12/26/2006, 03:46 PM | #1 |
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Posts: 343
dying frogspawn?
for the past couple of days my frogspawn has been acting funny, atleast to me. in the morning when the lights go on, it is shrivled like a deflated balloon, then slowly inflates itself. and it is also like this at the end of the day when the lights are about to turn off. i have a 29 gal with two 36 watt lights. at night it pumps up again and looks better. it all started about four days ago when a couple of the "tenticles" looked off color and bruised. my lights are on for 8 hours. is this common or am i looking at a dying frogspawn?maybe it has something to do with my lights? i have a thread below about lighting.
12/26/2006, 04:09 PM | #2 |
COMAS Rocks!
Perfectly normal. Mine will always be shriveld in the mornings, well, two out of the three colonies I have will, the third seems to never shrink. But nothing wrong with that behavoir. As for shriveling at night before lights out, they learn soon about when bedtime is, or they have had enough bright lighting and are ready for nighttime to hit. It's pretty obvious when one starts to actually die, they'll bleach almost clear, sometimes an orange coloration, they can shrivel up to the point of comming off the bone/skeletal structure. I've even seen em RTN away and brown jelly away to nothing. But in the case of brown jelly infections and RTN it's usually a goner very quickly. I think you have nothing to worry about though. keep an eye on him and post if he gets any worse looking, but as long as he's opened up during the day time and looks good, he's alright. (feeding cyclopeeze or similar foodstuffs at night may keep some corals looking better towards evening time, I have nocturnal feeders so I feed both night time and daytime)
58g Softie & 75g Stoney Member, Central Oklahoma Marine Aquarium Society Current Tank Info: 58g Mixed Reef Project - Started June 2011 |