in the Bronx Zoo.
They even used to sell baby sea turtles in LFSs.
I was never really into ciclids, I know a lot of people like them but I always found them boreing.
what no experience with pyrannahs

I had the pyrannahs in a 60 gal slate bottom tank with steel frame in 1971 when I first started teaching. I ran an aquarium club for my students--we made the tanks ourselves(the science dept supplied the glass and silcone in those days) At one time we had at least 20 of them setup up in the back of the lab. They were supplied with rock and gravel plants and inverts from a stream that was in a ravine across from the school.
Besides fish(bass, pike, perch,creek chub) and crayfish ect that were local we also specialized the tanks with tropical fish.

In the spring the carp would come up from Lake Ontario to spawn in there--so dense you could walk across the stream on them.

We dissected those---alot more guttsy and realistic then those specimens you got prepared in formaldehyde.

The tanks must have been healthy Paul---because everything was spawning

Thanks for helping me review my fresh water knowledge

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 06/10/2009, 07:56 PM   #256
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If I couldn't afford fish when I'd get a new(free tank from some friend of the family or stranger that didn't want it anymore) I'd go fishing at the local pond and stock it.

Or I use to catch fish in neighbors pond at night over the fence.

Never a Cichlid person either. All the rage here on the West coast now it seems.

Here's a story about Tilapia. Use to fish in drainage canals 30+ years ago. Started catching fish I've never seen before. This ditch drained to the ocean a mile away. So one day I brought some home, got on my bike and wen't to the LFS. 3-4 miles away.

Traded those babies in for store credit and amazed they took them. I told them they were some fish I bought from them and grew too big for tank. They never saw them before either. Stumped I got them from them.

So I started doing this on a weekly basis and they were happy to take them. This beautiful fish with rosy red lips and black scales sold great. Until some guy happened to be there when I came in with a bucket half full and said "Hey, I catch those all the time in the San Gabriel River, What are they"? End of my store credit scheme.

This little store use to sell Caimans for 5 bucks. I can't believe the local ponds and canals aren't full of them from people dumping them. I wanted one but my mom said no to ponds. Aquariums in every room and on the kitchen counter was okay though.

I had a 80 gallon frameless back then Paul with a Clown Knife about 18" long in it. Bought it when it only 4". My mom woke me up one morning to show me all the water on the hardwood parque flooring and it swimming around on the floor. Somehow made it through the corner that split. Once the water got low enough it when back together. Looked like nothing happened. Until I started putting water in it again outside and then saw the split. Silicone just seperated. We finally got carpet.

That little fish store moved across the street, changed name some years later and is now one of the most popular stores in the two county area. Still only a fish store like then. Its name?
"Strictly Fish". Was Atlantis Tropical Fish. Supposedly the owner or a worker there has a saltwater pond.

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Unread 06/10/2009, 09:29 PM   #257
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Paul B. The name for..." that half, snail, half slug thing that I forget it's name"" Is stomatella.

Figured if you typed as slow as I do, it'd be somewhat helpful in the future.

I have tons of them though. Only snail type things I like. And tons of Chitons.

This thread reminds me of the days of catching fish and crawdads (crayfish) from storm runoff ditches in Alabama as a kid and sneaking them in and keeping them alive in tupperware containers under the bed with airstones because my parents didn't want me to have fish. Used to catch crayfish that had burrows up the bank out of the water that were easily a foot long and blue and purple. They were a rare find and the patience required to catch them was very rewarding being able to study them in alive. At least to me when I was 10 or so years old.

Sorry for the story. Just sharing a memory that makes me understand the roots of myself 20 something years later. Brought on by reading about 35 year old reef pics. No idea why. Maybe I need sleep.


Current Tank Info: 120 gallons of one tank.
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Unread 06/11/2009, 04:16 AM   #258
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DDinox, great story, I also had a 15 or 20 gallon tank leak on our encyclopedia's which as you know were a big expense in the fiftees. You had to save up and buy one book every few months.
Ray, I had those crawfish and one day my Mother saw a very slow moving mouse on the rug and smashed it with a broom.
Of course it was a crawfish.

The tanks must have been healthy Paul---because everything was spawning
Black worms Capn, black worms.

And what makes you think I diden't keep piranahs?
There was a very large aquarium store in Manhattan two blocks from the Trade Center called Aquarium Stock Company.
I used to take the train downtown to go there. The place went from Chambers St, to Church St and they had every kind of marine creature you could imagine.
They even had a very large freshwater tank decorated like a NY trash dump. (reminds me of someone's tank. It had a real toilet bowl in it. It was an antique and broken. It also had all the associated plumbing pipes in there. It was the coolest albeit. oddest tank I had ever seen. I did get my ideas from somewhere.

I used to get shocked when I put my hand in my tank. Then the electric eel went dead.

Current Tank Info: 100 gal reef set up in 1971
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Unread 06/11/2009, 05:24 AM   #259
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Originally posted by Paul B
DDinox, great story, I also had a 15 or 20 gallon tank leak on our encyclopedia's which as you know were a big expense in the fiftees. You had to save up and buy one book every few months.
Ray, I had those crawfish and one day my Mother saw a very slow moving mouse on the rug and smashed it with a broom.
Of course it was a crawfish.

Black worms Capn, black worms.

And what makes you think I diden't keep piranahs?
There was a very large aquarium store in Manhattan two blocks from the Trade Center called Aquarium Stock Company.
I used to take the train downtown to go there. The place went from Chambers St, to Church St and they had every kind of marine creature you could imagine.
They even had a very large freshwater tank decorated like a NY trash dump. (reminds me of someone's tank. It had a real toilet bowl in it. It was an antique and broken. It also had all the associated plumbing pipes in there. It was the coolest albeit. oddest tank I had ever seen. I did get my ideas from somewhere.
However a "man" that kept piranahs would have the scars to show it
I also have the scars from being bitten by a grouper in the Cayman Islands. Those guys didn't call me a man however --I think roughly translated from island jargon it was idiot

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 06/11/2009, 10:51 AM   #260
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However a "man" that kept piranahs would have the scars to show it
A real man knows how to not get bitten by his fish.
I have spent about 300 hours underwater and have no scars from any animal.
I have enough scars from other things though,
man scars

I used to get shocked when I put my hand in my tank. Then the electric eel went dead.

Current Tank Info: 100 gal reef set up in 1971
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Unread 06/11/2009, 04:58 PM   #261
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Real men put bottles in their tank. Bottles that had real liquor in them. Cognac preferably, Good Cognac not sissy cognac.

I used to get shocked when I put my hand in my tank. Then the electric eel went dead.

Current Tank Info: 100 gal reef set up in 1971
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Unread 06/11/2009, 07:55 PM   #262
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I better pull that Coors light bottle out now.

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Unread 06/11/2009, 09:05 PM   #263
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Originally posted by Paul B
A real man knows how to not get bitten by his fish.
I have spent about 300 hours underwater and have no scars from any animal.
I have enough scars from other things though,
man scars

thanks Paul--I needed that laugh tonight--lately on here I don't get it--the attitude has become very argumentative and abusive.
I came on here originally to help others and learn in the process.
I am a product of knowledgeable and experienced guys like you.
You post something that has been agreed on by other experienced reefers and immediately you are on the witness stand trying to defend yourself. That is arguement, not productive discussion and definetly not fun for me.

Thanks again for the humour you and WK supply on here

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 06/12/2009, 04:28 AM   #264
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I better pull that Coors light bottle out now.
DDinox, yes I would do that.

Capn. Don't worry about it. This is a fish site. A "fish" site which means, not really important. A hobby.
Let them argue and complain. You can never make everyone agree and some people I think just come on these boards because they like to argue.
My tank has been called dirty, cyano infested, old school, and bare. I have been called pompous, self righeous, and even bald, which I am. We, you and I are old enough, OK even WK are old enough to not have to be bothered by any of that.
Your daughter is in the service, I bet she knows how to handle being called names.
I sometimes give advice which I know works because I have done it for years and some one will tell me it's too dangerous or I can't mention that to Noobs, or it can not work or it is bad for the envirnment or Paris Hilton would not agree.
Who cares? Your tank looks perfect so your methods must work. Don't let anything bother you.
The only thing that bothers me is when I put a stick in my eye.

I used to get shocked when I put my hand in my tank. Then the electric eel went dead.

Current Tank Info: 100 gal reef set up in 1971
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Unread 06/12/2009, 05:58 AM   #265
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Originally posted by Paul B
DDinox, yes I would do that.

Capn. Don't worry about it. This is a fish site. A "fish" site which means, not really important. A hobby.
Let them argue and complain. You can never make everyone agree and some people I think just come on these boards because they like to argue.
My tank has been called dirty, cyano infested, old school, and bare. I have been called pompous, self righeous, and even bald, which I am. We, you and I are old enough, OK even WK are old enough to not have to be bothered by any of that.
Your daughter is in the service, I bet she knows how to handle being called names.
I sometimes give advice which I know works because I have done it for years and some one will tell me it's too dangerous or I can't mention that to Noobs, or it can not work or it is bad for the envirnment or Paris Hilton would not agree.
Who cares? Your tank looks perfect so your methods must work. Don't let anything bother you.
The only thing that bothers me is when I put a stick in my eye.
thanks buddy---I think my biggest problem might be that I drink Coors light and actually enjoy it

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 06/12/2009, 07:00 AM   #266
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My wife thinks I should get a hobby that is less playing dungeons and dragons or collecting comic books. She gave me my first tank to be dedicated to saltwater in 2004, which my kids keep now, so it is her fault. They are 5 year old twins and their tank is doing great. That has to say something.

This hobby requires passion so people can get a little hostile. I love showing people the sunlight shining in my tank. That always sets them off.

People get way too grumpy though. My kids and I pack boxes for soldiers overseas so we try to keep things in perspective. Seeing pics of my brother-in-law flying a heuy in combat REALLY puts things in perspective. At least they are getting the new yankee models and the AH-1 is going to the zulu. Hot rods compared to the old lead sleds. I wish everyone in this hobby could take time to think about how little an algae outbreak really affects our lives.

Just to really give you an example of how unimportant this hobby can seem (though I love it and it is a big part of my life) some of the people that help pack care packages were on Iwo durring WW2. We lost one of the trio to a sensles robbery in SC while he was traveling for a reunion. He was a combat medic and gave more for this country and than most people will ever know.

Sorry for the long post Paul. All I should have said was "it is a box of water". As much fun as it is, you should share knowledge, not lord it over others.

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Unread 06/12/2009, 07:09 AM   #267
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Diatome, I work for the Navy supporting all NAvy and Marine corps Helo's. I work with the AH-1 also

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Unread 06/12/2009, 08:57 AM   #268
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Here's to you. Sombody has to keep them flying. I have seen what the pilots do to them.

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Unread 06/12/2009, 12:29 PM   #269
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Capn, Coors, you shouls be ashamed of yourself

My wife thinks I should get a hobby that is less playing dungeons and dragons or collecting comic books.
Diatome. I personally think dungeons and dragons is more Geeky but I know what you mean.

As for Hueys, I spent many hours in them. They are the nicest riding helocopters we have. The Schnooks will shake your fillings out, they don't feel like they want to stay in the sky at all and the LOHs are real nice but small. I spent the most time in one of those. I flew about three times a week for a year from one clearing to another.
A Huey is the only one I didn't crash in
I was 19 then so I had no fear of riding on the skids of a Huey.
I doubt I would do it today, especially in a war.
Thanks for sending those packages, We used to love it when we got a package. I also used to like letters from grammar school kids. They would send pictures of their class and they would all sign the letter. I always wanted to go to one of those schools to thank them but most of the time they came from the mid west and I was from new York.
I know all the serviceman and women appreciate those packages.

I used to get shocked when I put my hand in my tank. Then the electric eel went dead.

Current Tank Info: 100 gal reef set up in 1971
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Unread 06/12/2009, 05:50 PM   #270
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Capn. I too am ashamed of you. You should have Molsen in your hand. Or is Coors the cheapest import and you want to feel high falutin while smoking Cubans?

A good part of this hobby as in any hobby is getting the results you desire. Wether it's with a $1000 brand name purchase or an $80 garage sale item. If they get the same results, cudos go to the $80 hobbiest.

I don't really have a Coors bottle in my tank. Just being silly.

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Unread 06/13/2009, 04:56 AM   #271
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A Coors Bottle would just be silly

I used to get shocked when I put my hand in my tank. Then the electric eel went dead.

Current Tank Info: 100 gal reef set up in 1971
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Unread 06/13/2009, 06:20 AM   #272
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I know I talk alot about blackworms, (I know I talk a lot anyway)
But another use for these fantastic oil filled creatures is for feeding corals. I feed these to bubble corals and any type of cup coral that normally will eat. A couple of worms on their disk causes the animal to slowly close up. Of course the fish gobble up the worms fast so I have to trick the coral to close by touching their outer rim. When the coral closes enough so that there is only a small hole left, I shoot 15 or so worms in there. Then the coral closes fully and re opens in about 45 minutes with a big smile on his face. Well somewhat.
Here he is just after a meal.

This is the same animal, but this picture is old, the coral is almost twice this size now which is about 9" across.

Of course one of these helps greatly and I could not have a reef without it.

I also feed Bubble corals with this method. I just shoot a few worms between some large bubbles and some tentacles start to emerge. Then I shoot a few worms in a few different places. The corals open larger and much better looking.

I used to get shocked when I put my hand in my tank. Then the electric eel went dead.

Current Tank Info: 100 gal reef set up in 1971

Last edited by Paul B; 06/13/2009 at 06:28 AM.
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Unread 06/13/2009, 01:32 PM   #273
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You know paul(statement, not a question). I always feel pretty good about my setup when I see yours and when you feel something is amiss when you have no algae. Use to it in FW but still getting a grip on this SW stuff. I guess I read so many posts on people stressing about algae in their displays it makes me a bit edgy.

Got a deal yesterday. Picked up a piece of green cap about 4" square for $10. Should have another nice sizable piece of bright orange cap arriving today according to tracking for $13.

Need to get this stuff now. I know once I move into the 90g, the deals will dry up when I need them/want them. Getting crowded in the 30.

Paul or Capn. Do either of you use a controller? Like the ACjr or RKE or any other brand. There's a deal near by but I can't think of any reason I really need it. Have timers for lights, heaters have their built in thermostats and don't know if I'll be needing the chiller if and when I set up a 90g that's in the garage. In the house that is.
Thoughts please.

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Unread 06/13/2009, 02:41 PM   #274
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Originally posted by ddinox64
You know paul(statement, not a question). I always feel pretty good about my setup when I see yours and when you feel something is amiss when you have no algae. Use to it in FW but still getting a grip on this SW stuff. I guess I read so many posts on people stressing about algae in their displays it makes me a bit edgy.

Got a deal yesterday. Picked up a piece of green cap about 4" square for $10. Should have another nice sizable piece of bright orange cap arriving today according to tracking for $13.

Need to get this stuff now. I know once I move into the 90g, the deals will dry up when I need them/want them. Getting crowded in the 30.

Paul or Capn. Do either of you use a controller? Like the ACjr or RKE or any other brand. There's a deal near by but I can't think of any reason I really need it. Have timers for lights, heaters have their built in thermostats and don't know if I'll be needing the chiller if and when I set up a 90g that's in the garage. In the house that is.
Thoughts please.
I've managed to survive so far with just Paul's guidance
If you have timers for the lights and the temperature that good too. For my halides I have a room fan connected to the timer so when they come on the fan comes on. I don't even get a 1/2 degree rise with that.
I also heard the limitation with the acjr now is that it can't page you when something is wrong with your tank set up.----that might not help either if you are 6 hours from home

I prefer my substrates stirred but not shaken

Current Tank Info: 150gal long mixed reef, 90gal sump, 60 gal refugium with 200 lbs live rock
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Unread 06/13/2009, 03:36 PM   #275
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Paul or Capn. Do either of you use a controller? Like the ACjr or RKE or any other brand.
DDinox, I don't use a controller and never heard of a RKE or ACjr.
If I can't build it myself, I generally don't have it.

I used to get shocked when I put my hand in my tank. Then the electric eel went dead.

Current Tank Info: 100 gal reef set up in 1971
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